BDC Magazine

EV charging

Shift project makes positive change for customers

The UK’s biggest electricity distributor is opening the way for local residents to join the energy ‘flexibility’ market to help cut the costs of running their electric vehicles (EVs). New ways of smart charging have been successfully tested by UK Power Networks to deliver greener energy at a lower cost

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Latest Issue

BDC 319 : Aug 2024

EV charging

Low carbon journeys unlocked across Wales with huge investment in EV charging access

Low carbon journeys unlocked across Wales with huge investment in EV charging access

SP Energy Networks has completed major upgrades to the electricity network across Mid and North Wales, paving the way for the rollout of rapid EV charging across the region.   In collaboration with Welsh Government and Transport for Wales, SP Energy Networks has created additional electricity capacity for EV chargers to serve major roads, commuter hubs and tourist locations across Wales.   This vital investment will help make low carbon car journeys accessible for more people, by giving EV users confidence in making long journeys across Mid and North Wales. It will also provide a huge boost to achieving Welsh Government’s low carbon transport ambitions, including the installation of up to 4000 rapid EV chargers by 2030.   With a climate emergency declared by Welsh Government in 2019 and the ban on petrol and diesel cars approaching, future proofing the electricity network to support EV charging rollout has never been more important  SP Energy Networks Manweb Director Liam O’Sullivan said:  “We’ve worked closely with our partners to identify more than 20 sites that will benefit from new infrastructure for EV charge points, which will really make a difference to those commuting and travelling through Mid and North Wales.  “By taking a forward-looking approach and delivering ahead of need, the Green Recovery Investment project ensures capacity is available as people make the move to low carbon technologies like electric vehicles and heat pumps.   “And we’re already seeing that in action with connections at some sites already up and running and supporting customers on their journeys, such as the Rhug Estate which now makes use of eight rapid, EV chargers, making it the second largest EV charging site in Wales.  “That’s exactly the kind of change we’re enabling through infrastructure investment, and we look forward to continuing to work with partners and service providers to create the net zero energy future we all want – and need.”  Lee Waters, Welsh Government Deputy Minister for Climate Change (with responsibility for transport) said:   “We are in a climate emergency and we all need to play our part in the drive to hit net zero by 2050.  “Making the switch to electric vehicles is just one thing that will make a difference but, to do that, drivers need confidence in the charging facilities available.  “It is crucial that we work with the private sector to develop charging infrastructure and we are grateful to SP Energy Networks for their work in delivering major upgrades to the electricity network.”  By making visitor destinations in rural Wales more accessible to EV owners, it is hoped that footfall at local businesses and tourist destinations will be increased and that local economies will benefit. And the work required to bring charging facilities to these sites is making sure local supply chains in Wales can benefit and play their part too.  Eight of the sites have also been selected in collaboration with Transport for Wales, to ensure that rural commuters can access EV charging at transport hubs in local towns.   Geoff Ogden, Chief Planning and Development Officer, Transport for Wales said:  “TfW and SP Energy Networks worked together to identify sites to deliver capacity ahead of need.  “We have worked closely with SP Energy Networks and Welsh Government to find the right locations for capacity upgrades that offer the maximum benefit for road users who are commuting.  “Proactive infrastructure investment is absolutely crucial is we are to achieve Net Zero. We’ve worked with SP Energy Networks to identify 8 sites, 7 of which are now live, and it’s great to see they are already well used, particularly at Dolgellau. Proactive infrastructure investment like Green Recovery is so important to achieving net zero, it’s been great to work with SP Energy Networks to identify sites and ensure they are future proofed for increased use of EV’s.”  The work has been made possible by SP Energy Network’s Green Recovery Investment Project. The Distribution Network Operator has worked with Ofgem and the Energy Networks Association to unlock over £60 million funding to help bring forward connection to low carbon technologies and accelerate the drive to net zero.  Building, Design & Construction Magazine | The Choice of Industry Professionals 

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Shift project makes positive change for customers

The UK’s biggest electricity distributor is opening the way for local residents to join the energy ‘flexibility’ market to help cut the costs of running their electric vehicles (EVs). New ways of smart charging have been successfully tested by UK Power Networks to deliver greener energy at a lower cost for customers who charge their EVs at certain periods. With energy prices rising, smart charging enables customers to use electricity not only when it is greenest, but cheapest too. Project Shift, led by UK Power Networks in partnership with Kaluza, Octopus Energy and, developed and trialled three different ways to incentivise EV charging outside of peak times, more attractive to EV owners. The world’s largest trial of smart charging incentives has shown that only 19% of the time customers spend plugged in at home, is needed to meet their charging needs. This makes ‘smart charging’ a possibility for people who can shift their charge times to when demand on the electricity network is lower, using cheaper, greener electricity to charge their car ready for the next day. Findings included that 85% of customers were open to smart charging, so long as their mobility requirements were met. EV demand during the evening peak was reduced by an average of 79% due to Smart charging with ongoing financial incentives. The median daily reduction in EV demand between 6-9 pm was 82%. Customers are now charging their car cheaper at certain times on a routine basis and earning rewards for charging, while avoiding the need for local electricity grids to be reinforced. As the distributor of electricity to 8.4 million homes and businesses across London, the South East and East of England, UK Power Networks is a key enabler of the UK’s transition to a low carbon economy and forging a path to Net Zero. Smart EV charging is critical to enabling the lowest cost electrification of transport, especially important as consumers are facing increased cost of living. As more people opt for a low carbon way of life, demand on the electricity grid rises with customers wanting the choice of how and when they charge. Project Shift means people can easily access the benefits of the fast-emerging flexibility market while supporting the increased adoption of EVs. Ian Cameron, head of customer service and innovation at UK Power Networks, said: “It is great that customers can receive incentives for charging their electric vehicles outside of peak times at home. “Smart charging will ultimately save everyone money and offers new opportunities for domestic households and businesses to contribute to a smarter UK energy system. It is key to helping us deliver Net Zero at the best cost for both customers and the network.” William Goldsmith, head of grid & data services at, said: “It’s been fantastic working with UK Power Networks on such world leading innovation and I am delighted that the learnings from Project Shift have already been integrated into UK Power Networks’ first-of-a-kind flexibility tenders. “Charging electric vehicles smartly to unlock grid services is a critical part of delivering a green, affordable energy future. This can only be done by engaging and incentivising EV drivers to take part.”

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As the COP 26 conference focusses on decarbonizing transportation, SAINT-GOBAIN UK & IRELAND, one of the UK’s largest manufacturers and distributors of building solutions has announced the signing of a new partnership with ROLEC, one of the UK’s leading charging manufacturers, to support the delivery of a 1,000 charger point network across Saint-Gobain’s sites, offices and retail branches over the next 5 years. The agreement comes on top of Saint-Gobain’s recent commitment to move all of its 3,200 company cars to fully electric by the end of 2023 [or hybrid if only absolutely essential as a stepping stone to electric], investments in new Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil [HVO] HGV’s, which will reduce CO2 per mile by around 90% for its British Gypsum, Artex and some distribution brands and the roll out of electric  Mechanical Handling Equipment. The 1,000 charging point network is in addition to Saint-Gobain’s commitment to install an electric car charging point fitted at 3,200 company car drivers’ homes where they are able to accommodate a charging point.

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