Accessories For Steel Reinforcement

Working in the construction industry or attempting a DIY home build project requires a knowledge of products commonly used in steel reinforcement accessories. Knowing which product to use and the specific applications they are suited to will help you get the job right. We help unravel some of the mystery and highlight some of the steel reinforcement accessories that you may come across or need to consider for your build.

Rebar Tie Wire

The use of rebar tying wire is necessary to ensure safety and security from within your steel structure. Rebar tying wire connects the loose rebars whilst the build is in progress to prevent movement of the reinforcement bars or rods during pouring and curing of the concrete. Tools such as tie pullers and tie nips make bending and cutting of the wire simple and easy to manage to achieve the desired shapes and rigidity in the framework.

Plastic Grade Plate Spacers

If you need to provide support and offer cover for mesh or steel reinforcement, the addition of plastic grade plate spacers is necessary.  They are also used with polythene damp proof membranes where the wide base of the grade plate spacer enables the load to be distributed in such a way that membrane punctures are prevented.

Damp Proof Membrane

DPM may not be unknown to builders, but it is worthy of a mention,  as it is an important element for any building project. Placed before any concrete is laid, it will prevent moisture from rising into the building and damaging the integrity of the concrete and to prevent subsequent damage to the building structure. Combined with the plate spacers mentioned previously to prevent punctures to this membrane, you can be sure that you are doing as much as you can for rising damp prevention.

Builders’ Hessian

During any project the last thing you want is damage from outside elements, using a biodegradable material such as builders hessian will offer protection for both your concrete and brickwork. Builders hessian is especially important during winter construction, where cold and frost can be an issue.

Frost Blanket

A frost blanket is used in the same way as builders hessian, but offers greater protection at even lower temperatures.

Dowel Bars & Dowel Sleeves

These are used to create a durable and tough debonded joint when placed over steel dowel rods.  They are available in a range of sizes and are manufactured from high grade flexible PVC.

Continuous High Chairs

Also known as rebar chairs and rebar stools they add required spacing above and below any mesh reinforcement. 

Concrete Curing Agent

When laying concrete, it is essential to ensure that water near the surface of the newly laid concrete does not evaporate too quickly.  Using a concrete curing agent over the top of concrete forms a membrane which reduces the evaporation rate, to reduce both dusting and cracking.

Concrete Sealing Agent

Once the concrete has cured, the surface of the concrete should be protected with a coat of concrete sealing agent painted over it to protect it from corrosion and damage.

Mold Oil

An essential component to ensure that you can easily remove formwork on completion, and it also helps prevent your concrete from contamination, and is used as a greasing agent prior to concrete pouring.

Expansion Joint Foam

Used as an insulant, a stop end or grout check, expansion joint foam is a non-load transfer filler that is compressible but semi-rigid. It is resistant to the majority of oils and chemicals found on construction sites.

K-Form Plastic Shuttering

Offers an alternative to traditional screeding equipment. This plastic shuttering is a permanent formwork which is light, economical and easy to fit.

While some of these accessories are designed to help you work more safely, others simply help to make the job easier. Why not consider the application of some of these helpful accessories for your next project?

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Issue 325 : Feb 2025