Rete Ferroviaria Italiana
Latest Issue
Issue 326 : Mar 2025

Rete Ferroviaria Italiana

British Steel have Revealed that 2016 has Been a Lucrative and Profitable Year

Members of steel company British Steel have revealed this very day that the year 2016 has been a lucrative and rather profitable year for them. Since the firm’s inception on the first day of June 2016, British Steel has never looked better and has made considerable developments showing that it will emerge into 2017 as a lucrative and highly capable business enterprise. Its ability to have secured a large deal of transactions has loaded British Steel with endless opportunities to develop itself into a thriving business community as the months progress. With contractual deals involving Hinkley Point and Italy’s RFI (Rete Ferroviaria Italiana), British Steel is set forward to be busier than ever in its commitment to providing services to professional clients all over Europe and the rest of the world. To cope with this significant expansion, it was equally necessary that more employment opportunities were created by the company. Since June, British Steel has accrued an impressive extra 350 individuals in employment with the company, and has also been the attractive target of many members of the younger generation of university and college graduates. Indeed, more than 3,400 of these applied to work for British Steel in a variety of different capacities, and now British Steel has declared that 114 individuals will be taken on by the company, either on placements or to learn more about the trade itself and take on the various different apprenticeship opportunities that British Steel has to offer. To add further to these improvements and exciting new developments, Mister Roland Junck adds that the last seven months have been very good and informative to the prospects that British Steel can expect. Mister Junck emphasizes that the company’s combined commitment to developments great and small all over the country and the rest of Europe can only be a good thing and will ensure that the business continues to thrive and expand.

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