
Engie Rebrands FM Arm to Equans

Engie’s facilities management and technical services will fall under the new Equans brand. Equans will operate as an autonomous subsidiary of Engie, with 74,000 employees across 17 countries,managed by Jérôme Stubler and his management team. With annual revenue of over €12 billion, electrical, HVAC, cooling, mechanical, digital & IT and facilities management will

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ENGIE, Sigma & SHC unveil Three hundred new Sheffield homes

More than three hundred Sheffield families now have the comfort of a brand new home as building work draws to a close on two major housing schemes in the city. Delivered by an award winning partnership – regeneration specialists ENGIE, Sigma and Sheffield Housing Company (SHC) – the duo of

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Additional Contract Win for ENGIE Fabricom

One of the UK’s leading engineering and construction companies – ENGIE Fabricom – has secured an additional contract as part of a major framework agreement with owners and operators of strategic gas assets across Europe. The new contract will see ENGIE Fabricom manage and coordinate the full implementation and commissioning

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Empowering our older generation to create their own future

Comment by Paula Broadbent, retirement solutions director at ENGIE. “The best way to predict the future is to create it” – Abraham Lincoln I have always found this quote inspirational, and it has particularly influenced my personal ambition to provide better choices for older people in the UK. LIFEstyle by

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ENGIE Wins £9m East Grinstead Contract

Leading energy, services and regeneration specialists, ENGIE, has started work on a £9 million project in East Grinstead. The development, named Lingfield Lodge, will comprise of 48 contemporary extra care sheltered apartments, complete with associated communal facilities and landscaping, and will be carried out in partnership with Eldon Housing Association

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Preston Bus Station Redevelopment Is Complete

JP Concrete has installed the final reinforced concrete barrier for the £23.3 million redevelopment of Preston Bus Station. Completed in time-critical phases to allow the station to remain operational, the work used approximately 33 precast barriers designed and manufactured by JP Concrete. Based on invaluable experience gained during a successful

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Engie Provides Regeneration Programme for Gentoo

A four year regeneration programme that will prolong Gentoo’s housing stock and ensure residents are living in high-quality, energy efficient and sustainable housing, within a safe environment, will be delivered by Engie’s regeneration business. The work includes re-roofing existing properties and undertaking gable wall repairs at the Racecourse Estate in

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Engie Wins £195m Student Accommodation Scheme

A major new £195 million student accommodation scheme for Kingston University in London has announced the regeneration specialist, Engie, as the preferred bidder. As part of the contract, the firm will be responsible for energy management and monitoring across the site, as well as bringing leading edge technology to deliver

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Preston Bus Station Redevelopment Is Complete

JP Concrete has installed the final reinforced concrete barrier for the £23.3 million redevelopment of Preston Bus Station. Completed in time-critical phases to allow the station to remain operational, the work used approximately 33 precast barriers designed and manufactured by JP Concrete. Based on invaluable experience gained during a successful

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Latest Issue
Issue 326 : Mar 2025


Engie Rebrands FM Arm to Equans

Engie’s facilities management and technical services will fall under the new Equans brand. Equans will operate as an autonomous subsidiary of Engie, with 74,000 employees across 17 countries,managed by Jérôme Stubler and his management team. With annual revenue of over €12 billion, electrical, HVAC, cooling, mechanical, digital & IT and facilities management will all fall under the Equans brand. Catherine MacGregor, Engie CEO, said: “Today marks an important step forward in the implementation of our strategic roadmap. We are very proud to announce the creation of Equans, an autonomous entity within Engie, known in recent months under the project name “Bright”. We are on track to deliver on our simplification plan through the positioning of Equans as a leader in multi-technical services and reaffirming Engie as a leader in the energy transition, refocused on its growth markets and with a more industrial approach.” Jérôme Stubler, Equans CEO, added: “I would like to acknowledge the incredible work which has been accomplished during the last 6 months to create Equans. “Equans is made of state-of-the-art expertise which totally responds to the needs of our clients in delivering the Energy, Industrial and Digital transitions. This is a great moment for the 74,000 employees all over the world. I am very honoured and pleased to lead this fantastic team.”

