ecoloighting uk
Latest Issue
Issue 326 : Mar 2025

ecoloighting uk


Many businesses remain unaware that they are wasting thousands of pounds a year on their energy bills. Cost is often a huge obstacle for upgrading lighting systems, and many warehouse managers will regularly put new lighting to the back of their minds as long as their current system is still working. This is where the Pay as You Save scheme by LED lighting experts EcolightingUK comes in. EcolightingUK specialises in helping companies to save a substantial sum on their energy bills. They help businesses who are looking for a solution that enables them to install a new LED lighting system with zero capital outlay, increased light levels, zero maintenance costs and a cash positive outcome from the first month after installation. Even with financing arrangements, projects are typically cash positive right from the start. In addition to substantial economic benefits, LED lighting also provides a sustainable contribution towards the fulfilment of long-term environmental objectives for all businesses. Significantly lower energy consumption means a reduced carbon footprint and less impact on the environment. Aside from the financial and environmental factors, the most obvious and instant benefit of LED lighting is the quality. The result of a lighter and brighter working environment improves visibility and enhances workplace safety for employees, and Ecolighting’s experience is that staff are delighted with the improvements made to their working environments. Introducing LED luminaires allows companies to save in excess of 70% in lighting energy costs, significantly reduce the cost of carbon tax as well as lowering maintenance costs. More in-depth calculations and examples of the savings a business can expect are available at EcolightingUK also works with a central grant finding body which researches county council grants available across the country for assisting SMEs with carbon reduction.    Depending on the grants available, companies can expect to see massive energy savings when switching to LED lighting. By using LED lighting with the latest lighting management systems, it is now easy to achieve 50% to 80% energy savings on most projects with these energy savings paying for the systems and installation for a fast return on investment, often in just 18 months. Grants vary depending on the authority but can be as high as 60%, and whilst often capped this can be as much as £50,000. Further information on Pay as You Save energy saving LED lighting schemes is available from Ecolighting on 01455 552511, by emailing or by visiting the company’s website at

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