Keyline Wins RoSPA Gold Award

Recently winning a Gold RoSPA Occupational Health and Safety Award, Keyline has recently been highlighted as one of those organisations taking health and safety as a foremost concern. The company, renown as a specialist in the provision of drainage and civils solutions, as well as heavy building materials, came into the award following on from being celebrated for its markedly responsible standards for health and safety as perceived over the course of the past year.

Most specifically, praise was given for the integral role played by both senior managers and directors in the overarching health and safety stratagems of the company. This saw a heavy focus on integrating all members of the Keyline team in the health and safety process, as well as typical forms of engagement to ensure a complete health and safety culture. A core part of this saw a considerable focus on proper risk assessments, enabling the company to adapt health and safety procedures in line with the relative risks perceived by a health and safety conscious workforce.

Nodding towards the company’s delight in receiving the award, as well as how it underlines how far the company has come in achieving first-class results for health and safety processes, Keyline’s Safety Director, Richard Byrne provided commentary on the win. He said: “Our obligation to health and safety extends to our colleagues, the contractors we employ, our customers, stakeholders that we work with, and members of the public. We are extremely proud that this effort has been acknowledged by RoSPA.”

The event also tied in with RoSPA’s 60th anniversary for its Health and Safety Awards, with the scheme having existed for a more extended period of time than any like-schemes in the industry. As such, success at the RoSPA awards is quite traditionally looked upon as the premier mark of success for health and safety procedures.

Latest Issue
Issue 326 : Mar 2025