Hall Construction

Hall Construction Group in Hull ‘Files for Administration’

One of Hull’s best known companies has filed for administration after hitting financial difficulties. Hall Construction Group, which employs around 110 people in their Clay Street site, in east Hull, filed for administration this week, just months after posting a loss of more than £2m in their annual accounts. The

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Latest Issue
Issue 325 : Feb 2025

Hall Construction

Hall Construction Group in Hull ‘Files for Administration’

One of Hull’s best known companies has filed for administration after hitting financial difficulties. Hall Construction Group, which employs around 110 people in their Clay Street site, in east Hull, filed for administration this week, just months after posting a loss of more than £2m in their annual accounts. The company told the Mail that it had taken the decision to “protect the company”. However, It is understood some workers have already been looking for work with other city construction firms. The Mail understands the company, which builds schools, houses and offices, is still looking for alternative routes at keeping the family-run company afloat despite. It is thought the process will last until next week. Last night the company’s website was closed down. One of Hall’s most recent projects was the completion of the acclaimed @TheDock auditorous for client Wykeland beside the C4Di building in the Fruit Market. The company, which was established more than 100 years ago, also built the main C4Di building and had been working on the new Williams Den, a £3m play arena which was set to be opening in North Cave in Easter this year. Hall Construction Group, which includes the companies Hall Renewables and Hall Construction, are believed to have filed for administration earlier this week. When the Mail called Hall Construction’s head offices on Wednesday a woman, who was not identified, said: “We have taken the decision to file for administration in order to protect the company but we have not taken the decision yet to go into that. We are hoping this is not going to be the case.” Interested in this article? Read more at Hull Daily Mail.

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