Ensuring Your Building Fully Maximises Renewable Energy

With the threat of climate change being high, many people want to help in their own way. As a building owner, you are in an excellent position to make significant changes to your building. The general opinion is that integrating these innovations into the building can get expensive. However, modern technology can allow the addition of renewable tech easily. Here are some tips on how to do it.

Solar energy

The easiest way to integrate when it comes to renewables is solar energy. First, there is the use of passive solar energy. It refers to the indirect usage of the sun as an energy source. For example, you can consider adding more natural lighting to your building as a passive use of solar energy. Instead of paying for interior lights, you can install bigger windows and mirrors for better daylight lighting that can save you a lot of money. Another passive use is solar heating through better insulation and intelligent positioning of windows. This approach can be a big help during the summer months.

For a more active use of solar energy, there is the installation of solar panels for the building. It should be easy to find a solar company in Manchester that can do the installation for those based in the area. It is a great way to use the rooftop space if you don’t have a penthouse. In addition, the electricity your panels can generate will cut down on the external energy consumption of your building.

Wind energy

Another easily accessible renewable method for a building is wind energy. Natural ventilation through the use of wind catchers can be a good alternative to mechanical ventilation and even air conditioners. If you position them in the right places, your building will always feel like it has fresh air moving through it.

A building still in the design stage could also use clever design for better air movement. For example, large spaces connected to hallways naturally draw in the air so that you can encourage natural movement. For example, you can place an atrium in the direction of prevailing winds. This position allows the surrounding spaces to have cold air because of the windows while warmer air collects in the atrium. The temperature difference then encourages the hot air to spread out into the nearby space while the colder air rushes in.

Geothermal energy

While many think geothermal energy requires a nearby volcano or hot spring, the earth’s natural properties can provide some renewable energy. It is because the temperature below ground is much different from above it. Using a heat pump, you can pump in cold air to push warmer underground air to heat a building. You can also do the opposite with hot air passing underground and dispersing its higher temperature so you can cool a building. It takes some planning, but this approach can help reduce HVAC costs a lot.

Final thoughts

Adding renewable energy to your building is not as complex as it initially appears. The pointers above should give you an idea of integrating renewables into your building’s systems. You can assure yourself that you are doing your small part in fighting climate change.

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Issue 327 : Apr 2025