Meeting demand for specialist training services within the trade sector during a pandemic

Safety training across manufacturing and processing sectors is integral to ensure employees are as safe as possible within workplaces where a host of potential hazards are present. 

2020 saw search volumes for lockout training services rapidly increase, with the search term ‘lockout tagout training’ increasing by 33% from July to December 2020, and ‘lototo training’ by 25% from September to December 2020, showing a rise in demand for specialist safety training services within the trade sector. To meet such demand, businesses must adapt and develop ways to safely train staff through the pandemic to ensure that staff are receiving the tuition that they require to stay safe at work. 

Keeping up to date with training is important for all workforces, but none more so than that of workers within the most dangerous industries in the UK[1] including aggregates, waste and recycling and construction. It is imperative that Health and Safety training within these industries remains up to date, yet current restrictions mean that in person training is limited, meaning less people can currently attend each course at once due to social distancing rules. Different levels of training courses are also important to cater for, with everyone from general operators to management and supervision requiring differing aspects to be understood.  

If a workforce fails to keep up with industry standards, they could be in danger of falling behind within their specialist area due to sector changes and newly introduced regulations. Continuing to train throughout the pandemic allows companies to emerge from the Covid-19 crisis with their employees in a stronger professional position and working safely. 

To meet the demand for such training services, safety product specialists Reece Safety has expanded its business to offer training on safe isolation, ladder use & inspection, working at height and permit to work, in addition to the City Guilds confined space training already offered by the business. 

To accommodate the current restrictions due to the pandemic, the company is offering restricted groups of five for Covid-safe face-to-face training based in Halifax, West Yorkshire, and a very well received live stream training package, with each course lasting half a day. 

Andy Graham, Managing Director at Reece Safety had this to say: “The MineralProducts Association identified that failure to safely lockout was one of the top three in the “Fatal 6”, and we wanted to meet the growing demand for training and bringing Mark Wright Training into Reece was a great way to do this. We have also expanded our specialist training and consulting team with highly experienced safety trainers such as Ben Fytche. We strive to only deliver the highest quality of training and to make it relevant to all learners in attendance.” 

For more information and booking enquiries for safety training courses, including confined space training, visit:

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Issue 325 : Feb 2025