BDC Magazine

UK power networks

Utilities work together for big Biggleswade boost

UK Power Networks and National Grid are collaborating to provide the electrical infrastructure that will power thousands of new homes, business growth, and jobs in Biggleswade. The project is part of Central Bedfordshire Council’s initiative to support planned housing growth of around 3,000 homes to the east of the town.

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Shift project makes positive change for customers

The UK’s biggest electricity distributor is opening the way for local residents to join the energy ‘flexibility’ market to help cut the costs of running their electric vehicles (EVs). New ways of smart charging have been successfully tested by UK Power Networks to deliver greener energy at a lower cost

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UK Power Networks Services announces David Mitchell as new Director

The energy infrastructure specialist has announced David Mitchell as its new Director, effective from Thursday, 7 July. He replaces Ian Smyth, who will join Electricity North West as Chief Executive Officer later this year. David is an experienced leader who has worked for the company in its various forms since

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New programme launched to fast track low carbon transport

A new programme has been launched to accelerate the next wave of low carbon transport in the South and East of England. UK Power Networks is approaching the owners and managers of destination venues, property landlords and business workplaces who have long-term plans to install low carbon technology such as

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UK Power Networks electricity work supports White City development

A project worth almost £17million is underway to help provide extra power to thousands of homes and businesses in White City and the surrounding areas. UK Power Networks is working in partnership with contractors to reinforce the power supplies in and around White City – ensuring that the lights remain

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Latest Issue

BDC 319 : Aug 2024

UK power networks

UK Power Networks Services wins £40 million Piccadilly line power upgrade

UK Power Networks Services will complete electrical infrastructure upgrades to allow a new fleet of trains to operate on the Piccadilly line and improve reliability and service frequency. The project – which began in June 2022 and is scheduled to finish in June 2025 – will see UK Power Networks Services complete the design and construction works to upgrade several key electrical substations, and the installation of new electrical infrastructure, electrical control systems, and cables along key parts of the line. The initial framework contract runs for six years, with potential for two more. All this will increase electrical capacity to allow Transport for London (TfL) to launch a new fleet of air-conditioned modern trains with improved reliability, efficiency, and accessibility for passengers. Overall, the line upgrade will allow for a 23% uplift in peak capacity, with a train running on the line every 135 seconds at the busiest times from 2027. The announcement extends UK Power Networks Services’ longstanding portfolio on the London Underground. The infrastructure specialists have previously worked on several initiatives, including a major redevelopment at Liverpool Street as part of the Crossrail project, and 16 substation upgrades along the Metropolitan, Circle, Hammersmith & City, and District lines. The high voltage electrical upgrades will take place above and below ground at 21 electricity substations, with planned works at Cobourg Street, Manor House and Mansell Street. Electrical infrastructure benefits include the installation of new transformers, SCADA cabinets, an upgrade of the line’s cable network, and a host of structural improvements. Upgrades will be phased to minimise disruption for passengers, with the line scheduled to stay open throughout the project. Philip Heathcote, head of markets at UK Power Networks Services, said: We’re at our best when we partner with clients to make their long-term objectives a reality. Our teams are excited to bring their unique expertise to this long-term collaboration and add value though innovation, dedication, and a shared vision to make the London Underground more reliable for the future.

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Utilities work together for big Biggleswade boost

