Building Demolition: How To Know Which Excavator To Use

Winning the bid for a demolition project might’ve been a lot of work. But deciding on the best type of payload for the job is another process that you need to get right. An excavator is a staple in any demolition job. They’re invaluable pieces of machinery, and they come in different kinds for different projects. Here, we’ll explore how you can best identify the type of excavator to use for a project.  

1. Performance 

The primary role of any construction equipment is to get the job done. And as an expert, you want to succeed in this project because it could mean more successful bids for your company’s future. Looking into the best excavator for the job means checking how much power it has to see the job through. Its hydraulic system must push for efficiency and allow the operator to be more productive. The right excavator will also be versatile, and can be utilized for various types of jobs.  

If your operator is working at an area with hindrances like walls and other dig sites, you’d want an excavator with a zero-tail or zero house swing. These excavators are safer to maneuver and are less likely to cause an impact. With the zero-tail feature, it’s less likely to hit the front and the sides of the excavator while moving. It’s for demolishing structures that are surrounded by obstacles.  

2. Budget 

If you’re in the construction and demolition business, you will need to have enough money to acquire an excavator fit for the demolition job. But you need to know that there are other factors to consider when it comes to your budget.  

For instance, do you need a brand-new excavator or a used one? While it may be tempting to buy new one, it may be more practical to buy a used or reconditioned SmartCast Equipment. They are refurbished to do the same job without being too expensive.  

Money will cover maintenance and storage, targeted costs per hour, and operating costs. You also have the option to own or rent one.  An excavator dry hire company will be able to provide one if you choose to lease.

Larger excavators are considerably more expensive. You need the right class of excavator if you need it for a demolition job. Whether a small or larger building or structure, an excavator with longer arms will do the job with minimal damages to the surrounding area.  

3. Demolition Size 

Excavators come in various sizes depending on the job. You don’t need a larger one that can take up space when you’re demolishing a small two-story building. High-level demolitions may need high-reach excavators with a large boom arm for buildings that are three stories and more. They are also for demolishing structures made of steel and concrete.  

The demolition size will also tell you two things: how long it will take and how much it will cost you. Typically, it can take up to eight days to demolish a building depending on the size. If you own an excavator for the job, you will have no renting expense to pay. But cost efficiency will depend on how much fuel and power it will need for the job.  

At times, the excavator type that you need will also depend on the area. If you need precision aiming and if the use of a wrecking ball is uncalled for, long-reach excavators are the best for the job. The size of the structure will also tell you if the excavator needs specific attachments to make the job easier.  

4. Terrain Or Environment  

Matching the type of excavator you need to the environment you’ll work on will help you decide which one can quickly get around the site. Excavators move around with either tire wheels or tracks.  

Excavators with tracks are ideal for wide-open spaces. Other than demolition, they’re also suitable for construction and agriculture. The tracks are either made of rubber or steel.  

Wheeled excavators are versatile and have a wide array of uses. Apart from demolition and construction, it’s also used for mining, landscaping, and pipeline installations. They’re fuel-efficient and easier to operate. If you have both types of excavators, you will need to train operators on the proper driving of and the policies in handling them. They will also need to get the proper licensing.  

5. Excavator Size 

There are three available sizes of excavators for demolition jobs: small, medium, and large excavators. Learning about these primary sizes will help you choose which one to use on a particular scale of the job at hand.   

Small classes are also called compact excavators and are created for smaller or hard-to-reach areas. They usually don’t need a lot of power to operate. Medium excavators are mainly for construction and landscaping as they have a standard tail for medium construction projects. The largest classes are often categorized for demolition projects. They have the most extended arms to reach great heights of buildings. They are also heavier and harder to navigate.  

6. Attachments  

Does the structure have a pavement surrounding it? It will also help you decide what kind of attachment to use to dig through or destroy concrete material. The building will have pavements surrounding them, and a demolition excavator will need a hammer attachment to crush slabs of concrete. They are also helpful against rocks.  

In Conclusion 

The mentioned factors will help you decide which excavator to use. When you match its size and power to the demolition job, it will help you accomplish the project faster and save on operation costs. There are various types of excavators for different demolition jobs. It’s worth having them get as many jobs as you want.

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Issue 327 : Apr 2025