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ENGIE, Sigma & SHC unveil Three hundred new Sheffield homes

More than three hundred Sheffield families now have the comfort of a brand new home as building work draws to a close on two major housing schemes in the city. Delivered by an award winning partnership – regeneration specialists ENGIE, Sigma and Sheffield Housing Company (SHC) – the duo of developments at Prince’s Gardens in Manor and East Hill in Norfolk Park are part of a £43 million housing investment. The success of the developments contributed to the partnership achieving Public Private Collaboration of the year at the recent Insider Property Industry Awards. The £32 million scheme at Prince’s Gardens includes 163 three and four bedroomed homes for private rent under Sigma’s Simple Life brand, and a further 93 three and four bedroomed homes  for open market sale, through Sheffield Housing Company. The development  has a strong connection with nature with a large recreational open space area at Woodthorpe Ravine to the rear of the site where natural ponds which provide natural management of surface water have been encouraged to form and in which wild-flowers thrive. The 77 homes at East Hill, a project with a value of £10 million, are a combination of 19 three and four bedroomed homes for open market sale through Sheffield Housing Company and 58 three and four bedroomed homes for private rent through Sigma’s Simple Life brand. The new developments  have recently been given the seal of approval by Sheffield City Council’s Deputy Lord Mayor and Manor Castle Ward Member, Councillor Sioned-Mair Richards, who visited Prince’s Gardens to see the new homes first hand and to hear more about the benefits the development has brought for the community. Councillor Paul Wood, Executive Member for Housing, Roads and Waste Management at Sheffield City Council, said: “Good quality, affordable homes are vital to meeting the growing need for housing in Sheffield and in ensuring that residents have access to comfortable places to live in well-designed neighbourhoods. We’re working with our partners across the city to create high quality communities such as Prince’s Gardens that are well-located, close to amenities and offer the ability to both rent and buy. I am pleased to see the completion of this project and wish everyone the best of luck in their new homes.” Nathan Brough, Regional Director at ENGIE, said: “It is a real pleasure to work alongside our partners to help breathe new life into the area surrounding these schemes. “I’m thrilled that we have inspired a new generation of construction workers and that we have been able to make a difference to those who are moving in and those who are a longstanding part of the community.” The Prince’s Gardens and East Hill developments contributed to creating seven apprenticeship posts. Throughout the course of the work, in the region of £25.1 million has been spent with local suppliers, boosting  local employment and the economy. Lee Catterall, Senior Project Manager for Sigma on behalf of Simple Life Homes, commented: “We’re delighted with the quality and demand for the homes across these sites. The success of both developments has been testament to the different strengths and expertise that each party has brought to the table, from quality of build and specification, property management, regeneration and community building. “As a landlord, Simple Life will be present on these developments for many years to come and we’re committed to supporting the new local community to flourish well into the future.” Steve Birch, Interim Project Director with SHC, a partnership between Sheffield  City Council, Keepmoat Homes and Great Places Housing Group, added: “It is fantastic to see the addition of more homes, of all tenures to the city’s housing stock.  “We have many more similar projects in the pipeline which are not only improving the quality and choice of housing but providing job and training opportunities and work for Shefield regional businesses that supply materials and development services.” Additionally, funding from the Department of Education, ENGIE and Sheffield City Council has enabled local young people  to get a taste of the world of construction through the Building Block project. Building Block is a four-week progamme where participants sit a Construction Skills Certification Scheme health and safety test before completing a site-based placement, where they gain hands-on experience in a working environment. Altogether, 400 candidates have been a part of the course and 200 have progressed to secure long term employment. Activities to engage residents near to Prince’s Gardens have included an £8,000 donation to local primary school, St Theresa’s, which has been used to build a new library and purchase new books for the children. The library has been transformed with a new sensory roof, reading pods, a den and mezzanine area. A further £5,000 was donated to the school to create a relaxation and sensory room for the children.

