planet mark
How Pexhurst is Investing in our planet with Planet Mark

How Pexhurst is Investing in our planet with Planet Mark

Every April 22nd, stakeholders of all backgrounds come together to advance sustainability and climate action in commemoration of Earth Day. The construction sector is unfortunately one of the largest contributors to waste and is responsible for nearly 40% of global carbon emissions, making sustainability a high priority for the industry.

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Mount Anvil becomes first residential developer to achieve The Planet Mark New Development certification

London-based property developer Mount Anvil is the first residential developer to achieve The Planet Mark New Development certification, reflecting its commitment to go beyond compliance to invest in a sustainable future for the built environment throughout the entire development process. With its focus on design excellence and creating the highest

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Latest Issue
Issue 325 : Feb 2025

planet mark

How Pexhurst is Investing in our planet with Planet Mark

How Pexhurst is Investing in our planet with Planet Mark

Every April 22nd, stakeholders of all backgrounds come together to advance sustainability and climate action in commemoration of Earth Day. The construction sector is unfortunately one of the largest contributors to waste and is responsible for nearly 40% of global carbon emissions, making sustainability a high priority for the industry. Fit-out and refurbishment contractor Pexhurst reflects on the importance of proactive sustainability across the built environment and discusses the benefits of being Planet Mark certified with Steve Malkin, CEO and Founder of Planet Mark and Giuseppe Lo Bue, Buyer at Pexhurst. As a provider of professional fit-out and refurbishment services to the industrial, commercial and specialist sectors, Pexhurst is dedicated to minimising the environmental impact of its business operations, reducing waste and investing in green technologies. One way Pexhurst does this is through its association with sustainability certification Planet Mark. CEO and Founder Steve Malkin began Planet Mark as a truly effective people-driven sustainability certification for any organisation of any size in any sector, anywhere in the world. As of March 2023, Planet Mark works with circa 700 different organisations across a broad spectrum of industries. Planet Mark is an internationally recognised sustainability certification which recognises continuous progress, encourages action, and builds an empowered community of like-minded individuals who make a world of difference. In 2023, Planet Mark is proud to be celebrating its 10-year anniversary of helping organisations cut carbon year-on-year and have a positive impact on society for current and future generations. Commenting, Steve Malkin said, “The next 7 years, as we edge towards the Paris Agreement’s checkpoint of 2030, are pivotal to the success of a more sustainable future. Organisations like Planet Mark, who certify not just on measurement but on continuous improvement, are integral in the drive towards a net zero society. At Planet Mark, we often say – ‘You can’t manage what you don’t measure.’” The theme for Earth Day 2023 is ‘Invest in our Planet’. Planet Mark encourages businesses to begin assessing their carbon footprints as a first step to investing in the planet. Holders of Planet Mark Certification deliver results that go beyond data compliance, reaching new levels of sustainability and engaging their people in the process. Steve Malkin reflected, “We’ve seen that smart, forward-planning companies are discovering that it is no longer a choice between going green and growing long-term profits. They are inextricably linked. Collectively, organisations like Pexhurst are helping to shape a brighter future for our planet and society. Regardless of size or sector, businesses are at the heart of our transition to a more sustainable future. Transformational change, however, won’t happen until we all work together to invest in our planet.” He continued, “This Earth Day we are calling on every organisation to do one thing: cut your carbon emissions so you can invest in both the planet and your business. Not only will you be saving money, your people will also enjoy the challenge and you’ll be joining millions around the world who are tackling climate change.” How Pexhurst are going the extra mile for the planet After compiling all their data for the specific reporting period, Pexhurst proudly received their certification in October 2022, and continues to report their social and carbon data. Giuseppe Lo Bue, Buyer at Pexhurst, discusses the significance of his role as Planet Mark champion at Pexhurst. What does your role as Planet Mark Champion entail? “My role as Pexhurst’s Planet Mark Champion is to report our carbon and social data. This is vital as it gives us a starting point every year on how we can further reduce our carbon footprint. With help and suggestions from Planet Mark, we are achieving this. I collate Pexhurst’s data every year using documentation such as utility bills, fleet, and waste and submit this to Planet Mark. Planet Mark then assesses this information and certifies us for another year if we have achieved the standards. Another part of this role is continually finding ways to reduce our carbon footprint.” Why was Pexhurst inspired to gain its Planet Mark certification? “When you see a company with this certification it shows that they are committed to reducing their carbon footprint. Pexhurst is a sustainable and forward-thinking business, making this an important accreditation for us to achieve. We want to demonstrate to all of our existing and potential clients that we are committed to the betterment of our planet.” What initiatives does Pexhurst practise to create a more sustainable and equitable world? “As well as environmental impact, the social value side of sustainability is important to Pexhurst. Therefore, we believe measuring our positive influence on the economy, communities and society is imperative. We have apprenticeship schemes here at Pexhurst to encourage future generations to join the industry, where they can gain great experience and develop professionally and personally.  Along with the apprenticeship schemes, we fundraised in excess of £16,000 for various charities last year which was a great achievement to all those involved!” In summary, why does sustainability matter to Pexhurst? “From energy usage to emissions, the construction industry is having a big impact on the environment. This is why it’s important, as a company, to do our bit to improve the quality of our lives, our children’s lives and the lives of future generations. By doing what we can, we will be contributing to a better world. Our ambition is to reduce our carbon footprint by 5% this year, and to be Net Zero by 2030.” Building, Design & Construction Magazine | The Choice of Industry Professionals 

