BDC Magazine

Kevin Stewart

Springfield Properties Trading Update

Springfield Properties has provided their trading update for the six-month period ahead of their interim results, due to be announced in February 2018. Springfield are a leading house building company who work to deliver private and affordable housing. The trading update that has been released covers the six-month period ended

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GPH Builders Merchants Expand to Spurryhillock

GPH Builders Merchants has invested more than half a million pounds into the creation of a new facility which is located in Stonehaven, north-east Scotland. This new facility is designed to give customers easy access to professional and DIY building and landscaping materials. The company also has branches in Inverurie

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Latest Issue

BDC 319 : Aug 2024

Kevin Stewart

Scottish Construction Leadership Forum releases recovery plan in consultation with industry

A draft recovery plan for the construction sector in Scotland has been launched today by the Scottish Construction Leadership Forum (CLF). The plan, which has been created collaboratively with industry, sets out the pathway for joint action between industry and the public sector in response to the impact caused by the global pandemic on the on the construction sector. The construction industry in Scotland has, like many others, been hit hard by the Covid-19 pandemic. The sector in Scotland which provided £7.8 billion GVA to the Scottish economy and employs 143,000 people in over 50,000 enterprises, is estimated to have contracted by 28.6 per cent in June as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic compared to the same month a year ago (June 2019).  The recovery plan has been created through extensive consultation and collaboration with more than 50 organisations across business, Scottish Government, trades unions and other bodies, including the Construction Industry Coronavirus (CICV) Forum, and represents a shared view from across the sector of a plan to get industry back on its feet.  The plan outlines the immediate and short-term response to Covid-19 and sets out a pathway between this and the longer-term transformation required to build a stronger, fairer and greener economic future for Scotland. Peter Reekie, chief executive of the Scottish Futures Trust and chair of the editorial group of the Construction Leadership Forum, said: “The construction industry in Scotland has received a major blow from the Covid-19 pandemic. However, the level of collaboration which has gone in to preparing this Recovery Plan is unprecedented and sets a strong foundation for transformative recovery for the industry. I urge all stakeholders with an interest in the construction and related industries in Scotland to feed in your thoughts to make it even stronger.” Ken Gillespie, chair of the Industry Leadership Group, said: “This plan has only been possible through the depth of collaboration across the sector, and hard work of all involved, and demonstrates the sector’s ability to come together in a time of crisis. This is only the beginning though. The plan will evolve and respond to reflect the feedback and the needs of the sector. We are therefore calling for industry to review and contribute to the plan.” The plan identifies five areas for concerted and collaborative efforts over the coming months and has established Sub-Groups to develop and progress joint action plans: Pipeline & Commercials Skills & Workforce Transformation Supply Chain Resilience & Capability Industry Data & Insight The plan calls for key actions to respond to immediate needs which include:  A clear pipeline of work brought to market quickly and efficiently on fair commercial terms which reflect the reality of the Covid-19 environment. Support of employment, fairness of work and those who may become unemployed through what will be a difficult period. Transformation of working practices to maintain and enhance worker safety whilst enabling productivity in the Covid-19 working environment. Housing Minister Kevin Stewart said: “The construction sector supports many other areas of our economy so it is important that we maintain the health and vitality of the industry. In order to develop this plan, we have reached new heights of collaboration but we are now keen to hear from the wider industry to ensure that we arrive at a plan that will preserve jobs and help to revive our economy.” The Scottish Construction Leadership Forum (CLF), which has led the development of the plan, is a collaborative initiative of Construction Scotland and the Scottish Government. It was established in March 2019. Chaired by Housing Minister Kevin Stewart for the duration of the crisis, it widened its membership in response to Covid-19 and has already developed and implemented plans to get the industry safely back to work to develop and implement an action plan of improvement initiatives aligned with Government policies and the Construction Scotland Industry Strategy. Several streams of work are ongoing and prior to Covid-19, the Forum was at the early stages of considering a wider agenda for change across the industry. The CLF shared vision is of an industry that promotes a safe, productive, profitable, digitally-enabled, low-carbon, and socially responsible construction industry which offers quality jobs and fair work to a highly skilled and diverse workforce and a quality and life-time value product to its customers. The recovery plan is available to view on  Industry is invited to send feedback, comments and questions via the website on by 15 September. CLF will take all feedback on board to help develop the plan further, with regular updates published on the CLF site.

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Springfield Properties Trading Update

Springfield Properties has provided their trading update for the six-month period ahead of their interim results, due to be announced in February 2018. Springfield are a leading house building company who work to deliver private and affordable housing. The trading update that has been released covers the six-month period ended 30 November 2017. The Company will be providing more details on their operations at the time of their interim results. In the meantime, the company has released news that they have made good progress in both the private and affordable housing divisions. The updates that have been released show that the company’s progress has been underpinned by the requirement of more homes across Scotland for private individuals across all tenures in the affordable and the social housing sector. Because of this work it is thought that Springfield Properties will report their revenues for the first half of the 2017/18 period will be in line with the management’s expectations, which will lead to the declaration of an interim period for the period. Springfield, the leading housebuilder in Scotland has been working over this trading update period to advance the development of villages which are under creation across Scotland. The Company has made progress with their first village, Dykes of Gray in Dundee, here sales are ahead of the Company’s target for the year to date. In September of this year, Springfield’s new 3,000 home village in Perth went on sale, and work on the site commenced. The Company have also revealed their intention to submit plans for another 3,000 home village. Springfield Properties has had their legal agreement for 870 of 2,500 new homes in a village south of Elgin finalised. The affordable housing division of the company has been shown to perform as expected according to the recent trading update and has reached a milestone when they welcomed the Housing Minister Kevin Stewart, to their affordable housing development in Muirhouse, Edinburgh.

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GPH Builders Merchants Expand to Spurryhillock

GPH Builders Merchants has invested more than half a million pounds into the creation of a new facility which is located in Stonehaven, north-east Scotland. This new facility is designed to give customers easy access to professional and DIY building and landscaping materials. The company also has branches in Inverurie and Westhill. This new location will be on Spurryhillock Industrial Estate after acquiring MacDougal & Masson in 2015. The third GPH Builders Merchants was opened officially on Friday 3rd November 2017 by the Minister for Local Government and Housing, Kevin Stewart MSP. At the opening of the facility, Mr. Stewart was available to answer questions from local business people on topics such as planning consent, local infrastructure and affordable housing. The independent builder’s merchants has been working to serve the building and DIY markets in the north east for nearly 35 years. The company works to offer a complete range of materials and also runs an extensive plant hire business. GHP have worked to enhance their Stonehaven site in 2016 with the addition of extra racking that means the company is able to hold a wider range of products. The facility has also been altered to offer improved lighting and larger bays that makes delivery and collection of loose materials easier. The next phase of the business’ £500,000+ investment included the expansion and upgrade of a new two-storey, state-of-the-art facility. This purpose built building will include a new retail space as well as a bright and larger stock area with additional improvements made to the yard and further expansion in this area. This investment will also create a dedicated plant and tool hire site. GPH has received a warm welcome in Stonehaven despite the challenging economic circumstances that have been experienced in the area, all of the employees that worked at the location for MacDougall & Masson have continued to work for GPH which has been beneficial during the renovation works as well as an attraction for old and new customers.

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