UK Power Networks and National Grid are collaborating to provide the electrical infrastructure that will power thousands of new homes, business growth, and jobs in Biggleswade. The project is part of Central Bedfordshire Council’s initiative to support planned housing growth of around 3,000 homes to the east of the town. A traditional ‘breaking the ground’ event marked work starting on National Grid’s 400kV substation and UK Power Networks’ new grid substation, that will increase power capacity in Biggleswade and help the community move towards a low carbon economy. UK Power Networks and National Grid looked into various technology solutions to deliver the extra 80 megawatts of power required. This detailed assessment included reinforcing existing infrastructure and providing power from other existing substations. These options were discounted because they either failed to meet the power requirements or presented significant and unnecessary engineering and cost difficulties. The National Grid compound for a 400kV substation will measure approximately 150 metres by 130 metres and have a maximum height of 15 metres to connect to the existing overhead power lines. The UK Power Networks compound (Biggleswade East Grid), will have a footprint of approximately 180 metres by 100 metres and a maximum height of nine metres. UK Power Networks project manager Geraint Hancock said: “The start of construction on site is a significant milestone to achieve and is the culmination of 18 months’ of design, surveys, studies and extensive consultation. We have designed a scheme with National Grid that will make the electricity network for Biggleswade fit for the future. Construction works will take around three years to complete with energisation planned in the winter of 2024.” Mark Beasley project director for National Grid said: “We invest around £1 billion each year in the electricity transmission system, delivering the fastest decarbonising electricity network in the world with world-class reliability. We are delighted to be a part of this project, connecting and increasing power capacity to Biggleswade, supporting investment in the town and enabling a secure supply of electricity to the area for the decades to come.” Councillor Richard Wenham, leader of Central Bedfordshire Council, said: “This new electricity substation will meet the growing energy needs of the local community and provide the essential power to support new homes, business opportunities, and jobs. “As we look to do our bit for the planet, and as more people shift to electric vehicles or clean energy to heat their homes, the new substation will help support the important sustainability agenda.” The Council secured £70million of government funding via Homes England Housing Infrastructure Fund for a number of schemes, including this power project.

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Shift project makes positive change for customers

The UK’s biggest electricity distributor is opening the way for local residents to join the energy ‘flexibility’ market to help cut the costs of running their electric vehicles (EVs). New ways of smart charging have been successfully tested by UK Power Networks to deliver greener energy at a lower cost for customers who charge their EVs at certain periods. With energy prices rising, smart charging enables customers to use electricity not only when it is greenest, but cheapest too. Project Shift, led by UK Power Networks in partnership with Kaluza, Octopus Energy and, developed and trialled three different ways to incentivise EV charging outside of peak times, more attractive to EV owners. The world’s largest trial of smart charging incentives has shown that only 19% of the time customers spend plugged in at home, is needed to meet their charging needs. This makes ‘smart charging’ a possibility for people who can shift their charge times to when demand on the electricity network is lower, using cheaper, greener electricity to charge their car ready for the next day. Findings included that 85% of customers were open to smart charging, so long as their mobility requirements were met. EV demand during the evening peak was reduced by an average of 79% due to Smart charging with ongoing financial incentives. The median daily reduction in EV demand between 6-9 pm was 82%. Customers are now charging their car cheaper at certain times on a routine basis and earning rewards for charging, while avoiding the need for local electricity grids to be reinforced. As the distributor of electricity to 8.4 million homes and businesses across London, the South East and East of England, UK Power Networks is a key enabler of the UK’s transition to a low carbon economy and forging a path to Net Zero. Smart EV charging is critical to enabling the lowest cost electrification of transport, especially important as consumers are facing increased cost of living. As more people opt for a low carbon way of life, demand on the electricity grid rises with customers wanting the choice of how and when they charge. Project Shift means people can easily access the benefits of the fast-emerging flexibility market while supporting the increased adoption of EVs. Ian Cameron, head of customer service and innovation at UK Power Networks, said: “It is great that customers can receive incentives for charging their electric vehicles outside of peak times at home. “Smart charging will ultimately save everyone money and offers new opportunities for domestic households and businesses to contribute to a smarter UK energy system. It is key to helping us deliver Net Zero at the best cost for both customers and the network.” William Goldsmith, head of grid & data services at, said: “It’s been fantastic working with UK Power Networks on such world leading innovation and I am delighted that the learnings from Project Shift have already been integrated into UK Power Networks’ first-of-a-kind flexibility tenders. “Charging electric vehicles smartly to unlock grid services is a critical part of delivering a green, affordable energy future. This can only be done by engaging and incentivising EV drivers to take part.”

