CCS awards
Latest Issue
Issue 325 : Feb 2025

CCS awards

National Awards for highest-performing construction companies and suppliers coming soon!

Excitement is mounting as the highest performing Considerate Constructors Scheme registered construction companies and suppliers get ready for the 2018 National Company and Supplier Awards. The Awards will take place on 15-16 November at the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) prestigious landmark headquarters in central London. Every company and supplier registered with the Scheme had their performance against the Scheme’s Code of Considerate Practice assessed between 1 August 2017 and 31 July 2018. Only the very highest performing have now been selected to be eligible to win this year’s prestigious awards. Industry leaders, Brian Berry (Chief Executive at the Federation of Master Builders) and Shaun McCarthy OBE (Chair of the Supply Chain Sustainability School) will be announcing whether each winning company or supplier has received a Bronze, Silver or Gold Award for their achievements. Runners-up and the winners of the highly acclaimed ‘Most Considerate Company’ and ‘Most Considerate Supplier’ Awards will also be announced at the ceremonies. Considerate Constructors Scheme Chief Executive Edward Hardy comments: “Scheme-registered companies and suppliers play a crucial role in promoting a positive image of our industry, with the standards of best practice and general consideration shown within these organisations increasing significantly year on year. “The commitment and a sustained effort to continuously improve by top performing companies and suppliers are truly incredible. “On behalf of the Scheme, I would like to offer my congratulations to every registered company and supplier winning an award, as competition gets tougher each year with more organisations registering and performing to ever higher standards. “We look forward to recognising and celebrating the success of every 2018 award-winning company and supplier at our National Company and Supplier Awards in November.” All the latest on the awards will be available via Twitter @CCScheme #ccsawards #loveconstruction. Photo caption: 2017 National Company and Supplier Award winners.

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