Metropolis Property Research
Latest Issue
Issue 325 : Feb 2025

Metropolis Property Research

ISG Has Been Named as the Number One Central London Corporate Office Interior Fit Out Contractor

The worldwide construction services company ISG has been named as the number one central London corporate office interior fit out contractor. The construction services company has been given this award for the fifth consecutive year. The report conducted by Metropolis Property Research ranks firms that are involved in ‘Cat B’ projects. There projects involve new space taken by corporate occupiers and covers from 2012 to 2016. This report suggests that ISG has had a dominant share in the ‘Cat B’ office fit outs in London since 2012. The office fit outs count for 33% of business given to the top ten firms. This equates to over 5 million sq. ft. of space. ISG has carried out works for a variety of different clients. The schemes include work for global financial services firms as well as the 700,000 sq. ft. fit out of 5 Broadgate. ISG were part of this project that has been labelled as the biggest office project to take place in central London for the past five years. The company also worked on CMS’ 160,000 sq. ft. headquarters which is located at Cannon Place. ISG has also been involved in the 100,00 sq. ft. scheme in Midtown for Saatchi & Saatchi. The new award is also representative of the continuing high standard of customer service from ISG. The sector has experienced a significant deal of change over the last five years, and ISG has had to adapt to the advances in technology as well as the new products and methods for construction. The construction service has remained popular in a market where it is an advantage to offer more for less. ISG aim to offer the leading technological solutions when working. 57.3 million square feet of office space has been let over the five years that the report was being conducted, and 30.3 million square feet being Cat B projects.

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