Mobilane® Green Screens is a company that is based in London and has seen a 20% year-on-year growth since 2009. The company works to deliver innovative green screening solutions for their customers. Mobilane delivers a range of solutions that can enhance a space and improve wellbeing by creating a more pleasing green environment whether it is inside, outside, rooftop spaces, corridors or in meeting spaces. The green screen company were chosen by the London Borough of Lambeth to look at possible ways to combat air pollution at Lambeth School. The business explored a range of options before deciding on the Mobilane® Green Screen offered a ready-made solution to the council’s air pollution concerns. In order to carry out the work, Paul Garlick the Mobilane UK National Business Manager put London Borough of Lambeth in touch with one of the network installers of Mobilane products. The green screen solution was installed at the school by The Platinum Limited, who also consulted on the work before installation to ensure that the solution properly met the customer’s requirements. In order to meet the school’s air quality aims and offer the best green solution for their client, 31 screens measuring 2.2 meters high and each screen 1.2 meters wide were installed at the school. The work was completed at the end of May 2017 and installation of the green screening solution took only one day. Following installation, the Lambeth school community are now assured with the air pollution reduction features of the screen as well as the private and robust surrounding to the school which is attractive and offers the children a green backdrop to their time at school. The scree has also helped to reduce the traffic noise and makes sure that the grounds have total privacy, creating a safe environment for the children. The screen has been praised by council members, school management, parents and children.