GAP Hire Solutions Celebrates 55 Years of Excellence!
GAP Hire Solutions Celebrates 55 Years of Excellence!

In 2024, GAP Hire Solutions proudly marks 55 years of unwavering dedication, innovation, and excellence in the industry. Since our inception in 1969, we have continuously set the standard for superior service and reliability in the hire solutions industry.

Built on Trust

For over five decades, we’ve stood as a pillar of support for construction projects and industries across the nation, earning their trust every step of the way. Our commitment to providing top-quality equipment and personalised service has been the cornerstone of our success.

Innovation at Every Turn

From modest beginnings to becoming a leader in the hire solutions industry, we’ve embraced innovation at every turn. From day one, innovation has driven our success. We’ve embraced new technologies and approaches to meet the evolving needs of our customers with precision and efficiency, ensuring they have the tools they need to succeed.

Gratitude & Growth

As we celebrate this milestone, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has been a part of our journey. To our loyal customers, dedicated team members, and valued stakeholders, thank you for your unwavering support.

Since our 50th celebrations in 2019, we have grown our turnover by 49% in just 5 years. This remarkable growth is a testament to the incredible work and dedication of everyone at GAP Hire Solutions.

Here’s to the Next 55 Years!

Join us as we celebrate 55 years of excellence and toast to the many more ahead. Thank you for your support, partnership, and trust. Here’s to the next chapter!

Building, Design & Construction Magazine | The Choice of Industry Professionals

Latest Issue
Issue 326 : Mar 2025