November 29, 2023
Ultra-compact MID-certified energy meters

Ultra-compact MID-certified energy meters

Gossen Metrawatt expands its range of MID-certified active energy meters, introducing the new, especially compact and cost-effective METRALINE ENERGY series. The devices approved for billing purposes feature accuracy class B for measuring active energy according to EN 50470-3. Active and reactive power of energy import and export are recorded by

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Legionella risk in RAAC affected buildings

Legionella risk in RAAC affected buildings

Potentially one of the biggest news stories that broke in 2023 was the one about RAAC – Reinforced Autoclaved Aeriated Concrete. This method of construction was widely used from the mid-1950s through to the early 1990s. The predicted lifespan of this type of concrete from installation to expected potential failure

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Metso launches upgraded Evaporative Cooling Tower, a furnace dry gas cleaning solution with efficient cooling and excellent process control

Metso launches upgraded Evaporative Cooling Tower, a furnace dry gas cleaning solution with efficient cooling and excellent process control

Metso is launching the upgraded Evaporative Cooling Tower, an efficient dry gas cleaning solution designed to cool down hot furnace off-gases by means of evaporation. The Evaporative Cooling Tower, which is normally followed by a hot electrostatic precipitator or a bag filter, cools the gas from about 600-700 °C to

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Latest Issue
Issue 327 : Apr 2025

November 29, 2023

Design and Build Scheme to replace and upgrade outdated kennel facilitates

Design and Build Scheme to replace and upgrade outdated kennel facilitates

West Yorkshire Police Dog Section needed a new facility to replace existing kennels which had served their time for over 30 years. Over a period of 10 months, the site was redeveloped, and the new kennels and associated accommodation were constructed. The site was successfully handed over and the new facilities were occupied on 7th November 2022. The development now provides a fit-for-purpose kennel block with essential facilities to meet compliance, welfare, and operational requirements; and the redesign and refurbishment of staff accommodation has addressed significant health and safety concerns and vast improvements in standards and welfare. A spokesperson for West Yorkshire Police said: “The upgrade in facilities ensures we can offer a National leading training product and that our Handlers and Dogs are as effective as possible in their deployments.” The Kennelbuild System is ready to stand up to the rigours of life within a busy Police Dog Support Unit. Building, Design & Construction Magazine | The Choice of Industry Professionals

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Ultra-compact MID-certified energy meters

Ultra-compact MID-certified energy meters

Gossen Metrawatt expands its range of MID-certified active energy meters, introducing the new, especially compact and cost-effective METRALINE ENERGY series. The devices approved for billing purposes feature accuracy class B for measuring active energy according to EN 50470-3. Active and reactive power of energy import and export are recorded by means of 4-quadrant measurement. This makes the new meter generation ideal for use in industry, commerce and building technology. At widths of only 18 mm, 36 mm and 72 mm, the meters allow for top-hat rail mounting in installations with very high packing density. 12 models with three different interfaces are available. They are designed for 2- and 4-wire AC systems with direct or transformer connection. The most compact units, only one modular spacing wide, offer a choice of three single-phase active energy meters for 2-wire systems, in the 230 V voltage range with direct connection up to 40 A. Next in line, there are three 36 mm wide single-phase meters for 230 V direct connection up to 80 A. The new series is completed by three 3-phase models for measurement in 4-wire systems up to 400 V with direct connection or 1 A/5 A current transformer connection. All four device classes are available with 2xS0 pulse outputs or Modbus RTU or M-Bus data communication interfaces. The cover can be sealed to protect against tampering. Building, Design & Construction Magazine | The Choice of Industry Professionals

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Legionella risk in RAAC affected buildings

