A local builder working for a housing association has shared his delight at seeing fresh talent coming through the ranks in the construction industry.
T G Sowerby Developments, based in Scunthorpe, have been sharing the progress of their apprentices on a site on Bottesford Road over the last year.
Ben McCormack, Jack Gaynor and James Green have been working on the development, with Ben and Jack on joinery apprenticeships and James working in plumbing.
Director Steve Sowerby said “All our apprentices are offered full time positions with us once they’ve completed their studies and it will be no exception for these three. That then gives us the opportunity to offer other students the same chance of an apprenticeship once the current apprentices have moved on to full time positions, we already have a bricklayer on trial.”
For Ben and Jack, the project represents part of their journey, having worked on the popular Coal Yard at Royston-Under-Dinmore before moving on after this to work on site at the White Swan in Barton.
All three projects are being done for Platform Housing Group, who themselves have also said how pleased they are with seeing their local contractors giving young people the opportunity to learn their vital trades.
Project manager for Platform Housing Group Christine Storr said, “When looking for small and medium sized enterprises to partner with, the use of apprenticeship schemes is high on the criteria for awarding the work. As a large provider of affordable homes, we’re seeing how the sector is struggling with the skills gap. Allowing young people to learn on the job from the experienced tradespeople we work with is good for both the housing sector and the local economy and is just one of the ways we feel we can best contribute to the communities we build in.”
Working with 1,200 colleagues and 45,000 homes, Platform Housing Group works to deliver quality homes and customer services that bring tangible differences to local homes and lives across the Midlands.
For more information about Platform Housing Group, visit – https://www.platformhg.com/