
Training provider SECTT delivers £54,000 package of financial assistance to its college partners to help with rising material costs

Training provider the Scottish Electrical Charitable Training Trust (SECTT) has come to the aid of facilities hit with spiralling materials costs by providing £54,000 of additional financial assistance. The substantial funding to the electrical departments at 21 Approved Centres – which range from Stornoway and Thurso in the north to

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Latest Issue
Issue 326 : Mar 2025


Training provider SECTT delivers £54,000 package of financial assistance to its college partners to help with rising material costs

Training provider the Scottish Electrical Charitable Training Trust (SECTT) has come to the aid of facilities hit with spiralling materials costs by providing £54,000 of additional financial assistance. The substantial funding to the electrical departments at 21 Approved Centres – which range from Stornoway and Thurso in the north to Dumfries in the south – was delivered after costs rose by approximately 30% in just a few months. SECTT says the extra money recognises the huge contribution that the 20 colleges and one private centre make to training as well as the vital importance of apprenticeships to the future of the electrical industry in Scotland. Anne Galbraith, CEO of SECTT, said: “The past two years have been extremely difficult for all the centres, which were closed for face-to-face learning for long periods. Working with SECTT, they responded magnificently with online learning, which certainly filled a gap until they were able to reopen. “However, now we are back to in-person learning again, the rising cost of materials that are essential for training courses has proved a challenge for all our colleges, so we were more than happy to assist. “Electrical apprentices require considerable practical training, so the centres were made a priority, with the money approved by the SECTT Board of Trustees at a recent meeting and allocated proportionately to the number of classes starting in the 2021 recruitment year.” Scott Foley, Regional Officer at Unite the Union, and Chair of the SECTT Trustees, added: “SECTT is pleased to be able to make this financial contribution to our college partners as we have been a consistent advocate of the practical encouragement of young people and of the value of meaningful training. “SECTT has achieved major success in recent years, not least in establishing a new perception of the next generation of electricians by emphasising their skill, dedication and professionalism as well as the competence, confidence and maturity required to achieve their qualified status. “This has been reflected in the 770 apprentices and adult trainees who enrolled on the electrical apprenticeship in 2021 – the highest figure for 12 years – and recruitment remains buoyant.” SECTT was established in 1990 by Unite the Union and Scotland’s largest construction trade association, SELECT and now manages the Scottish Joint Industry Board (SJIB) training scheme for electrical apprenticeships in Scotland. During the pandemic, it offered an employment lifeline to apprentices made redundant by the fallout from COVID-19 and loaned computers to electrical apprentices and trainees to allow them to continue their studies remotely.

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Electrical apprenticeships and training are in safe hands during COVID-19 crisis, SECTT tells electrical industry

The Scottish Electrical Charitable Training Trust (SECTT) has reassured the industry that electrical apprenticeships and training are in safe hands following the introduction of a range of emergency measures during the COVID-19 pandemic. As well as offering ongoing help and guidance to all apprentices, SECTT is working closely with the Scottish Joint Industry Board (SJIB), SELECT and colleges across Scotland to support the collective efforts of employers and colleges throughout the current crisis. To ensure clarity across the board, SECTT ­­– the body charged with managing electrical installation apprenticeships in Scotland – has already communicated nationally and regionally with all colleges, employers and apprentices via email, phone, social media and the OneFile platform. It will also hold an online meeting with all colleges in the week beginning 20 April, to devise a delivery model and take into consideration the needs of employers, apprentice and trainees, so no-one is disadvantaged. Anne Galbraith, CEO of SECTT, said: “We know these are unprecedented times, but we are doing all we can to help apprentices continue with their studies through alternate channels, while maintaining the high standards required. “The Electrical Installation Modern Apprenticeship is a vocational qualification and has safety implications, so we must ensure competency throughout the course, especially in the ‘Key Safety Critical’ areas. “Therefore, SECTT will be looking to complete the coursework as near to normal as possible, but this will depend on when we return to free movement.” Apprentices and trainees are being encouraged to keep in contact with their college lecturers with any coursework they can complete online, and by completing their ePortfolios through OneFile which their training officers will be marking. The objective is to reduce the overall workload when returning to normality to ensure apprenticeships remain on track. Ms Galbraith added: “Apprentices’ health and wellbeing is, of course, the most important aspect to consider and I appreciate sometimes it can be difficult to focus and concentrate on anything at present. However, learning might provide the distraction needed to ensure a healthy mindset. “We want to assure all employers that the SECTT team is still here and happy to answer their questions, we will work with them to allow them and their apprentices to get back to work and back on track as best we can.” SECTT was established in 1990 by SELECT and Unite the Union to manage the SJIB Training Schemes and today runs the only industry approved training scheme for electrical installation apprenticeships in Scotland. Ms Galbraith concluded: “When we do get back to normal, I can assure all apprentices that SECTT and the colleges will continue with the professional level of care to ensure we catch up with least disruption. “We will get through this, so in the meantime, look after yourself and your families, stick to the government guidelines and stay safe.”

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