Accord to launch into consumer BTL and first-time landlord market

Accord Buy to Let has announced plans to expand into the consumer buy-to-let and first-time landlord markets in the coming months.
Chris Maggs, Accord’s Buy to Let Commercial Manager, said: “We continually review how we can develop our mortgage proposition to best suit the needs of landlords. Despite the uncertainty in the buy-to-let arena we believe that it will remain a robust market.
“As part of our commitment to support landlords we plan to expand into the consumer buy-to-let and first-time landlord markets in the coming months.”
Earlier this year, Accord made changes to its lending offering aimed at landlords looking to invest in lower value properties.
The intermediary-only lender now accepts buy-to-let loans on properties worth £75,000 and above, reducing its minimum property value down from £100,000.
In addition, Accord offers buy-to-let mortgages on ex-local authority properties.
Last week, Accord cut rates on its longer term mortgage deals, reducing rates across its entire five-year fixed rate range by up to 0.30%.