Actavo | Building Solutions has been working to provide Bartholomew School with a new building to be used as an exam ad sixth form centre. The school is located in Eynsham in Oxfordshire and has been looking at the different ways they could reduce the pressure on the school that has been caused by an increase in the number of pupils each year.
Actavo | Building Solutions has been ranked as the fastest growing modular building company for the last three years. The modular building company worked with Ridge and Partners in order to deliver the new sixth form centre. The new building will offer the students more space as well as a modern learning space. The centre is a single-storey 352m² extension that includes a multi-purpose hall that can be used for study, but also has the capacity for 130 exam desks during the exam season. The hall area of the new building also contains a new acoustic partition as well as foldaway tables and trunking that has power points to allow pupils to get plugged in access for laptops and portable devices. In the building there is also a cloakroom and a kitchen, plant room cleaner’s cupboard and two staff offices as well as storage space for furniture and three unisex WCs.
For this project Bartholomew School needed to accommodate the ever increasing number of pupils attracted to the school as well as keeping within the architectural heritage of the school while offering a space that would add to the learning experience of the sixth form students. It is thought that the new centre adds a fresh aspect to the older buildings of the school that surround it. Actavo were asked to create a cost effective building that can be completed quickly while keeping high standards of performance. Increasingly schools are looking to offsite construction projects in order to offer the optimum construction solution.