Build to Rent pipeline already expected to boost sector value by £10.9bn in 2021

Research from Build to Rent specialists, Ascend Properties, has revealed how the sector is poised to gain further momentum due to the number of units currently under construction.

Previous research by Ascend found that where pandemic completions across the BTR sector were concerned, London had seen a 28% uplift, while elsewhere across the UK completions were down -33%.

However, when analysing sector data on the number of BTR units currently under construction, the opposite is true. The latest data shows that across the UK, 36,054 BTR units are currently in the pipeline, a -1.8% drop year on year.

In London, there are 16,227 BTR units currently under construction in 2021, a year on year decline of -8.2%. However, elsewhere across the UK, the number of BTR units currently in the process of delivery has climbed by 4.1% in 2021 when compared to the previous year.

Ascend also analysed the Build to Rent pipeline In terms of the sheer value of bricks and mortar it will be bringing to market as a result.

In total, the 36,054 UK wide BTR units currently under construction are estimated to add £10.9bn in value to the Build to Rent market. With new build property values higher in London, Ascend estimates those units currently under construction to add an additional £8.1bn in market value.

While higher than the rest of the UK, this does equate to a -7.5% drop in the total value of the capital’s BTR pipeline on a year to year basis. In contrast, the BTR pipeline across the rest of the UK is estimated to be worth £5.7bn and while it trails London, this is an impressive 9% uplift on an annual basis.

Managing Director of Ascend Properties, Ged McPartlin, commented:

“The strength of the build to rent sector goes beyond the number of units being delivered to market and so it’s important that we also consider those currently under construction as an indicator of future sector performance.

In this respect, the strength of the sector is pretty evident as despite the uncertainty posed by the pandemic, build to rent construction is down less than two per cent in 2021 when compared to the same time last year just as Covid was taking hold.

While London is leading the way in terms of pandemic completions and the overall potential value of the build to rent pipeline, the rest of the UK is steaming ahead in terms of an increase in the number of units under construction and their year on year value growth.

So there are positive signs across the board that the build to rent sector continues to build momentum and it’s also important to note that this is based on the Q1 pipeline only, with these figures only likely to grow as the year progresses.”

BtR units under construction
Location 2020 Q1 2021 Q1 Change 2020 Q1 to 2021 Q1
London 17,672 16,227 -8.2%
Regions 19,040 19,827 4.1%
Total (UK) 36,712 36,054 -1.8%
Data sourced from
BtR units under construction est total values
Location 2020 Q1 2021 Q1 Change 2020 Q1 to 2021 Q1
London £8,765,352,072 £8,112,222,335 -7.5%
Regions £5,239,677,609 £5,710,379,764 9.0%
Total (UK) £10,606,015,560 £10,922,786,332 3.0%
Values based on quarterly new build values and pipeline delivery for each quarter
Latest Issue
Issue 325 : Feb 2025