SELECT, the campaigning body for Scotland’s electrical sector professionals, has joined with other organisations across the country to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Specialist Engineering Contractors’ (SEC) Group. Since its inception in 1993, SEC Group has provided a strong lobbying voice to support the specialist engineering sector especially in the vital areas of contractual issues. In value terms, members of the SECG represent the largest sector of UK construction, comprising the industry’s premier trade associations. In exclusively working on behalf of specialist contractors, it has not only improved the trading environment but it has also become a driver for real l change and a strong proponent of a more collaborative and project-oriented culture. Alan Wilson, Acting Managing Director at SELECT, said: “Electrical contractors were among the first to agree, that specialist engineering required its own representational body and SELECT has been proud to be a part of SEC Group over the years. “SEC Group aims to influence at the highest levels of government and it continues to do that by offering well-researched, sensible, pragmatic solutions which are of significant benefit to both businesses and their clients.” SEC Group now includes; the British Constructional Steelwork Association; the Building Engineering Services Association; ECA, the electrotechnical and engineering services trade body; the Lift and Escalator Industry Association; the Scaffolding Association; SELECT, the Electrical Contractors’ Association of Scotland; and SNIPEF, the Scottish and Northern Ireland Plumbing Employers’ Federation. Lord O’Neill of Clackmannan, the President of SEC Group, said: “Specialist engineering contractors across the UK deliver design, installation, commissioning, maintenance, repair and replacement of complex structures and systems. “Over 25 years, the group has worked tirelessly to inculcate a greater awareness amongst policy makers of the specialist engineering contribution to the life cycle of buildings and structures. In terms of the technologies involved that contribution is huge and will continue to grow.” Jamie Hepburn, Minister for Business, Fair Work and Skills in the Scottish Parliament, said: “Over the years, SEC Group has grown significantly and the businesses it represents now account for 35% of the construction output across the UK. “In particular, I welcome the commitment SEC Group members have made to promoting and providing career and training opportunities for our young people through the protection and expansion of the apprenticeship programme.” SELECT’s 1250 member companies account for around 90% of all electrical installation work carried out in Scotland. They have a collective turnover of around £1 billion and provide employment for 15,000 people. For more information please contact Alan Wilson, Acting Managing Director at SELECT, the Electrical Contractors’ Association of Scotland, The Walled Garden, Bush Estate, Midlothian, EH26 0SB. T: 0131 445 5577. F: 0131 445 5548. E: W: Twitter: