Businesses can stay open with peace of mind about the safety and security of customers and employees, after G4S launched an autonomous shortwave ultraviolet light robot that destroys up to 99.99 percent of bacteria and viruses. G4S, in partnership with Netherlands-based tech firm Loop Robots, has introduced a security solution that prevents infection, keeps assets and people safe, and can be used to quickly and efficiently sanitise very large areas if a positive case of COVID-19 is detected. A specially-trained security professional and the SAM-UVC robot can surgically sanitise 4500 square metres within three hours without human labour – up to 20 times faster, and without harsh chemicals. The option of digital mapping a space allows for regular and autonomous cleaning, alongside physical security measures. The solution will be available from G4S from January throughout Europe. “This solution will protect the daily operations of our clients using powerful UV-C technology and highlights the value of an integrated security approach,” Marc Rensing, Business Development Manager at G4S Netherlands, said. “Integrated Security is about more than just keeping assets safe – though that is important. It’s about our combination of expertise, security professionals, technology and data analytics that meet the needs of our clients’ unique businesses and the specific risks they face. “That means protecting them from outbreaks and viruses that could harm employees or prompt temporary closures that damage productivity.” While COVID-19 particles have been shown to survive for up to 24 hours on cardboard and 72 hours on plastic and stainless steel, UV-C light (254nm) is an effective way to kill all pathogens on a surface as it destroys the RNA of viruses and DNA of bacteria in seconds. “This integrated solution can be applied to the medical field – hospitals and laboratories, for example – as well as care homes and other places where surfaces need to be regularly disinfected,” Marc said. “But also retail spaces, food manufacturing locations, pharmacies – places where essential operations must continue. While the UV-C light application clearly works for COVID-19, it also kills other dangerous bacteria that can cause diseases.” The SAM-UVC robot generates a report as it scans and disinfects an area, providing important audit data so businesses can clearly demonstrate how their operations are safe, secure and sanitised. “Our mission at Loop Robots is to provide superhuman tools to empower our customers. Leveraging the SAM-UVC robot, G4S is able to provide a unique sanitising security service with truly groundbreaking efficiency compared to disinfection using hand wipes and chemicals,” Per Slycke, CEO at Loop Robots, said. “We are excited to see our robots made widely accessible as a service, creating tangible results and value for G4S and its customers.”