October 19, 2021

Additions (Accessories) That Will Boost the Performance of Your Farm

When you have a farm, it’s essential to know that your equipment is functioning correctly. This article will show you the top 7 additions that will help improve performance on your farm and increase its profitability! Renewable Energy Installations Today, many farmers face the problem of adding renewable energy generation

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Latest Issue
Issue 326 : Mar 2025

October 19, 2021

Internet of Things (IoT) Essential to Digitization in Global Construction Industry

The Internet of Things (IoT) is being touted as a key contributing factor to the growth of the building industry, and global IoT in construction revenue is forecast to top out at $9.6 billion by 2025, up from $4.4bn in 2019, according to the report “Internet of Things (IoT) in Construction – Thematic Research” by ResearchAndMarkets. IoT hugely beneficial to construction industry Loosely defined, IoT refers to the use of connected sensors and actuators to control and monitor the built environment, the objects that function therein, and the people with which they co-function. IoT is tremendously advantageous to the construction industry as it allows various assets and people to be tracked and accounted for across such a traditionally fragmented industry, improving, for instance, the health and safety of construction workers—the most considerable organizational focus for construction industry executives right now. IoT technology is useful to monitor assets, and sensors are helpful in providing all construction project stakeholders a full picture of the project at any one time. Assets—including from sites in remote locations—can be monitored in real-time because of low latency connectivity and data displayed on dashboards and apps or integrated with building information modelling (BIM). Data and analysis from previous projects help digital marketing efforts with trusted partners such as https://www.12handz.com/ who can provide tools—designed especially for small businesses—to reach more potential customers on Google, social media, or via email. What’s more, data can also help design, plan, and model financing of the construction project value chain, and combined with artificial intelligence (AI), can assist in forecasting materials and worker needs in the procurement phase. The more data collected, analysed, and stored concerning assets, the better the benefit industry digitalization. Wearable tech destined to become entrenched in building industry China has so far registered the highest number of IoT construction patents—645 compared to the USA’s 567—while valuable opportunities for wearable technology in the construction industry are emerging. The wearable tech industry is expected to touch $156 billion in value by 2024, up from $52 billion in 2019. Smartwatches are the primary driver of this metric, with high consumer uptake and several start-ups operating in the space. Proxxi, for example, offers products protecting users from electrocution, while Plinx deploys proximity sensors encouraging social distancing. Wearable tech improves communication between field workers and office-bound colleagues and is destined to become deeply entrenched in the building industry in due course.

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Additions (Accessories) That Will Boost the Performance of Your Farm

When you have a farm, it’s essential to know that your equipment is functioning correctly. This article will show you the top 7 additions that will help improve performance on your farm and increase its profitability! Renewable Energy Installations Today, many farmers face the problem of adding renewable energy generation to their existing farms. With the growing number of installations, renewable energy becomes more and more affordable for the everyday farmer, but you still must consider things like: Where can you place your wind turbines or solar panels?  What kind of accessories do you need to get the most out of them?  Renewable energy installations are necessary if you want your farm to be sustainable. The good news is that it’s possible now. In addition, renewable energy installation prices have dropped during recent years, so almost everyone can afford one.  There are many different types available today, each with various features that make all farms unique even though they have similar needs when using renewable energy sources. However, any farmers usually install a wind turbine or solar panel on their farm and accessories to boost their performance. Wind Turbines To make a wind turbine work for you, placing it in the right spot is crucial. If possible, try to find a high ground where winds blow more often and with higher strength. In addition, the type of blades in wind turbine construction determines its power output, while larger rotors mean less rotation speed but greater energy production per hour.  Engineers use the gears to increase or decrease the RPM, which also affects how much electricity gets generated from each rotor blade, so choose carefully before adding gears. In addition to this, stickers are available for decorating your wind turbines; however, they do not impact their functionality, so feel free to place them wherever you want without worrying. Solar Panels Installing solar panels is a little bit easier and cheaper than wind turbines – not to mention that you can move them whenever required. However, just like with wind turbines, it’s crucial to find the right location for your solar installation and accessories that will protect them from weather conditions such as hail or heavy rains if possible.  There are many types of photovoltaic cells available on the market today so choose wisely depending on what you need most: bigger size means more power output. Still, a smaller surface area makes less electricity generated per hour since each cell will receive only a limited amount of sunlight at specific periods throughout the day and year. To boost their performance, try installing anti-reflective glass because it will change the way sun rays are entering solar panels, increasing their electricity output. Installing renewable energy on your farm is not a complicated process. Still, it requires significant investments, so consider the necessity and benefits before doing anything to avoid future problems with local authorities or existing laws regarding alternative energy generation. However, renewable energy installations will increase the farm’s sustainability while decreasing maintenance costs, making them a profitable option for first-time farmers and experienced veterans alike. Security Systems  If you are already running a farm or want to get started with one, security systems can be helpful. Security devices help minimize the risk of theft by monitoring who is coming and going on your property. For example, some people will use motion sensors that activate when someone walks within range, while others put up surveillance cameras around their farms.  If you are putting up cameras, it’s essential to protect them with fencing or other security methods. Unfortunately, since no two farms are the same size and type, there isn’t one universal security system best for everyone.  This means that when shopping around for a security device, you should always read reviews to see what others have said about their experiences using the device. Then, if possible, get your hands on some models before buying to test out how they work yourself. You never know if something will work unless you try it. It’s also vital not to skimp on quality here because while some cheaper options might seem appealing at first glance, these devices often won’t be able to do everything required of them. If you are not careful, this could result in your loss of crops or, even worse, someone getting hurt. So, once again, it’s essential to be very diligent when researching the different options available to make sure what you choose is suitable for your situation. There are specific security devices that almost every farm should have regardless of size or location since they can help keep people out and animals/crops safe from harm. A fence, motion sensor lights, surveillance camera(s), lockable gates, and locks on doors are just some examples of helpful security tools most farms will need at one point or another. So, if the budget allows, look into purchasing these types of items before anything else! Tracking Systems Not just for large farms, but also small ones. If you are looking for a great way to improve the efficiency of your farm, you should get trackers installed on all vehicles that transfer resources between different locations in your farm. You can also use it to monitor worker productivity by tracking their hours behind the wheel or how many miles they have driven with each truck during any given month. Tracking systems give farmers real-time information about anything and everything happening within their farms’ parameters at any time. You can use these systems to monitor water pumps, irrigation equipment, and even the movement of farm vehicles like tractors and harvesters. With a tracking system, you will always know where your resources are if they were not transported or utilized as expected with no chance for errors in data entry which is very important when reporting on efficiency gains within a given crop cycle. Transport Means Tractors, trucks, and trailers are the most used means of transport for farmers who have big farms or work with many things. Therefore,

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