Final set of cooling towers successfully blown down at Eggborough Power Station.

Landscape changing demolition constitutes the next key milestone in the redevelopment of the iconic site which is set to be transformed into a state of the art logistics and distribution park.

On Sunday 10th October 2021 DSM Demolition, sister company to leading regeneration specialists and an expert in brownfield development. St Francis Group successfully demolished the last four cooling towers at the former Eggborough Power station plant in Goole, North Yorkshire.  The landscape changing demolition was the next key milestone in the redevelopment of the site which is earmarked for mixed use regeneration in a Joint Venture by St Francis Group and Marshall Commercial Development Projects.

The implosion took place at 09:00 a.m within the perimeter of a secured 350m diameter exclusion zone to safeguard the public and third parties

Over 50 DSM employees implemented the localised road closures and the exclusion zone supported by officers from North Yorkshire Police on the day and state of the art surveillance equipment including heat seeking drones ensured that the zone was completely sterile in advance of the works

DSM worked closely with Northern Gas networks and National Grid to ensure uninterrupted gas and electricity supplies to the local area. The 90m high towers were only 60meters distance from the National Grid sub-station open switch gear and overhead lines, this was a challenging aspect of the job and meticulous planning and protective measures were required to ensure that our works did not impact on their continuing operations

In advance of the works DSM met with local councillors to explain the works approach and to emphasise our prime concern of the safety of the public and monitoring measures to evidence that the works did not cause an environmental pollution nuisance.

Commenting on the blowdown, DSM Project Manager, James Fincham said: “18-months of planning and work on site to achieve what has been accomplished today is a testament to the demolition team on site and all involved with the project. Plans and preparation are now well underway for the further demolition works to be undertaken in 2022.”

Also commenting St Francis Group Director of Operations, Simon Dale said:“On behalf of St Francis Group and Marshall CDP, I would like to thank the DSM team for their successful and safe implementation of our second explosive event at the former Eggborough Power Station plant.

The team have worked diligently over the past few months to ensure the event was planned, co-ordinated and implemented safely. The removal of all 8no cooling towers is a significant milestone for the development, and we look forward to working further with DSM and others to regenerate this site and create economic development for the region.”



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Issue 325 : Feb 2025