QOB Interiors are fit-out specialists and have been awarded a ‘gold’ level performance for their work on the fit-out of One Carter Lane. This project was Europe’s first to be awarded the WELL Building Standard. This building standard represent the attempt to deliver workplace environments that are healthier and happier. ONE Carter Land is a London office space that is used by the multi-disciplinary engineer Cundall. Locate opposite St Paul’s Cathedral in the centre of the city of London, the 15,400 sq. ft. office located at One Carter Lane takes up the entire ground floor of the building that was originally built in the mid-nineties. The office will now have new workspace for more the 180 employees. Cundall has chosen to create a project that would hopefully ensure that its staff are happy and healthy, making them as productive as possible. This can also act as a showcase for its collaborators. The company has pursued the WELL Building Standard as part of the company’s aim to improve productivity. A performance based system has been initiated by the International WELL Building Institute which measures human health and wellness on the basis of seven categories of building performance which are: air, water, light, nourishment, fitness, comfort and mind. The space was designed by architects Ben Allen and saw QOB Interiors install the challenging fit-out in accordance with the stringent tolerances of the commercial Cat-B office fit-out as well as focusing on the most sustainable and environmentally-friendly materials. In order to meet the fit-out brief every aspect had to be considered carefully. This includes the materials used, the lighting, heating and open space which all had to be evaluated in terms of the impact on post-occupancy use before the design was finalised. At the Cundall offices, all furnishings, insulation, interior paint as well as the adhesives, oils, waxes and finishes were used because of their low or zero VOC, formaldehyde and toxic content. There was also a variable volume air distribution to improve air quality in high density areas. This air system is controlled by CO2 sensors.