Legionella risk in RAAC affected buildings

Potentially one of the biggest news stories that broke in 2023 was the one about RAAC – Reinforced Autoclaved Aeriated Concrete. This method of construction was widely used from the mid-1950s through to the early 1990s. The predicted lifespan of this type of concrete from installation to expected potential failure was 30 years, which is why this issue has recently hit the headlines. Why was RAAC used? The use of this type of concrete was widespread. The rationale at the time was that it was cheaper than conventional methods, it had good thermal insulation qualities, and it was lightweight. In hindsight it has come to light that often there was insufficient coverage of the steel reinforcing bars by the concrete, leaving them exposed to elements and subsequent corrosion which will inevitably weaken the structure.  As a result of these findings and ongoing investigations, many buildings identified as having RAAC have been subject to closure, a good proportion of those being schools. Water Hygiene consequences of using RAAC When a building is occupied and the hot and cold-water systems are in normal use as they were designed to operate, then the risk from Legionella and other waterborne pathogens remains at an acceptable level. Once these hot and cold systems become effectively redundant from lack of use due to building closures, then the potential risk increases significantly. Basic water hygiene management involves keeping the hot water, hot, the cold water, cold, and more importantly keep water moving within a system, none of which can be achieved to the level required if a building is closed and not used. As a result of closure, the building plant may be turned off; consequently, the Calorifier and associated hot water temperatures will fall below the parameters required and water can stagnate in the cold-water storage tanks and all distribution pipework within the building due to lack of use. This all creates the perfect storm for Legionella and other waterborne pathogens to proliferate within the system. So, what can we do to keep our domestic water systems safe? HSG 274 – Part 2 section 2.50 – 2.52 gives guidance on managing the water systems in buildings taken out of use. “Where a building, part of a building or a water system is taken out of use (sometimes referred to as mothballing), it should be managed so that microbial growth, including Legionella in the water, is appropriately controlled.  All mothballing procedures are a compromise between adequate control of microbial growth, the use of water for flushing (while avoiding waste), and degradation of the system by any disinfectant added. Where disinfectants are used, these should leave the system fit for its intended purpose. In general, systems are normally left filled with water for mothballing and not drained down as moisture will remain within the system enabling biofilm to develop where there are pockets of water or high humidity. The water in the system also helps to avoid other problems associated with systems drying out, including failure of tank joints and corrosion in metal pipework. The systems should be recommissioned as though they were new (i.e., thoroughly flushed, cleaned, and disinfected) before being returned to use. Other Considerations Having read the above guidance, the potential risks posed by a water system in an unoccupied building can be easily managed if a calculated and pragmatic approach is taken. Ideally, the system should be left in a live condition if the likelihood of reoccupation is high following rectification works. That is to say, nothing is drained down and the heat source for hot water generation is left on so that hot water temperatures can be maintained. There is a need to identify if there are any hot and cold water services within the areas that are closed, so appropriate measures can be taken. If the building is unlikely to be reoccupied for an extensive period, then a decision may be made as to different approaches as outlined in the above extract from HSG274 – Part 2 each on its own merits. The easiest and least intrusive solution is to implement a legionella flushing regime on all domestic water system outlets, until the outlet temperature is comparable to the supply temperature, as, in their current unused state they are effectively deadlegs. This process should be documented, and the records held within the site logbook. Legionella samples may also be taken for laboratory analysis (if not already part of your current regime) to confirm that your flushing regime is still effective. Several schools and other organisations affected by building closures due to RAAC have sought to use temporary offices or Portacabin-type structures as alternative workspaces and welfare facilities so that they can continue to function as close to normality as possible. It’s also worth noting domestic water systems within these temporary structures will also require careful management before they are occupied and will also require a Legionella risk assessment. HSG274 – Part 2 – Sections 2.40 – 2.43 gives guidance on the commissioning requirements before bringing a new system into operation.  Conclusion The Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 states; “Section 4 places a duty on anyone responsible for the workplace to ensure that the premises, plant, and machinery do not endanger the people using them”. We all have a duty of care to our work colleagues, the public and ourselves. The likelihood of an incident derived from the water systems which have been left unmanaged in an unoccupied building can be reduced dramatically to levels that are deemed acceptable or ALARP – as low as reasonably practicable – with a relatively simple regime which prevents the conditions favourable for the growth of Legionella and other waterborne pathogens. Building, Design & Construction Magazine | The Choice of Industry Professionals

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Metso launches upgraded Evaporative Cooling Tower, a furnace dry gas cleaning solution with efficient cooling and excellent process control

Metso launches upgraded Evaporative Cooling Tower, a furnace dry gas cleaning solution with efficient cooling and excellent process control

Metso is launching the upgraded Evaporative Cooling Tower, an efficient dry gas cleaning solution designed to cool down hot furnace off-gases by means of evaporation. The Evaporative Cooling Tower, which is normally followed by a hot electrostatic precipitator or a bag filter, cools the gas from about 600-700 °C to about 200-350 °C. The tower operates dry, meaning that all water added is evaporated. The small droplets in the tower evaporate rapidly, which reduces the retention time and length needed to ensure complete evaporation. “We are excited to introduce the enhanced Metso Evaporative Cooling Tower. Its unique design enables efficient and even cooling. We have many decades of experience with cooling towers, and we have now improved both the design and the process control. The advanced model-based automatic control, for instance, allows for accurate control of cooling during startup and varying process conditions; this is important for protecting both the tower and the downstream equipment,” explains Leif Skilling, Director, Gas Cleaning at Metso. Benefits of the Metso Evaporative Cooling Tower Metso has 60 years of experience with evaporative cooling towers and about 30 units sold. This extensive knowledge is incorporated in the new version of the Metso Evaporative Cooling Tower. The Evaporative Cooling Tower can treat gases from any type of metallurgical furnace. It has commonly been used for example with Peirce Smith converters and anode furnaces. In addition to the furnaces, Metso can also supply excellent hood systems for the gas uptake, where, e.g., the converter hood system provides adjustable dilution air intake, giving the operator control of both gas composition and temperature. More information about the Evaporative Cooling Tower is available on our website. Building, Design & Construction Magazine | The Choice of Industry Professionals

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