Due to the horrendous event at Grenfell Tower this year, the London Fire Brigade have publicly criticised the apparent overall lack of competence show by building designers as well as construction companies. In order to make sure that eh people designing and constructing out buildings have the knowledge to ensure that the completed product is safe for use, a number of high-ranking figures in the London Fire Brigade have said that training and certification is needed to assure inhabitants and ensure such a terrible event never happens again. It is thought that is there is no action taken, there will be an increase in the number of serious building fires taking place. In order to prevent this, it is vital that the construction industry starts to take fire safety more seriously. This criticism has been submitted by the fire department to Dame Judith Hackitt’s independent review into building regulation and fire safety. BESA has also been working with their members in order to highlight the need for a greater assignment of responsibility as a part of their own submission to the Hackitt Review. The Hackitt Review is an independent review into building regulations and fire safety which has been commissioned after the Grenfell Tower fire tragedy. The review will urgently consider the effectiveness of the current building and fire regulations and how they are connected to compliance and enforcement issues. The review will also consider whether the Government’s large scale cladding system testing programme has found any potential systemic failures. It is the responsibility of the design and construction companies to make sure that buildings are built with the proper fire safety measures. However, it has been considered that the construction industry holds a general lack of competence that could lead to dangerous decisions being made and more lives taken in the future is nothing is done to change this.