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Additional Contract Win for ENGIE Fabricom

One of the UK’s leading engineering and construction companies – ENGIE Fabricom – has secured an additional contract as part of a major framework agreement with owners and operators of strategic gas assets across Europe. The new contract will see ENGIE Fabricom manage and coordinate the full implementation and commissioning of two upgraded pairs of Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS) systems, which play an integral role in maintaining critical emergency power should there be a failure with the input power source or mains power. The win comes on the back of ENGIE Fabricom delivering the following for its client over the last two years: A resilience study on the UPS’s assessing all critical loads on the site; Provision of detailed documentation outlining the full capability and resilience of the systems, including a series of recommendations to reduce the risk of equipment failure; Delivery of a FEED study and detailed design of the upgrade, including specifications for the new equipment; Additional support in suitable vendor selection of the new equipment. In the next phase of the project ENGIE Fabricom will manage and commission the upgrade of the UPS systems during a shutdown period in 2021. As part of this, the company’s responsibilities include: Shutdown planning and site coordination of the project; Engagement with the site incumbent installation contractors and systems integrators; Taking on the role of ‘Technical Authority’ on behalf of our client in relation to the main equipment supplier. This project is another great example demonstrating the company’s complete end to end capabilities. It has worked closely as a partner alongside its client to take the project from the initial conceptual stage to define the problem and develop a robust solution, which ENGIE Fabricom will now see through to managing the implementation and commissioning stages.

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Collaboration for a Better Future – Tomorrow will be a Better Day Life after COVID-19

The challenges around our ageing demographic are growing, with additional incidents like COVID-19 putting a magnifying glass on the problems we already have and need to address. Action is required to ensure we can all Age Well without fear of loneliness, isolation, avoidable ill health and poor living conditions. In less than 20 years, it’s estimated that 25% of the population will be over the age of 65. Evidence dictates England needs to improve the quality of housing to be accessible, affordable, safe and comfortable to live in and the environment in which our housing sits is just as essential to support wellbeing. Zero carbon infrastructure and assistive technology will be vital to the effectiveness of housing, supporting people to live well and age well at home. Following the events of Covid-19 in 2020 it is more evident than ever that access to quality open space, to support health and wellbeing and the ability to meet and socialise in places that are attractive, comfortable and safe are essential components in the places we design and create. The accessibility of safe technology to provide virtual interaction, activity and social engagement will be vital to supporting people’s mental health and in preventing loneliness and isolation. The Good Home Inquiry launched data earlier this year showing approximately 10 million people in England spent the coronavirus lockdown in a home that presents a serious threat to their health and safety. With about 1.8 million adults living in damp and/or cold housing and, of these, more than one in ten people are living with health conditions potentially caused or exacerbated by poor housing, causing them to be ‘at greater risk’ of contracting and dying from coronavirus. According to data cited in the report, 4.3 million homes in England are what the government defines as ‘non-decent’ putting the health and wellbeing of their estimated 10 million inhabitants at risk. The report highlights that people who have been identified as most at risk of COVID-19, including older people, those with pre-existing health conditions and Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority groups, are more likely to be living in non-decent homes, along with those on low incomes. The issues a winter lockdown could generate, with increased fuel bills and exacerbated fuel poverty and people spending more time in their homes struggling to keep poorly insulated homes warm for longer periods are causing real concern to health and social care as the health of those most vulnerable will be negatively impact. The report calls on government to make sure at-risk groups have the support they need now to make their homes warmer, free from damp and mold, and safer. For some this means providing trusted information and advice to signpost them towards those who can help. For others, this will require more direct intervention such as financial support from Government to ensure homes are safe. In the longer term, much more needs to be done to fix the poor state of England’s housing with our existing housing stock amongst the worst in Europe. It will require collaboration of the highest scale across the public and private sectors to address these challenges, as no one organisation or body will have the capacity to meet the demand. Listening and learning from past and recent living experiences of people is essential to creating places fit for the future and innovation is vital to achieving better outcomes. As Henry Ford said, ‘if you always do what you’ve have always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got’, so it’s time for change. History demonstrates that challenging times promote creativity and some of the best new inventions came out of worldwide conflict and deprivation. For example, much of the technology we take for granted today was developed in the 2nd world war and has helped shape the world today and the invention of pressurised cabins to protect health has enabled safer flying, growth of worldwide economies and travel experiences for mankind. We have the next worldwide conflict on the horizon the pandemic which there is no vaccine for ‘Climate Change’ and an opportunity to create a better place and to slow down considerably its impact on the world and its future. It is all our responsibility to act now to prevent the catastrophic impact climate change will have on our future generation’s lives. As well as to address the inequalities and devastating impact of poor housing on today’s society. So, let’s be bold and ambitious like we had to be in the 1st and 2nd world wars and invest in innovative solutions for infrastructure, products and services which hit zero-carbon transitional targets and decentralise services. Localised solutions maximise positive outcomes for community wellbeing. Creating opportunity for effective collaboration bringing together the best ideas, best skills and best production of zero carbon accessible and affordable lifelong solutions, is a challenge we can all embrace if we work together. I am proud to work for ENGIE in a position where I can influence and be part of solutions for a better place and I am excited by the potential of what we can achieve with the support of our customers and partners. Sir Captain Tom Moore is spot on! ‘Tomorrow will be a better day’ if we want it to be and is an example of what good can come out of the simplest idea… Paula Broadbent – Retirement Solutions Director Places & Communities ENGIE UK & Ireland

