YORcivil3 Contractors Framework Agreement Awarded
YORCIVIL3 Contractors Framework Agreement Awarded

20 contractors have secured a place on YORhub’s new £800m frameworks 

YORhub is delighted to announce the award of its new YORcivil3 ContractorsFrameworks. 

YORcivil3 consists of North & East and South & West area frameworks managed by East Riding of Yorkshire Council and Sheffield City Council respectively. 

The frameworks are designed to deliver civil engineering projects including highways, bridges/structural work, drainage, flood alleviation and coastal works valued up to £10 million, and surfacing works of any value. They will replace the existing YORcivil2 frameworks which expire in August 2023, and complement the YORcivil Major Works framework which was launched in 2019 for projects over £10 million. 

Enhanced benefits  

The new YORcivil3 frameworks are aligned with the Construction Playbook v1.1 to deliver best practice outcomes. 

Key features of YORcivil3 include direct selection and single or two stage mini competition call off options, and the use of NEC4 as the preferred form of contract. Other benefits to clients and contractors include: 

  • Greater emphasis on collaboration including early supplier involvement 
  • Revised lotting structure 
  • Support for increased carbon reduction
  • Enhanced Modern Slavery requirements 

Winning contractors 

YORcivil3 North & East Area Framework 
 Contractor Lot 1  Up to £750k Lot 2  £750k-£4m Lot 3  £4m-£10m Lot 4  Surfacing Works 
Applebridge Construction Ltd ü ü 
Breheny Civil Engineering ü ü ü 
Britcon (UK) Ltd ü ü ü 
C R Reynolds Ltd ü ü ü ü 
Colas Ltd ü ü ü 
DSD Construction Ltd ü 
Eric Wright Civil Engineering Ltd ü ü 
Esh Construction Ltd ü ü ü 
Eurovia Infrastructure Ltd ü 
Galliford Try Construction Ltd ü ü ü 
Jackson Civil Engineering Group ü 
JN Bentley Ltd ü ü 
Octavius Infrastructure Ltd ü 
PBS Construction (North East) Ltd ü ü ü 
Rainton Construction Ltd ü ü 
Tomas Bow City Asphalt ü 
Tilbury Douglas Construction ü 
Wright Civil Engineering ü ü 

Table 1: YORcivil3 North & East Area Framework 

YORcivil3 South & West Area Framework 
 Contractor Lot 1  Up to £750k Lot 2  £750k-£4m Lot 3  £4m-£10m 
Applebridge Construction Ltd ü 
Breheny Civil Engineering ü ü ü 
Britcon (UK) Ltd ü ü 
C R Reynolds Ltd ü ü ü 
Colas Ltd ü ü ü 
Eric Wright Civil Engineering Ltd ü ü 
Esh Construction Ltd ü ü ü 
Eurovia Infrastructure Ltd ü 
Galliford Try Construction Ltd ü ü 
Jackson Civil Engineering Group ü 
JN Bentley Ltd ü ü ü 
Keltbray Highways Ltd ü ü 
Octavius Infrastructure Ltd ü 
PBS Construction (North East) Ltd ü ü 
P Casey (Land Reclamation) Ltd ü 

Table 2: YORcivil3 South & West Area Framework 

Building, Design & Construction Magazine | The Choice of Industry Professionals 

Latest Issue
Issue 324 : Jan 2025