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UK Power Networks Services announces David Mitchell as new Director

The energy infrastructure specialist has announced David Mitchell as its new Director, effective from Thursday, 7 July. He replaces Ian Smyth, who will join Electricity North West as Chief Executive Officer later this year. David is an experienced leader who has worked for the company in its various forms since joining as an apprentice in 1980. In his most recent position as Head of Client Delivery, David has been responsible the delivery of major projects for key clients including works at Hinkley Point C, Great Western train line (GWEP) and London Underground. The internal promotion reflects UK Power Networks Services’ commitment to long-term expertise and professional development within the firm. The announcement comes during an exciting period of growth for UK Power Networks Services, as it continues to deliver for existing clients and expand to support industries through the sustainable energy transformation. The company’s clients include some of the UK’s highest profile business, including airports, ports, rail operators, public sector developments, utilities, manufacturers, and logistics firms. Last month, the company announced a new three-year project with the Port of Felixstowe, the UK’s largest container port, to meet its Net Zero aspirations, reduce emissions, and increase the resilience of the port’s electricity network. New Director David Mitchell said: “I’m of course delighted to be stepping into this role. This is a hugely exciting time for UK Power Networks Services as we continue to deliver a bright energy future for our clients. There is plenty of work to do to meet the challenge, but I believe we have the right blend of skill, experience and determination to deliver.” Basil Scarsella, CEO of UK Power Networks, said: “David is an outstanding leader with a proven track record. His determination and passion will allow UK Power Networks Services to continue to support some of the UK’s most important industries through this critical phase in the transition to Net Zero.” Find out more about UK Power Networks Services:

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New programme launched to fast track low carbon transport

A new programme has been launched to accelerate the next wave of low carbon transport in the South and East of England. UK Power Networks is approaching the owners and managers of destination venues, property landlords and business workplaces who have long-term plans to install low carbon technology such as solar energy generation or electric vehicle charging hubs. The electricity distribution network operator for London, the South and East of England wants to help identify common challenges across groups and sectors, that until now have not needed to work with their local energy distributor, then identify common challenges and design practical solutions to help. The new Low Carbon Technology Customer Group will initially work with a broad range of trade bodies and individuals, representing sectors ranging from social housing landlords to emergency services, leisure and retail development owners, farmers and even caravan and camping destinations. The group will collaborate with UK Power Networks to identify common challenges they face in reducing their carbon footprint. Solutions could range from sector-specific toolkits to targeted, co-ordinated network investment programmes. Adam Lakey, stakeholder engagement manager at UK Power Networks, said: “We want to help anyone who might be thinking about decarbonising their existing property asset but doesn’t know who to speak to. We’re looking for input from organisations like ambulance trusts or fire brigades to campsites or shopping destinations; anyone who knows that at some point over the next five-10 years they want to install low carbon technology like EV chargers or solar panels but doesn’t yet know how to go about it. “We can offer advice and expertise about how to go about it in the most cost-effective way. For example, if you install solar panels and then add electric vehicle charge points it may work out cheaper than upgrading your electricity supply for the charge points then adding solar power later. “We know there’s a vast range of existing buildings, developments and organisations that want to decarbonise. By starting a conversation with us through this new group we can help people do it more easily, quickly and cost-efficiently.” UK Power Networks is forecasting the number of electric vehicles connected to its networks will increase almost tenfold in the next five years, from 310,000 now to 2.6m in 2028. Last year, UK Power Networks launched its Green Recovery programme, an unprecedented opportunity to address climate change by kick-starting 86 shovel-ready green energy infrastructure projects. In total, £66m is being invested, including enabling 11 motorway service areas to install more than 600 ultra-fast 150kW chargers. This investment, combined with collaborative work across the sector, aims to develop the energy infrastructure that inspires customers with the confidence to switch to an EV. To find out more about participating in the LCT Customer Group, please email

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UK Power Networks electricity work supports White City development