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Empowering our older generation to create their own future

Comment by Paula Broadbent, retirement solutions director at ENGIE. “The best way to predict the future is to create it” – Abraham Lincoln I have always found this quote inspirational, and it has particularly influenced my personal ambition to provide better choices for older people in the UK. LIFEstyle by ENGIE, which launched in 2018, is a result of this ambition. It allows customers to have more control over their environment and their own futures in later life. To empower people, is to engage with them – so at LIFEstyle we have invested heavily in research and development through two-way communication. Our best advisors and advocates are our customers, and we have given people over 55, a voice right from the start of the LIFEstyle vision. We aim to ensure we understand what people aspire to in later life, and what the challenges are that they face – this is essential to creating a future that meets expectation, as well as need.  When Spring of 2020 brought unprecedented times due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a major impact was felt across the world; creating fear, dismay and devastation for many, especially the older generation. Our LIFEstyle customers have not been immune to the ravaging effects, however, the sense of community, safe environment and individualised support available on our development has made the world of difference. This along with carefully designed lifelong homes offering indoor and outdoor independent space has helped people to remain safe and independent. I am very proud of our business model, LIFEstyle is weathering the pandemic – a storm no one could predict. We’re lucky to be working with a model that has proved successful in some of the toughest conditions the UK has faced for generations. However, we are not sitting on our laurels as we review the lessons learnt by scientists in relation to the spread of the virus. We’re constantly looking to identify preventative measures that we can build into our products and services in readiness for a spike or repeat of such a pandemic. The demand for our first LIFEstyle development in Walton Wakefield has increased two-fold since the lockdown eased and customer comments give a clear indication the approach at LIFEstyle by ENGIE is the right way forward. This is only strengthened by our commitment to delivering zero carbon communities. Climate change is the pandemic we will not be able to develop a vaccine for, but we can slow it down and prevent it. The implications of doing nothing are far reaching and the devastation will not discriminate. My ambition is to build on the success of LIFEstyle, to create community based zero carbon solutions that decarbonise the environment and decentralise services. The impact of us doing something about climate change will be massive for future generations and can empower us all to create our own future. As a senior leader within ENGIE, I make no apologies for being ambitious in my drive to deliver a business model that will change the horizon for future generations of older people in the UK. I aim to drive a way forward for a healthy future, for an environment that allows older generations to have aspirations in later life and a vision to support people to age well and live well, whilst protecting our planet. We will connect communities, health, housing and social care across all tenure groups. I am proud to work for a business with a clear mission, to place the planet and its population at the heart of its thinking when it comes to creating place, shaping and delivering infrastructure and services, to meet the need for a sustainable future. And I remain determined, to give the older generation a voice through education and engagement with younger creators, to ensure they are rightfully empowered to create their own futures.  LIFEstyle by ENGIE is not simply about building suitable, lifelong homes to address short term aspirational needs of people over 55 or about providing a lovely home in a great location. LIFEstyle by ENGIE made a commitment to customers to provide long term sustainability and enable customers to influence, shape and control their own future; a future focused on remaining independent and well for longer. LIFEstyle by ENGIE, allows people to future proof their lives and not just their home – promoting better long-term outcomes in later life. A home is not simply about an energy efficient building in the right location, it’s the support network of friends, family and interaction within the community that all contribute towards creating the perfect lifelong home. We understand this, and are committed to creating communities that focus on essential infrastructure like; location, accessibility to essential services, efficient green energy infrastructure, digital network and community facilities. We want to enable people to engage with others in meaningful activities, bringing all generations closer together. The community hub is a key feature of all our LIFEstyle developments, along with cost effective pay as you go services and property adaptations when people need them. We ensure affordability of services and facilities which support wellbeing and make this all available on the doorstep. We are also working on innovations to compliment LIFEstyle by ENGIE, which we hope to launch later this year including; Electric Car share, ENGIE Digital Assistant and Modular Lifelong homes. Ultimately, when it comes to happiness at any age, there are three homes we must take care of. Our body, our mind and our planet. At LIFEstyle we ensure our flexible and dynamic offering takes care of all three without compromise.

