EU referendum

Building Industry Investments in Doubt

The result of the EU referendum has tipped the tables with regards to what the future holds for the building industry in terms of growth and stability. Whilst a number of trading and building companies have signed lucrative deals and partnerships to increase their revenue and plans for investment in

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Latest Issue
Issue 326 : Mar 2025

EU referendum

Building Industry Investments in Doubt

The result of the EU referendum has tipped the tables with regards to what the future holds for the building industry in terms of growth and stability. Whilst a number of trading and building companies have signed lucrative deals and partnerships to increase their revenue and plans for investment in the future, a number of members of the building industry have been concerned that the effects of leaving the European Union will have a negative impact on their plans for growth. It is evident that companies around the country will be affected in one way or another through the impact of the referendum result and businesses in the construction industry will need to brace themselves for what to expect in the near future: the unexpected. Whilst it is a good idea for building companies to have an action plan for the frustrating and uncertain years ahead, there will need to be reshuffles among many for what has been a tumultuous past few months in the shoddy world of English politics. Indeed, the fact that the government does not have a plan to pave the way forward and has not yet reassured companies that they are safe and held in high regard by them demonstrates that the future is extremely uncertain and building companies will need to remain vigilant throughout the next few months and keep their eyes and ears open for new developments that are due to take place. Whilst it is easy for enterprises within the industry to ignore the possibilities of what could happen to them and simply assume that there will be no discernible effects, it is absolutely necessary that the members of the construction industry be careful now more than ever before. Similarly, the constant contractual signings that ensure the growth of these building businesses needs to continue and more relationships between companies need to be developed in order to ensure the future of the building industry in this country.

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