New & improved solar reflective aluminium paint

Coo-Var has added a new formulation to its solar reflective aluminium paint range which now gives an even brighter sheen finish, creating considerably more dissipation of heat and reflection of sunlight.

The solar reflective aluminium paint available in Coo-Var’s Specialist Paints range is a bituminous based aluminium paint that gives a highly reflective metallic finish. It is designed to reflect and dissipate heat and sunlight on roofs resulting in a reduction of heat build-up. You can apply direct to roofs including flat roofs. Available in 5 litres and 25 litres, it is suitable for felt, asphalt, wood, brick & concrete. Ideal for large commercial contract work as well as for residential property.

The new formulation helps to to decrease the need for air conditioning, fuel consumption, emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollutants.

About Coo-Var

Coo-Var started manufacturing paints in 1908, initially supplying marine and industrial finishes to the industrial and shipbuilding markets.

Since then the company has diversified into specialist and functional coatings; not only do they protect and decorate but also perform a specific function. For example our new Anti-condensation Paint, Antigraffiti coatings preventing permanent marking by graffiti: Anticlimb Paint, Antislip Paint, Antifouling Paint are all included in a large product range. Specific colours can be matched; specialist paints to meet a requirement can be make; Coo-Var supply problem solving products for walls, roofs and floors to enhance safety and security as well as the appearance.

Latest Issue
Issue 326 : Mar 2025