Predicting the top construction site trends for 2025
Predicting the top construction site trends for 2025

Paul Goossens, operations manager at SafeSite Facilities takes a look at what’s new in 2025 and picks out his top trends for the year ahead.

Predicting the top construction site trends for 2025
Paul Goossens – Operations manager SafeSite Facilities

A growing focus on delivering circularity

Circularity is becoming a buzzword in the sustainability space and describes sustainable models that focus on re-use and the elimination of waste.

For construction businesses and construction sites, the use of products and equipment in the supply chain can be a significant part of their carbon footprint.

Extending the lifecycle of products is particularly relevant to construction sites, because when a job is complete the temptation is to simply send unwanted products to landfill.

Many sites are now thinking harder about how to re-use those products instead, whether that’s barriers, safety fencing or electronic equipment.

Businesses should look out for suppliers which offer an option to hire rather than buy, which reduces Scope 3 emissions associated with manufacturing the product.

A good example might be CCTV equipment which is no longer required once the construction project is completed.

Another solution is to work with suppliers that offer a buy-back service. Equipment that is bought back is either re-sold, sent to scrap metal experts who can re-use it – or to manufacturers who can melt down the material and use it in the production process. All these methods encourage circularity.

Products that are recyclable, or made from recycled material, can also create a circular economy.

Working with other businesses that have ISO 14001 certification

A growing interest in sustainability and the measurement of carbon in the supply chain is driving changes in procurement.

Scope 3 emissions are an important part of any Net Zero plan, and constructors are increasingly asking many more questions about the emissions of businesses they partner with.

The first benchmark to look out for is ISO 14001 certification, a global standard created by the International Organization for Standardisation (ISO).

The rise of high-tech CCTV solutions

There is an increased risk environment for construction sites in 2025 and CCTV is coming to the rescue.

Whether the risks are due to increased crime, the threat of community protests, vandalism or extreme weather, CCTV technology is moving fast to help construction sites keep people safe – and to prevent crime.

The need for CCTV is clear. Crime tends to rise in an economic downturn, whilst changes to planning laws, encouraging developers to build on green and grey belt land, may lead to community tension in some areas.

An estimated 26% (409,000) of all business premises, in England and Wales, were a victim of crime last year, according to figures from the Home Office released in September 2024.

The most prevalent offence type experienced was theft (14%), followed by burglary including attempts (8%) and vandalism (8%).

In addition, winter storms and summer heat provide health and safety issues on site.

New CCTV systems can monitor sites for criminality or trespass (which is often children looking for adventure and failing to understand the risks). But they can also help spot health and safety threats such as fallen fences and loose roof tiles. Highly visible CCTV towers can also provide lighting and built-in alarms – which means they act as a deterrent.

New-generationCCTV allows for remote monitoring and 360-degree coverage, as well as a response protocol for service providers and keyholders.

In addition, AI technology is enabling CCTV to tell the difference between animals and humans, which means fewer false alarms and fewer callouts, whilst systems are now more effective in the dark than they have ever been, providing clear pictures at night.

Supporting and protecting wildlife on a construction site

As the government looks to make it easier for constructors to build on green belt land, the issue of how to protect wildlife on site is likely to become a hot topic.

A range of specially designed barriers for protected species are available on the market that keep wildlife safe on site, whether that is great crested newts, amphibians or even snakes.

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Predicting the top construction site trends for 2025

Building, Design & Construction Magazine | The Choice of Industry Professionals

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Issue 326 : Mar 2025