BDC Magazine

January 1, 2018

Winners of the 2015 RIBA Wren Insurance Association Scholarships Announced

The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) and The Wren Insurance Association Limited (the Wren) the architects’ professional indemnity insurance mutual, have announced five 2015 RIBA Wren Insurance Association Scholarships. Each winner will receive £5,000 for the last year of their Part 2 course in architecture and the opportunity to

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RIBA restructure focuses on members

The RIBA’s focus on its 40,000 members has been strengthened by an internal restructure that creates one new team in a new Members Directorate. The changes recently approved by the RIBA Board will come into effect in June with the recruitment of the new executive director members who will directly

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RJ McLeod profits rise 58%

Latest accounts from Scottish civil engineering contractopr RJ McLeod show a strong rise in turnover and profits. For the 12 months ended 1st November 2015 RJ McLeod (Contractors) Ltd made a pre-tax profit of £12.3m (2014: £7.8m) on turnover of £116.3m (2014: £100.0m). Despite investing £4.2m in plant and transport

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Latest Issue

BDC 319 : Aug 2024

January 1, 2018

Winners of the 2015 RIBA Wren Insurance Association Scholarships Announced

The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) and The Wren Insurance Association Limited (the Wren) the architects’ professional indemnity insurance mutual, have announced five 2015 RIBA Wren Insurance Association Scholarships. Each winner will receive £5,000 for the last year of their Part 2 course in architecture and the opportunity to be mentored by a member of the Wren. The 2015 winners are: • Ruxandra Maria Gruioniu from University College London• Lilly Ingleby from the University of Sheffield• Johnny Lui from the Royal College of Art• Alexander Mills from De Montfort University• Charles Proctor from the Royal College of Art RIBA President Stephen Hodder said: “I’m delighted that this scheme continues to recognise young, outstanding talent within our profession. Through a significant financial contribution to their studies, and the opportunity to be mentored throughout the last year of their Part 2, I have no doubt that these students will make the most of this exciting prospect and look forward to seeing how they progress in their future career.” Richard Pullen, Chairman of Wren, said: “I am delighted to announce that Ruxandra Maria Gruioniu, Lilly Ingleby, Johnny Lui, Alexander Mills and Charles Proctor are the winners of this year’s RIBA Wren Scholarships. Our insurance mutual, having enjoyed over 25 successful years, is continuing to mark its quarter century by making available a scholarship fund of £25,000 per year to Part 2 students at a time when the cost of qualification can be overwhelming. We are also offering the successful students the opportunity of being mentored by some of the UK’s leading architectural firms. The Wren Members, having helped each other for so long, feel it is appropriate to support and encourage the next generation of talented architects who have the potential to make a significant contribution to the field of architecture.” -ENDS- Notes to editors 1. For further press information please contact Gagandeep Bedi in the RIBA Press Office on 020 7307 3814 or email gagandeep.bedi@riba.org2. To download images of this year’s recipients and copies of their portfolios please visit:  3. The scholarship scheme was created in 2013 as part of the Wren’s 25th anniversary celebrations. For more information about the Wren see The recipients of funding were selected after an initial shortlisting stage followed by individual interviews with a judging panel. 4. The judging panel consisted of: Chris Bennie (TP Bennett), Luke Butcher (member of the RIBA Education Trust Funds Committee), Jonathan Hall (Allford Hall Monaghan Morris), Tony Poole (Sheppard Robson Architects LLP), Clare Richards (member of the RIBA Education Trust Funds Committee). David Gloster, Director of Education at RIBA was present as independent moderator of the judging process.5. The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) champions better buildings, communities and the environment through architecture and our members. Visit and follow us on Twitter. Posted on Monday 20th July 2015 Source link

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Praxis commences major office refurb at Manchester's Concord Business Park

Praxis has commenced a major refurbishment scheme at Dakota House on Concord Business Park near Manchester Airport, with Savills and JLL appointed as joint letting agents. The 40,000 sq ft (3,715 sq m) vacant office building will undergo significant improvements including a full Category A refurbishment, which is due to be completed in September 2016.  Quoting rents at Dakota House are £16.50 per sq ft (£177.60 per sq m). Situated 1.5 miles from Manchester Airport, Concord Business Park benefits from the recent Metrolink extension and offers a range of amenities including an on-site restaurant.  Virgin Media and ASE Global are among the major occupiers located there. James Evans, head of Savills Manchester, comments: “We anticipate strong interest in the refurbished Dakota House, particularly as the supply of high quality office space in the area is so limited.  The quality of the refurbishment, the public transport connections and the on site amenity offer set it apart from competing locations.” Source link

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RIBA restructure focuses on members