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Mount Anvil becomes first residential developer to achieve The Planet Mark New Development certification

London-based property developer Mount Anvil is the first residential developer to achieve The Planet Mark New Development certification, reflecting its commitment to go beyond compliance to invest in a sustainable future for the built environment throughout the entire development process. With its focus on design excellence and creating the highest quality end product, sustainability has been at the heart of Mount Anvil’s business strategy for many years.  Its inhouse design and planning teams ensure the company is driving the sustainability agenda so that it designs and delivers built environments that leave a positive legacy for future homeowners as well as existing local communities, businesses and other stakeholders. As part of The Planet Mark’s partnership with educational charity the Eden Project, Mount Anvil has commissioned a sustainability outreach programme which will engage with a local primary schools through the New Development programme. This involves working with both pupils and staff to help children connect with and understand the importance of nature. Mike Valmas, head of Pre-Construction, Energy and Sustainability at Mount Anvil, says “Our commitment to The Planet Mark New Development certification aligns with our investment into measuring the ways we can maximise space and biodiversity while also reducing the environmental impact of a building. It’s a great partnership and one that demonstrates our ongoing commitment to deliver environmentally and economically sustainable places.                                                                                                                                      “As well as the positive benefits to climate change, our residents are at the heart of our work with The Planet Mark. We know that fuel poverty is a huge issue in London and so this focus leads to well insulated homes with a highly efficient energy provision, keeping energy affordable and in the process tackling fuel poverty and underpining positive health and wellbeing. “We’re also really proud of our commitment to working with the local community. I’m excited to see us giving back to local schools as part of our sustainability outreach programme together with the Eden Project – whilst also being able to introduce further sustainability themes to our existing community engagement platform Makers & Mentors.”                                                                                                                               Steve Malkin, CEO and founder of The Planet Mark, adds, “We’re delighted Mount Anvil is joining The Planet Mark as the first residential developer to achieve our New Development certification. Its heritage and longstanding commitment to deliver sustainability throughout its build process and usage means that carbon savings, energy performance as well as maintenance, running and end user costs are constantly being considered throughout the lifetime of the building.  Its culture and stakeholder engagement resonates perfectly with The Planet Mark’s three-step process to certification, and the genuine passion for sustainability, demonstrated from the board right through to all of its employees, will ensure the company continues to deliver a legacy of positive change for the better.”   About The Planet Mark The Planet Mark is an internationally recognised sustainability certification which recognises continuous progress, encourages action, and builds an empowered community of like-minded individuals. It is awarded to businesses, properties, new developments and projects that are committed to reducing their carbon emissions.                                                                                                                            Together, building and construction is responsible for 39% of global carbon emissions. With operational emissions alone (from energy used to heat, cool and light buildings) accounting for up to 28%. Any New Development can have a significant impact on the environment, communities, and the people that it serves. At The Planet Mark we think that those impacts should always be positive. The Planet Mark for New Development’s requires the measurement and reduction of whole-life carbon emissions, engagement of the supply chain and the inclusion of the local community. In this way every building from its design through to its operation can combat climate change, support biodiversity and contribute to the society that it serves. The Planet Mark partners with the Eden Project, the educational charity and visitor destination in Cornwall that houses the largest rainforest in captivity, to deliver a schools programme that engages with local primary schools to work with both pupils and staff to help the children connect with and understand the importance of nature. The Planet Mark is partnered with Cool Earth, the award-winning charity that works alongside indigenous villages to halt rainforest destruction, to protect an acre of rainforest for every new business certificate it delivers.  Deforestation contributes up to 20 per cent global CO2 emissions.  The only way to halt destruction is to align the future of the rainforest with the people best placed to protect it.  This means placing forest in the hands of the people who rely on its survival for their survival.                                                                                              As part of the New Development programme, companies will have the opportunity to work with the Eden Project to engage with a local primary school; working with pupils and staff to connect and understand nature. For more information please visit

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