
Design2e Working on Left Bank Construction Site Birmingham

Birmingham is a sought after place to live in the UK. Offering more canals than Venice and more Michelin Star restaurants to try than any other UK city outside of London, Birmingham has a range of characteristics making is an ideal place to live. With this high demand, Design2e, a

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Latest Issue
Issue 325 : Feb 2025


Design2e Releases Environmental Checklist for Civil and Structural Engineers

Design2e the structural design and civil engineering consultancy has released a checklist of all of the different environmental consideration that are needed when designing a new building. The checklist has been released in order to support the construction industry and allow them to meet the environmental regulations that are in place. Looking to the environmental factors of a project should be the first thing to happen when structural design and civil engineering teams look into planning a structural project. The new building being designed needs to meet the strict regulations that are in place to protect the environment as well as reducing any potential flood risk and making sure that the area surrounding the development is kept clean. All construction projects taking place in the UK must go through an Environmental Impact Assessment, or EIA. This assessment makes sure that the project will only go ahead if it meets the standards laid out to protect the planned building itself as well as the environment. The guide that has been created by Design2e is an information tool for structural and civil engineers, helping them to consider the assessment requirements as a part of their design from the inception of a project. Identifying and overcoming any environmental challenges during the design stage will mean that problems are avoided further down the line, during construction or after. If the problems arise at a later stage there could be a knock on effect on planning permission applications, which will increase the time it takes to complete the project and therefore increase the cost. The works case scenario of an environmental problem being raised later in a development is prosecution. Design2e hopes to encourage all civil and structural engineers to design their projects with sustainability in mind. The checklist that has been created by the consultancy company is available online and can be accessed through any form of smart device as well as being available for printing for use in design meetings in order to make sure that the environmental factors are always a vital consideration throughout the design and construction process.   The structural and civil engineering company also offer a range of services that aims to make sure that construction projects being carried out across the UK are cost-efficient and long-lasting. The company offers their clients a range of bespoke environmental services that can be used to protect and improve projects in order to boost the creation of a more sustainable environment.

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Design2e Working on Left Bank Construction Site Birmingham

Birmingham is a sought after place to live in the UK. Offering more canals than Venice and more Michelin Star restaurants to try than any other UK city outside of London, Birmingham has a range of characteristics making is an ideal place to live. With this high demand, Design2e, a structural engineering and civil engineering design consultancy company has been commissioned to carry out a two stage tender project which will see the construction of two luxury apartment blocks. The project is called Left Bank and will be taking place in the city centre, on Broad Street. The construction work is expected to take place behind a listed building and see two towers standing at 22 and 31 storeys built when complete. The towers have been designed to be brass-clad and will be in keeping with the style of the area and nearby Brasshouse building as well as maintaining the site’s industrial heritage. The apartment blocks will be built on an incredibly small footprint. This small space means that Design2e will need to put all of their engineering expertise to good use in order to make the most of the structures; economic viability. The company has created a design that minimises the core structure, used only to house staircases, corridors and escalators, in order to increase the areas available for living space. The construction must be supported by off-blade columns in order to provide additional support for the tall structure. The first phase of the two tower construction began in late 2016 and when completed will deliver luxury residential accommodation to meet demand in the city. The first tower will offer 206 luxury high-end city centre apartments of varying sizes between one, two and three bedrooms. Also built into the ground floor of the building will be 3,580 square meters to be used as retail space.

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