The RIBA’s focus on its 40,000 members has been strengthened by an internal restructure that creates one new team in a new Members Directorate. The changes recently approved by the RIBA Board will come into effect in June with the recruitment of the new executive director members who will directly connect activities currently managed by the RIBA’s Membership & Profession directorate and the Nations & Regions directorate. Harry Rich, RIBA Chief Executive, said, ‘This change will allow us to serve our members in the UK and around the world even better. Directly connecting our activities in this way represents a renewed and strengthened commitment to our work in the regions and nations of the UK and to our core membership, practice, education, client and international activities. It will allow us to build on the achievements of Richard Brindley and Elizabeth Robertson in their tremendous leadership of our Membership & Profession and Nations & Regions teams.’ Richard Brindley After 11 years as a director of the RIBA, Richard Brindley will be leaving the Institute at the end of June 2015. Over the next four months Richard will continue to lead and develop the RIBA’s professional and membership services and after June, he will continue to be involved with the RIBA, helping to bring to fruition the work he initiated on new and improved membership categories and services. Richard joined the RIBA as Director of Practice in November 2003 and then became RIBA Director of Professional Services (2007-2011) and is currently Executive Director Membership and Profession. Prior to his RIBA executive roles, whilst a practicing chartered architect, Richard was engaged with the RIBA as a Branch and Regional Chair, Council Member and Vice President between 1986 and 2002. Harry Rich said, ‘We will thank Richard properly and fully in June, but in the meantime I want to express my gratitude for his immense contribution to our work and to the practice of architecture in the UK and beyond. He has been instrumental in developing many new services for RIBA members, such as the RIBA Chartered Practice scheme, Client Services, Business Benchmarking and sustaining the RIBA’s membership during the recent recession. I have enjoyed working with him and am grateful for his support as a highly respected and knowledgeable colleague. I am delighted that Richard will be able to ensure a smooth handover to his successor and that we will have the benefit of Richard’s professional skill and knowledge after June.’ Richard said: ‘It has been an immense privilege and fulfilling professional experience to work at the RIBA with many talented and committed RIBA members and staff colleagues and to be part of making a real positive difference for our architects’ profession and for architecture. Looking back on the last 11 years, it gives me great pride to see what we have achieved together in developing, supporting and promoting the profession through times of great change and challenge. The RIBA and its members are recognised globally as representing excellence in architecture and professionalism. Long may that continue!’ Elizabeth Robertson From June Elizabeth Robertson will move to a new role of Executive Director CSR and will lead on a number of key cross-organisational areas, initially including the completion of RIBA North and initiating a coherent programme of corporate and social responsibility. Liz will work three days a week. Liz has been with Nations & Regions for ten years this summer, overseeing a programme of change and renewal that has harnessed the creativity of staff and members and delivered outstanding work in all areas of RIBA activity. Harry Rich said, ‘As a result of Liz’s remarkable leadership of our teams around the country our regional and branch network is stronger than ever – providing invaluable support to members and spreading our message about the value of architecture. I am immensely grateful for this and I am delighted that we will continue to benefit from Liz’s expertise, dedication and friendship in her new role.’ Liz said: ‘Leading Nations and Regions has been a constant source of pleasure and it has been a privilege to work with such dedicated teams across England and Wales. My new role will bring fresh challenges, but also exciting opportunities. I will continue to work with staff, members and other partners, and I look forward to creating a new programme of work which will positively engage all parts of the RIBA.’ Harry Rich said, ‘These changes are being made to serve our members even better and to build on the great work of the Membership & Profession and Nations & Regions teams over the past few years. The changes will come into effect from June.’ ENDS Notes to editors: 1. For further press information contact the RIBA Press Office: 020 7307 3662 2. The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) champions better buildings, communities and the environment through architecture and our members 3. Follow us on Twitter for regular RIBA updates   Posted on Thursday 12th March 2015 Source link

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RJ McLeod profits rise 58%

Latest accounts from Scottish civil engineering contractopr RJ McLeod show a strong rise in turnover and profits. For the 12 months ended 1st November 2015 RJ McLeod (Contractors) Ltd made a pre-tax profit of £12.3m (2014: £7.8m) on turnover of £116.3m (2014: £100.0m). Despite investing £4.2m in plant and transport during the year, the privately-owned company has no borrowings. The number of employees on the payroll increased from 386 to 425 during the year – 164 directors and salaried staff, an increase of 10; and 261 site operatives, up from 232. As a result the annual wage bill rose from £17.8m to £21.8m. The four directors got a quarter of this increase: their remuneration went up from £2.3m to £3.3m.   This article was published on 28 Jun 2016 (last updated on 28 Jun 2016). Source link

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