5 Ways To Prevent Health Problems From Your Building

If your building makes employees experience sick building syndrome (SBS), it’s time for you to take this matter seriously. SBS is a condition where people get sick because of the building’s condition. Many factors contribute to this, like poor indoor air quality and other subfactors that weren’t considered beforehand. 

Since the sick building syndrome includes many symptoms, it’s difficult to tell if one is only experiencing a common cold. One thing to tell things apart is when the symptoms continue to reoccur when someone visits or returns to the exact location. If you want to know more about this specific disorder, you can get more information here. 

It’s imperative for buildings to be constructed with one’s health concern in mind. Thus, if you’re on your way to construct or renovate, here are some ways to prevent health problems from your building:

1. Improve Air Ventilation

Doubling the air ventilation system in your building will also double the output for your workers’ cognitive function. This will impact productivity and performance, resulting in decreased sick leaves by employees. Although investing in double ventilation may cost a bit higher initially, this will create a better atmosphere and working environment on your office floors.

Inadequate ventilation will lead to high humidity and increase carbon dioxide concentrations, which will cause people to feel stuffy and suffocated. Proper ventilation controls odors and dilutes gases, as well as hampers the spread of respiratory diseases. 

Invest in a good quality HVAC system for all offices and floors of your building. Also, consider your structure’s demographic location as summer and winter season often requires your air conditioner and heater to function perfectly. 

2. Allow More Natural Light 

Even in the old times, many building occupants usually complain about the lighting. It may be too dark and dim or some buildings are blasted with harsh fluorescents. The good thing about technological advancement is that many building construction projects have now utilized more natural lighting and techniques, like task lighting, dimmers, and timers. Such methods are suitable for the environment, as well as result in happier and more productive employees and building occupants.

Another good news in the field of natural lighting in buildings is that more scientific research is being conducted on how some lighting designs can influence the body’s daily cycles and circadian rhythms. By using specific bulb designs that are blue-enriched and are naturally mimicking daylight, employees can now have improved sleep quality at night. 

3. Go Green

Incorporating nature into the workplace is one of the ways for buildings to become more work-friendly to everyone. Placing indoor plants and having a rooftop garden are some strategies for facilities to ensure an environment that helps maintain people’s mental health. 

Indoor plants are said to reduce stress levels and sharpen people’s attention. Many companies and organizations have been keenly aware of this advantage, which is why most commercial buildings have gone green with their interiors.

4. Design Your Building Appropriately

The blueprint and architectural design of your building play a vital role in maintaining the occupants’ health condition. Also, encouraging mobility and interaction between colleagues are dependent on how the building is designed. 

The interior design and placements of furniture and equipment should be properly planned out. Your building should have locations for cluster printers, water coolers, and designate communal trash and recycling bins. 

As for the outer part of your building, you should have streetscapes that encourage occupants and employees to take a walk, ride bicycles, or make it accessible to commute via public transportation, so occupants have a space for some physical exercises.

5. Apply Healthy Building Strategies

Another way to boost your building’s defenses against disease is to enact healthy building strategies. 

Know which areas and corners in the building need to be more ventilated. Use portable air purifiers on each floor and consider different innovative gadgets like touchless entryways, elevators, and automatic systems for sinks and toilet flushes.

Furthermore, using enhanced disinfection and sanitization protocols will meet everyone’s demands for maintaining a clean and healthy space. Thus, invest in hygiene systems and proper training for the cleaning staff. 

Ensuring a clean workspace will inspire everyone in the building to stay organized and healthy.


Ensuring that your building is in its best condition for your occupants and employees is very important, which is why it’s important to apply these different ways to prevent health problems. 

Keep in mind that your building should have good ventilation, more natural light, designed with some greeneries, and should have a productive interior and exterior design. All these factors and more will ensure everyone in the building will stay healthy and happy.

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Issue 324 : Jan 2025