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ENGIE Wins £9m East Grinstead Contract

Leading energy, services and regeneration specialists, ENGIE, has started work on a £9 million project in East Grinstead. The development, named Lingfield Lodge, will comprise of 48 contemporary extra care sheltered apartments, complete with associated communal facilities and landscaping, and will be carried out in partnership with Eldon Housing Association in addition to local charitable providers. Work is set to be completed in January 2021, with the scheme aiming to provide a better standard of affordable housing and facilities for residents and the community, with ENGIE working in partnership with Mid Sussex District Council and West Sussex County Council through Eldon Housing Association.   The site, located in East Grinstead, saw the demolition of the existing apartments to make way for the new modern facilities. Simon Lacey, Regional Managing Director at ENGIE, commented: “It’s great to be involved in a project that will make a real difference to residents’ living standards with brand new apartments and the development of communal areas. “The project will see us make the most efficient use of the land, without disrupting existing amenities in the surrounding area. It’s an exciting project, and we’re looking forward to seeing the positive impact providing 100% affordable homes will have on the local area.”  Working in conjunction with FUSE Architects, ENGIE plans to build a variety of high quality properties, ranging from 1 – 2 bedroom appartments.  For further information on ENGIE, visit www.engie.co.uk/places 

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Preston Bus Station Redevelopment Is Complete

JP Concrete has installed the final reinforced concrete barrier for the £23.3 million redevelopment of Preston Bus Station. Completed in time-critical phases to allow the station to remain operational, the work used approximately 33 precast barriers designed and manufactured by JP Concrete. Based on invaluable experience gained during a successful contract at Leicester Bus Station, JP Concrete has been able to share vital information with Engie, the leading regeneration, energy and facilities management company. Initially, this brought about a weight-saving L-shaped barrier – installed during the first phase – that has reduced tonnage by 30%, saving on materials, transport and installation costs. “We have all been under a huge amount of pressure to get the bus station handed over, especially with the first phase being such a learning curve. JP Concrete have been totally prepared throughout, working very hard to help us meet our important deadlines – proving easy to work with alongside our engineers, Westlake’s Consulting and AHR architects, who finalised the design of the East apron,” said Phil Whelan, Design Manager for Engie. “After that tricky first section, the second and third phases have worked like a dream. This is despite having to work around such a big, fully operational bus station with a total of 80 gates prior to the redevelopment. Closing off sections and keeping others open has been very complicated, but JP Concrete know exactly what they are talking about, especially with design, impact requirements – and how elements of the concrete would form a visible, tactile part of the new structure,” added Phil. Aiming to regenerate the best of the original 1969 design, the refurbishment work included the replacement of the lighting and the existing timber rests, while retaining the original rubber floor. Signs will also be updated to reflect the new uses of the building, but with the original style reinstated. On the Preston Guild Hall side of the bus station, the area currently used for bus stands will be developed into a new public space.

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Engie Provides Regeneration Programme for Gentoo

