How To Determine The Right Location For Your HVAC System

The location of your HVAC system can make a huge difference in the efficiency and effectiveness of your heating, cooling, or climate control. But how do you know where to put it? This article will help you decide how to determine the right location. You can also consult HVAC experts like ActronAir to get more insights.

1. Deciduous Trees

Deciduous trees are a common tree type, and these types of trees can shed leaves in the fall. When this happens, you’re likely to have an excessive amount of leaves blowing around your yard or driveway, which can clog up the air filter on your HVAC system.

If there is more than one deciduous tree in the location, it would be best to place your HVAC system on a roof or higher level. This can prevent cotton wool or pollen from accumulating on the coils. And so before you install your air conditioner, check out for deciduous trees around the compound that may affect the airflow.

2. Shaded Location

The HVAC system needs to be in a shaded area. It will keep the equipment cool and running efficiently, which can save you money on your energy bills by reducing how often it has to turn on. The only time this isn’t true is if the location gets too hot or cold outside, rendering that particular spot unacceptable for placement.

If you put it in a shady area when it’s too cold, there’s a risk that your HVAC system will be working extra hard and use more energy than necessary, which is costly for you as well as for the environment.

3. Keep It Off Your Dog

You’ll want to put a barrier preventing your dog from reaching the HVAC system because it could get in trouble. Some dogs have a habit of chewing on cord and so they can easily be electrocuted or cut their tongue and end up bleeding out as well.

Dogs also lick themselves which means there’s always an increased risk for contamination. Plus any fur that’s on the ground will be blown into your ducts and spread around. They can also urinate on the HVAC system, which will cause damage, contamination, and rust.

Putting up a barrier like a fence or a hedge will work out just fine when it comes to blocking off your dog. You also need to close any possible loophole that they may squeeze through.

4. Outdoor Activities

When determining the right location for your HVAC system, it is important to consider outdoor activities that will be taking place in or around your home.

If you’re always in your backyard or patio, then you’ll want to keep the system away from there. If not, then choose a spot that will be most convenient for your family members or guests. You also need to consider how far away it is from the power source and water supply.

5. Blending With Your Landscape

You will want to make sure your AC blends into the landscape for a seamless look. This is especially important if you are installing it on an outside wall of your home or near a window. The best way to blend with the surroundings is by painting, brickwork, landscaping, and other exterior treatments.

6. Snowdrifts

Don’t put your HVAC system where snowdrifts accumulate. If you live in a region that gets heavy snowfalls, ensure you leave a space between your HVAC and the house for snow removal equipment. That way, if your equipment gets buried in snow, it won’t affect the HVAC and shut it down.

7. Side Or Backyard

Placing your HVAC system in the back or side yard is a good option for smaller homes with little space inside. In these situations, it’s best that the unit not face south because this would cause the power usage to spike during summer months and run up energy bills more quickly.

8. Water Runoff

Most people install their heating and cooling systems on the roof, but this isn’t always a good idea. If you have a sloped or uncertain roof, it’s possible that water will get into your unit when there is heavy rain. This can damage your HVAC system over time because of rust buildup and other problems associated with excess moisture.

To Sum Up…

Location is an important factor when it comes to the efficiency and lifespan of your HVAC system. These tips will help you to determine the best location.

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