Perimeter security solutions without the hassle from Berry Systems
Perimeter security solutions without the hassle from Berry Systems

Perimeter security is a vital element of any construction project, but getting the right design, the best products and a quality installation can be a real headache for developers. With so many points of contact typically involved, from designers, engineers, and installers, this often leads to conflicting views, constant design changes and, inevitably, higher costs.

By working with Berry Systems at the planning stage of a project, contractors can benefit from their years of experience to expertly lead and manage the perimeter security requirements of a development, from design to completion.

“Our knowledge of the perimeter security market means we are perfectly placed to provide the best possible solutions,” says Dannyjo Cox, Head of Commercial and Perimeter Security at Berry Systems. “We can ensure the most suitable, cost-effective designs, the correct products and expert installation – all with one point of contact.

“Our extensive industry knowledge means we can identify important factors in the design process that can often get missed and lead to delays. We take a number of aspects into account including risk, buildability and cost to create the best possible outcome, eliminating the need to re-work any designs, as all potential issues are addressed early on.”

2020 saw Berry Systems become the latest member of HS Security, a collaboration of seven of the world’s leading physical security firms. As the installation arm of the group, Berry are able to provide a full end-to-end service.

Dannyjo adds: “The more people that are involved in the production process, the more hurdles there are to overcome, as things are often missed by designers or suppliers. Our involvement with HS Security means that we can eliminate these hurdles to make the project run smoothly.

“We can provide expert design, the best products and meticulous installation – all with one point of contact and a single guarantee – saving on time, hassle and cost.”

Latest Issue
Issue 326 : Mar 2025