A four year regeneration programme that will prolong Gentoo’s housing stock and ensure residents are living in high-quality, energy efficient and sustainable housing, within a safe environment, will be delivered by Engie’s regeneration business. The work includes re-roofing existing properties and undertaking gable wall repairs at the Racecourse Estate in Houghton le Spring and Town End Farm in Sunderland. As several properties have been identified as shortly needing repointing, brickwork, leadwork, fire breaks and topping up roof space insulation, Gentoo has committed to investing now, in an effort to future proof homes for their tenants. “This is a sensitive but vital project, in which resident welfare is the utmost priority. Gentoo has a very clear and direct vision of ensuring their housing stock is fit for purpose and their tenants are safe and happy. We have demonstrated our extensive abilities in this line of work and have the infrastructure in place to ensure we deliver a seamless and inclusive programme for residents,” said Andrew McIntosh, Regional Managing Director for Engie’s Places & Communities division. All work will be completed with residents in occupation, while Engie will be working openly and closely with the residents throughout the duration of the project to ensure disruption is kept to a minimum. Those who are affected by the programme of works will benefit from several consultation meetings and coffee mornings, as well as a dedicated resident liaison officer that will be on hand at all times. “As with all of our projects across the UK, we will also be looking to use a local supply chain and provide employment and training prospects for people in the area, including Gentoo tenants, to ensure we are putting as much as possible back into the local community,” Andrew concluded. As a leader in the energy revolution, Engie offers a comprehensive range of clean mobility solutions that transform the way energy is used. The Group has developed a systems-based approach that combines its skills and expertise in alternative fuels, transport infrastructures, smart transit systems, and upstream design and planning.

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Engie Wins £195m Student Accommodation Scheme

A major new £195 million student accommodation scheme for Kingston University in London has announced the regeneration specialist, Engie, as the preferred bidder. As part of the contract, the firm will be responsible for energy management and monitoring across the site, as well as bringing leading edge technology to deliver a sustainable student experience and also optimising levels of energy efficiency within the buildings. Initially, Engie will provide a £55 million redesign and refurbishment of the existing student accommodation, followed by a 50-year facilities management and lifecycle contract worth a further £140 million. Moreover, alongside leading infrastructure investment firm, Equitix, Engie will also take an equity stake in the refurbishment project. Engie will carry out interim FM services during the refurbishment phase. “We are delighted to have been selected as preferred bidder by Kingston University for this first-of-its-kind contract for ENGIE in the UK. This is further proof of the ability of our teams to combine their energy, services and regeneration expertise to propose integrated offers meeting the public sector needs. This project illustrates how ENGIE’s global approach meets its client’s needs in their entirety and complexity. This is enabled by a comprehensive offer and by an integration into local and global ecosystems. The project is aligned with our strategy to assist local authorities and other public sector customers, working alongside them to shape the future use of their estates and public spaces through planning, design and management, to improve the lives of those who use them,” said Judith Hartmann, Engie Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President in charge of the United Kingdom and North America Business Units. As a leader in the energy revolution, Engie offers a comprehensive range of clean mobility solutions that transform the way energy is used. The Group has developed a systems-based approach that combines its skills and expertise in alternative fuels, transport infrastructures, smart transit systems, and upstream design and planning.

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Preston Bus Station Redevelopment Is Complete

JP Concrete has installed the final reinforced concrete barrier for the £23.3 million redevelopment of Preston Bus Station. Completed in time-critical phases to allow the station to remain operational, the work used approximately 33 precast barriers designed and manufactured by JP Concrete. Based on invaluable experience gained during a successful contract at Leicester Bus Station, JP Concrete has been able to share vital information with Engie, the leading regeneration, energy and facilities management company. Initially, this brought about a weight-saving L-shaped barrier – installed during the first phase – that has reduced tonnage by 30%, saving on materials, transport and installation costs. “We have all been under a huge amount of pressure to get the bus station handed over, especially with the first phase being such a learning curve. JP Concrete have been totally prepared throughout, working very hard to help us meet our important deadlines – proving easy to work with alongside our engineers, Westlake’s Consulting and AHR architects, who finalised the design of the East apron,” said Phil Whelan, Design Manager for Engie. “After that tricky first section, the second and third phases have worked like a dream. This is despite having to work around such a big, fully operational bus station with a total of 80 gates prior to the redevelopment. Closing off sections and keeping others open has been very complicated, but JP Concrete know exactly what they are talking about, especially with design, impact requirements – and how elements of the concrete would form a visible, tactile part of the new structure,” added Phil. Aiming to regenerate the best of the original 1969 design, the refurbishment work included the replacement of the lighting and the existing timber rests, while retaining the original rubber floor. Signs will also be updated to reflect the new uses of the building, but with the original style reinstated. On the Preston Guild Hall side of the bus station, the area currently used for bus stands will be developed into a new public space.

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