Excel Set To Build On New Group Structure

Having invested in re-branding its flourishing business in 2019, specialist off-site building solutions provider, Excel, has created a new, dynamic group operating structure.

Introduced to define and add greater clarity to its comprehensive solution provision and product offering, Excel Group now incorporates three separate and autonomous operating divisions – Excel Structures, Excel Facades and Excel Off-Site.

As Group Managing Director, Jason Pritchard states: “The expanding, multidimensional nature of the business made the decision to create a Group operating structure an obvious one. We occupy a unique position in the sustainable off-site building sector in our capacity to offer a range of different building systems, not just one. Such a proven and all-inclusive business model has proven hugely successful, and with the new structure in place we are looking to further elevate our standing within the off-site construction sector, which continues to gain momentum here in the UK.”

As already demonstrated through the new look Excel Group website – excelgroup.uk – it is Excel Structures that adopts responsibility for delivering a range of off-site building systems – SIPS (Structural Insulated Panels), Light Gauge Steel Frame, pre-insulated timber frame and CLT (Cross Laminated Timber). In terms of project flexibility, Excel Structures’ involvement can extend from designing; supplying and installing a structural build system, through to a complete weather tight and insulated structure.

Excel Facades, as its name suggests, is looking to build on its acclaim for providing of a wide range of world class, high performance, thermally efficient windows and doors, both traditional and contemporary, whilst enjoying partnership agreements with industry leading names such as: Velfac®, Solarlux®, Rationel®, and Origin. Again, with flexibility being key, windows and doors can be supplied integral to a build system or on a standalone basis. 

Excel Off-Site meanwhile will support a move into the arena of main contractor, where full project build and coordination will become the order of the day. As Jason explains: “Setting up a main contractor division has been something that has always been on the sidelines, however we feel the time is now right to expand our capabilities even further. We already have established proven, sustainable and scalable relationships with not only our specialist supply partners, but also a growing team of architects, consultants and sub-contractors, so full project delivery of off-site schemes is something that we are extremely excited about. Indeed by creating a platform where we can manage the complete build process we will ensure that the benefits of utilising an off-site building system are maximised project by project.”   

Adopting a philosophy of delivering homes and buildings that are not only highly-energy efficient but which have minimum impact on the environment, Excel seeks to ensure that the build system most suited to any particular project is adopted and implemented in the most efficient and affordable way possible.

As Jason injects: “Excel Group’s USP comes from the fact that it can offer clients access to an all-inclusive range of off-site solutions – residential and non-residential – all of which are fully bespoke and tailored to individual customer requirements in terms of architectural design intent, budget and environmental impact.” In addition to demonstrating high levels of flexibility in terms of system solution provision, Excel will continue with its policy of creating a single point of contact from enquiry through to project completion. It is a relationship strategy that is seen as fundamental when it comes to ensuring clients receive the highest quality, most reliable and best value solution.            

Latest Issue
Issue 325 : Feb 2025