The ultimate guide to fixing the cracks on your ceiling

Having cracks in your ceiling is such a hassle for all homeowners, not to mention how annoying it can be at times. If you are someone who has been struggling with cracks in your ceiling, then this article might be just for you.

To assist you with such an issue, we have jotted down all of the details, from the different types of cracks that may occur in your ceiling to how you can fix them using simple yet effective means.

Reasons Why You Might See Cracks In Your Ceiling

Take a look at this section to find out why you might be experiencing cracks in your ceiling in the first place!

Moisture Damaging Your Ceiling

Moisture damage might also result in cracks in the ceiling. The roof or the floor just above the ceiling cracks because of potential moisture that has been accumulating in your walls and ceiling due to heavy rain in your area or because of plumbing leakage.

If there is a bathroom right above the ceiling of the room that has cracks then that might be an added reason as to why your ceiling is having cracks.

Your House Is Aging

With time, the structure of the house deteriorates. As your house ages, it will have certain wear and tear in the long run. Ceiling crack is one of those particular issues that you will be seeing.

Drywall Issues

It’s common for improperly built drywall to crack, and ceiling drywall cracks are typically not dangerous. For instance, improperly taped drywall joints can result in this.

In such a matter, the tape doesn’t necessarily hold on for quite a long time because it wasn’t applied properly or enough drywall mud wasn’t used when taping the seams. Hence, this may cause the drywall to crack as the tape starts to come loose.

Your House Has A Very Weak Foundation

Sadly, ceiling cracks may also indicate severe structural damage. For instance, subsidence of the foundation may result in ceiling fissures.

This occurs as a result of the building’s frame being stressed by the foundation settlement. Such issues are very common all over the world.

Many homeowners across the USA have to sadly face this issue, be it in Texas, Chicago, New York, San Jose, or elsewhere.

And if you are finding cracks here and there in various ceilings of many rooms in your house, be sure that the main potential reason could be your house’s having a very weak foundation if none of the points mentioned above are the reason behind the cracks.

In such cases, it is highly important to level up the foundation of your house properly from the beginning when your team is building up your house. And clay soil is a major contributing issue in such cases.

Let’s assume you live in San Antonio, Texas; it is highly important that you have a great team of people around you who will help you have a proper house foundation.

With a proper house building guideline, you will find out that there are precautions to take when leveling a house in San Antonio, or anywhere else with clay soil for that matter.

Types Of Cracks In Your Ceiling And How To Fix Them

As you have identified the reasons why there is a crack in your ceiling, it is also important to know what types of cracks are a sign that your house is going to collapse or which ones you should probably ignore.

●     Hairline Cracks

In most cases, a problem with the plaster covering the drywall is what causes hairline cracks.

The plaster may expand or contract due to changes in temperature or humidity, resulting in minute fissures. These aren’t major issues and can be quickly remedied with simple cosmetic adjustments.

Rarely are hairline cracks a significant cause for alarm. You can either fix them up with paint or ignore them.

●     Straight Cracks

Next up are straight cracks. During installation, poor tape or mudding techniques sometimes result in small, straight fissures.

A straight crack in your ceiling sometimes results from the tape pulling away from the joints since there wasn’t enough mud applied to them in the first place. Straight cracks can also be caused by high humidity levels and foundation movement.

You can probably add some drywall cement to the tape after it has come out and then reattach it to the joints since these cracks are frequently shallow. The tape might occasionally need to be changed if it comes out every now and then.

You should smoothen the surface underneath the tape before applying a new tape, eliminate the loose tape using a knife, and make it easier to tape a new tape.

After removing the old tape and smoothing the uneven surface that occurred because the tape came off, you should apply a fresh piece of tape to the area and then spread the drywall compound over it with a flat putty knife.

●     Yellow Or Brown Colored Cracks

Your ceiling may have discolored cracks, which is most likely the result of a possible water leak from plumbing issues or moisture being soaked in.

Prior to making drywall repairs, it’s critical to take sufficient time to determine the source of such a leak and address it effectively.

To avoid making the issue worse, it is best to consult a specialist to analyze the situation. You’ll need to fix your ceiling after the water damage’s underlying source is addressed, as straight cracks cannot be avoided at all.

Before beginning work on your ceiling, you should dry out or get someone’s help to dry out the dampness or moisture in the ceiling if the area covered isn’t significant.

However, a significant area being dampened will mean you will have to entirely remove the harmed pieces if the afflicted region is sizable or if the drywall has been saturated from top to bottom.

●     Spiderweb Cracks

If you haven’t noticed any of the cracks mentioned above, you probably have seen at least spiderweb cracks in your ceiling. The most common cause of spider web-like cracks is another foundational settling.

Although it can occasionally be a symptom of weakened structural integrity, if the spiderweb cracks are taking up less than 1/16th of an inch wide if you measure it, then these spiderweb cracks are not probably dangerous at all.

Most spiderweb cracks can be repaired by sanding a portion of any old compound. You can solve this issue by applying a thin and fresh coat of drywall compound.

●     Cracks Between The Ceiling And The Wall

The most likely cause of a possible crack between the wall and ceiling is truss uplift.

A roof’s trusses are made to sag and move when the wood compresses and expands as a result of the heat and humidity, which is continually changing if you live in an area that has more humidity.

These cracks may be a possible sign that your ceiling may become detached from the wall if the trusses move.

Even a strong windstorm has the power to displace the trusses sufficiently to lift the ceiling and create a space between the walls. This is particularly frequent when drywall compound is improperly applied to the ceiling and on the wall that is not supporting any weight.

You can conceal it by painting over it or adding crown molding to the ceiling because these fissures are not the result of weakened structural integrity.

However, consulting a specialist may aid you in the long run when you notice a possible crack between the ceiling and the wall of your house.

●     Significantly Large And Deep Cracks

Several, large and very deep cracks in your ceiling. Large fractures and a bend in the middle of the ceiling are typically signs of significant structural damage, which can be brought on by major water damage, considerable settling, or even too much weight on the floor that is above the ceiling.

Because of their weakened foundations, older homes frequently develop cracks as well. The incomplete replacement of a load-bearing barrier can also result in a partially collapsed ceiling.

If you suspect that your home’s ceiling has such a crack, it’s time to call a contractor or a specialist because your roof could collapse at any time.

Furthermore, you should instantly remove everything from the floor both below as well as above the crack. The best way to fix the fracture and discover its cause is through the assistance of a specialist.


A proper housing structure is very important, especially if you are someone who doesn’t like to see cracks in your ceiling.

However, cracks in a ceiling are something every homeowner will have to deal with at some point or another.

And so we hope that the ultimate guide to fixing the cracks on your ceiling that we mentioned above will help you in fixing the various types of cracks that may occur in your ceiling with various alternatives.

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