An innovative partnership led by a northeast housing association is creating opportunities for people to start their career in construction as an apprentice. Nine roles have already been created through the be:ONE partnership, which was established by believe housing in April 2024 to deliver internal and external improvements to around 5,600 of its homes over a four-year period. The not-for-profit landlord and contractors Buston & Maughan, RE:GEN Group, Sendrig Construction Limited and Sunter Limited made a series of commitments as part of the contract. One key aim is to boost the local economy and employment, by creating new jobs and apprenticeships and supporting business growth. And in the first year, all the partners have hired new apprentices to work on the contract. Buston & Maughan recently took on Brooke Hawes as an electrical apprentice, Robert Kirsopp is an apprentice joiner with Sendrig, and property maintenance trainee Scott Hutchinson is gaining a wide range of experience with Sunters. RE:GEN has six apprentices working on the contract; apprentice site manager Joseph Quigley, apprentice quantity surveyors Luke Bell, Joe Freeman, Ben Turnbull and Charlotte Kendal, and apprentice joiner Jack Robinson. David Taylor, Assistant Director of Major Works at believe housing, said: “be:ONE is not only about improving the homes of thousands of our customers but also ensuring the benefits of our investment reach the wider community. “I’m delighted for the apprentices who have secured roles with our be:ONE partners and hope they all go on to enjoy successful and fulfilling careers. “It is always good to see new people joining the social housing and construction sectors, boosting the workforce needed to build and maintain homes and support the growth of the UK and regional economy.” Jonathan Horner, Managing Director at RE:GEN North East, said: “We are a purpose-driven organisation focused on enhancing lives through safe, sustainable social housing regeneration. “Our work goes beyond just improving homes; it extends to creating jobs and training opportunities that benefit individuals and communities. “Being part of the be:ONE partnership and receiving long-term investment from believe housing gives us the confidence to create valuable apprenticeship roles, which are essential for the future growth of the housing and construction sectors. “The benefits of true partnership working are clear and it’s great to see so many people gaining from it.” The be:ONE partnership was created with support from procurement experts, Prosper. The partners also collaborate to improve customer experience, achieve significant savings, and maximise the impact of social value in communities. And they work together to cut carbon emissions, reduce waste, and increase recycling. Building, Design & Construction Magazine | The Choice of Industry Professionals