
Recolight Hailed as UK’s Quickest Growing WEEE Scheme

From the finish of 2014 through to the start of this year, it has been reported that the Recolight WEEE compliance scheme has had a substantial net growth of some twenty three producers which have been added to its member base; this signals an increase which far overshadows that of

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Latest Issue
Issue 325 : Feb 2025


Recolight Hailed as UK’s Quickest Growing WEEE Scheme

From the finish of 2014 through to the start of this year, it has been reported that the Recolight WEEE compliance scheme has had a substantial net growth of some twenty three producers which have been added to its member base; this signals an increase which far overshadows that of any additional like-scheme within the UK. And if that wasn’t enough, the figures also highlight the scheme’s largest growth figured since its establishment back in 2007. Operating in a manner far apart from that of other WEEE schemes, Recolight offers its member’s customers free-of-charge services for recycling, as opposed to buying lamp recycling evidence in a bid to demonstrate their dedication. What that means is that, with Recolight, the service offered is one which, yes, maintains the benefits of most other WEEE schemes, but also provides additional ones which can drip down to the end customer as an extra added benefit. One of the other key ways which seems to have contributed to the popularity of this particular WEEE scheme is the way in which Recolight handles its fees. The mechanism, which is on a static “per item” sold basis, allows for the membership to effectively plan and budget for the future, with the entire year in mind. Though this may seem like a small matter, due to the present, unreliable nature of the economy, caution is the word with many UK businesses and, through effective budgeting and planning, success can be all but assured. Year on year, the Recolight producer membership has been stated to have grown by approximately 16% and, given these recent figures, the expectation is that the organisation will continue to expand upon that membership and take an increasingly central stage as a leading WEEE scheme.

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