Gleeds Welcomes New Members

Construction and property company Gleeds, which successfully operates in a number of other countries, has welcomed a new number of personnel through its doors in order to improve and expand the future of its infrastructure from its headquarters in the city of London. Mark Syrett will be the new Director in charge of improving and ensuring the successful developments of the rail department of Gleeds from his presence in the London office. With more than a quarter of a Century’s worth of experience in the building and construction sector of this country, it is clear that he will bring the knowledge and expertise to the table and will ensure that the Gleeds rail department continues to grow and expand its revenue.

Indeed, this aspect of Gleeds’ services has seen a 25 per cent rise in revenue in the course of the last year and it is evident that it will need a directing force of Mark Syrett’s capabilities to continue to do so in the current financial and economic climate in Britain. Enter from stage right Richard Golding, who also will be the latest addition to the Gleeds rail team, this time as an Associate Director. Having worked for 40 years with such large transport and logistics companies such as Network Rail, Richard Golding is an ideal addition to the Gleeds team and his responsibilities will include dealing with other logistics companies such as HS2 as well as the Department for Transport. Through this, the company will be able to assert itself as one of the leading building and construction businesses with a strong infrastructure to boot that will help increase its annual revenue to even greater heights.

Similarly, Richard Greer of Gleeds Worldwide has explained that with the government’s intentional investment of 1.2 per cent of Gross Domestic Product towards the infrastructure it is hoped that both Mark Syrett and Richard Golding will be able to use their skills and expertise to use this opportunity to the advantage of Gleeds.

Latest Issue
Issue 326 : Mar 2025