gmg energy

GMG Energy wins best natural capital project category at 2022 Scottish Highland Renewable Energy Conference Awards

GMG Energy of Halladale in Sutherland has won the Best Natural Capital project category, sponsored by Pentland Floating Offshore Wind Farm, at the Scottish Highland Renewable Energy Conference (SHREC) Awards 2022. GMG Energy is an innovative, environmentally conscious business whose mission is to provide customers in the North with much-needed

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Latest Issue
Issue 326 : Mar 2025

gmg energy

GMG Energy wins best natural capital project category at 2022 Scottish Highland Renewable Energy Conference Awards

GMG Energy of Halladale in Sutherland has won the Best Natural Capital project category, sponsored by Pentland Floating Offshore Wind Farm, at the Scottish Highland Renewable Energy Conference (SHREC) Awards 2022. GMG Energy is an innovative, environmentally conscious business whose mission is to provide customers in the North with much-needed timber-based products and to do so in a sustainable manner. Its business activities are characterised by an approach to sustainability which enhances the natural capital of the Highlands while at the same time meeting local needs as well as reducing unnecessary road miles. Established in 2016, GMG Energy operates a state-of-the-art sawmill on a farm in the Halladale Strath between Tongue and Thurso, producing kiln-dried logs, chip and sawdust for consumers and wholesalers. It makes door to door deliveries throughout the north Highlands and manufacture timber products for agricultural businesses, builders and consumers. It also supplies bark for garden centres, sawdust for livestock and dried chip for supply to local businesses and councils. The business is committed to replacing every log of timber it uses, planting about 20,000 trees in 2021. As a result, businesses across the North and the Islands can reduce their carbon footprint by sourcing locally. For founder director, Malcolm Morrison, being recognised for his company’s achievements has been a big boost for his team. He said: “It has been an honour to be recognised. We entered with goodwill as we are a fairly new business and we didn’t expect to win. But to have won is such an honour and will help us establish ourselves more as a renewable energy business within the region.” An integral part of GMG Energy’s business is to supply to local people and make sure that they have access to affordable energy. Malcolm and his business want to help tackle issues such as fuel poverty, so for him supplying renewable energy to the local community and helping them as best they can, is what drives his business. “We have such a vast source of renewable energy within the north of Scotland, so to ensure that our local community is benefitting from that and the systems that are set up for them to receive affordable energy is really important to us. “We want to help people and make sure that our business is giving back to the community. “I want to thank Harper MacLeod and Highland News and Media for holding the conference and awards. “It’s such an incredible opportunity for people to come together and look at the solutions to climate change and how we as a region can work together to overcome rising energy prices. I also want to thank the sponsor of the category as, without them, our award would not have been possible.” He continued: “The most important people are the people working in our business as they make it. They give us productivity, their time and, without them, this business would not run. Our team gets my utmost thanks and I am so grateful for each and every one of them.”

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GMG Energy pounces on 400 acres of forestry in the north-east of Scotland to build in resilience and ensure continuity of supply

Sustainable biomass supplier and timber products specialist GMG Energy has made a strategic purchase of a substantial swathe of forest in the far north-east of Scotland to protect future supply and increase its resilience to market shocks. The resource-rich company, which originated on a farm in the Strath of Halladale in Sutherland, has acquired 400 acres of softwood-planted land at Quintfall Forest, towards the east coast south of John O’Groats. The forest contains 21,000 tonnes of productive timber, very roughly equivalent to 90,000 tree-sized logs. The sawmill at GMG Energy’s production facility currently processes in the region of 2,000 tonnes a year, meaning that the purchase has created security of supply for the foreseeable future. As a major plank of its business model, the company is committed to replacing every log of timber that it uses, and plants 10,000 new trees a year, which grow to maturity in 35 years. It far exceeded this target last year, planting in the region of 20,000 trees. Malcolm Morrison, Director of GMG Energy, said: “It has been our policy up until now to buy our raw materials on the open market, from established local suppliers, but this deal will ensure continuity of supply in an increasingly volatile environment. “Quintfall is just over 20 miles from our base of operation at Bighouse Farm, so it will not add to the road miles burden and the acquisition will chime with our wish to invest locally and provide a reliable resource for other local companies. “The purchase will not affect our ongoing planting programme, as replenishment is the key to sustainability, and we will continue to try to reduce our impact on the environment by not wasting any of the product with which we work.” At the same time as the Quintfall purchase, GMG Energy has invested £150,000 in state-of-the-art sawmill equipment which takes its larger timber and processes it into posts, rail, cladding and purlins, or structural roof members. It also plans a spend of in the region of £100,000 on timber treatment equipment which will open up new markets among construction companies and farm businesses which require treated and stress-tested products. Carbon-aware GMG Energy is also investigating the possibility creating heat and steam from wood waste to turn a turbine in order to self-generate the electricity it uses and to further minimise its environmental impact. GMG Energy is sited at Bighouse, where Mr Morrison’s Sutherland-born mother still lives in the farmhouse. The company increased turnover in the year to August 2021 to just over £2 million, up from £1.7 million the previous year.

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