A project worth almost £17million is underway to help provide extra power to thousands of homes and businesses in White City and the surrounding areas. UK Power Networks is working in partnership with contractors to reinforce the power supplies in and around White City – ensuring that the lights remain on for all. The project, known as the Wood Lane main substation construction, allows for the construction of a new extra-high voltage electricity substation that will provide additional power to customers such as Imperial College London and resilience to all customers in the surrounding area. This work acts as part of a wider strategy for the area to provide homes and jobs. The project being carried out by UK Power Networks started in March 2019 is due to finish in summer 2021. As part of the scheme, UK Power Networks has consulted local stakeholders and other interested parties to ensure that everyone experiences as little disruption as possible whilst the work takes place. Jason Gunning, project manager at UK Power Networks, said: “UK Power Networks is making sure the electricity network is fit and flexible for the future.  “Thousands of people in the area rely on us for a safe, efficient and reliable electricity supp. This work represents further growth in our network capacity to meet the increasing demand. This upgrade is part of our ongoing investment in the network to maintain reliable power supplies.” UK Power Networks is the country’s largest electricity distribution network. It works to maintain the safety and reliability of electricity networks, in addition to upgrading the network to meet the future needs of customers. The project is being completed in conjunction with contractors under its award-winning alliance scheme.  The electricity company keeps the lights on for more than eight million homes, schools, hospitals and businesses across London, the South East and East of England. The company invests more than £600 million annually in maintaining and improving electricity networks. The majority of London’s electricity infrastructure is underground, including over 36,000 kilometres of cabling. Techniques for saving costs can be found at pay as you go electricity sites.

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UK Power Networks welcomes opportunity to share learning’s and contribute to a smart energy system

As electric vehicles, domestic energy storage and smart energy appliances are increasingly embraced by consumers, the country’s biggest electricity distributor is developing a smart, flexible energy system to help keep costs down for users. UK Power Networks has published its response to Ofgem and the Department of Business Energy and Industrial Strategy’s call for evidence on “A Smart, Flexible Energy System”. The document sets out the company’s innovative plans and priorities, while it continues to deliver reliability and value for more than 8million homes and businesses across the East, South East and London. As the energy industry changes, Distribution Network Operators like UK Power Networks are already becoming Distribution System Operators as energy generated by renewable sources flows into and is managed by local networks, in addition to their traditional delivery of power flowing out to homes and businesses. Suleman Alli, director of Safety, Strategy and Support Services said: “We have already begun to transform our business. The roll out of active network management of Distributed Generation (DG) has already allowed 330MW of generation to connect saving of over £100m to DG customers. Research shows that a smart energy system has the potential to save customers up to £8billion a year by 2050”. To ensure the benefits to customers are delivered UK Power Networks will: Build on its Electric Vehicle plans to enable smart charging; Further develop the commercial and technical capabilities of a DSO; Continue to improve processes and operations to allow better use of embedded low carbon generation Support industry wide innovation in new commercial arrangements that support local energy, and deliver solutions that lower costs for customers. UK Power Networks taking a much more active role. Suleman added: “This will only be made possible by Distribution Network Owners like UK Power Networks taking a much more active role in managing the energy flowing through their networks as Distribution System Operators. “A key focus for 2017 will be the continued development of our roadmap to become a Distribution System Operator and ensure that our networks retain the flexibility required to adapt to the changing industry environment, including new technologies like electricity storage systems, electric vehicles and smart appliances.” “In developing our response, we have actively engaged with stakeholders, including renewable generators, storage providers, aggregators, suppliers and new IT platform providers.  Our engagement has provided us with first-hand experience of the issues which these stakeholders face, both in their interaction with us as a network operator and also the wider market place. We have used this experience to inform our response.” Distribution networks have already responded to the challenge of the changing energy market, connecting 27GW of DG from wind and solar farms – of which 8.5GW has connected across UK Power Networks’ service area (with a further 2.4GW contracted to connect). The response document is available on

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