Westmorland wins 2016 RIBA Client of the Year award

Gloucester Services_WebImage_Paul_Miller_3

Image: Gloucester Services by Glenn Howells Architects and AFL Architects © Paul Miller

The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) has today (Thursday 6 October 2016) announced Westmorland Limited as winner of the 2016 RIBA Client of the Year award. The annual award, supported by The Bloxham Charitable Trust, recognises the key role that a good client plays in the creation of fine architecture.

Westmorland Limited – the first and only family run motorway service station operator in the UK – was nominated by Glenn Howells Architects for the RIBA National Award-winning Gloucester Services.

RIBA Client of the Year judge Tom Bloxham said:

“The best buildings result from successful partnerships of highly ambitious clients working with equally demanding architects. With Gloucester Services, Westmorland have not only commissioned a brilliant service station – a type of site not necessarily known for its architectural qualities – but they have contributed much more, creating a successful business model that has its local community at its heart. I am delighted that Westmorland have been recognised with the RIBA’s Client of the Year award for their incredible achievement.”


Notes to editors:

1. For further press information please contact Callum Reilly in the RIBA press office callum.reilly@riba.org or 020 7307 3757

2. Citation:

“Gloucester Service Station is on the stretch of the M5 Motorway that serves the Cotswolds. Not a building type known for breaking architectural boundaries, but in architecture, procurement of food and the experience they like to offer their customers, breaking boundaries and doing things a little bit differently is exactly what the Dunnings, the family behind Westmorland, like to do. With Glenn Howells Architects on board Westmorland have created a southern sister to Tebay Sevices in Cumbria, and in Gloucester have helped redefine and reimagine the maligned British Motorway Service Station by placing good design at the heart of what they do.”

3. Nomination summary by Glenn Howells Architects:

“In 1972, Cumbrian farmers John and Barbara Dunning set up Westmorland and Tebay Services in partnership with local producers when the new M6 expanded through the Lune Gorge, making it the first and only family run motorway service station operator in the UK.

“Gloucester Services builds upon the success of Tebay in its use of local materials, innovation, construction and vernacular design. It exceeds all expectations of what a motorway service area can be. Working with Glenn Howells Architects, Westmorland had a clear brief. They were professional from the outset, allowing the architectural team to come up with the most appropriate design for the site whilst also challenging and testing the design down to the last detail. Over 28 million vehicles a year carry over 40 million people through Gloucestershire via the M5 – previously without any community benefit. Now, through the vision of Westmorland, the M5 has been turned into a community asset rather than a problem bringing pollution, congestion and noise. Gloucester Services champions its locality through its commitment to locally sourced and homemade food. The business works with around 130 local (within 30 miles) and over 70 regional producers. A notable feature of Westmorland is its partnership with the Gloucester Gateway Trust, which works with disadvantaged local communities. Westmorland have successfully employed over 30% of its workforce from the long-term unemployed, those with learning disabilities and mental illness, substance abuse sufferers and ex-offenders. This business charity partnership is not just a charitable donation; it’s an investment in the local community.”

4. Tom Bloxham MBE of Urban Splash supports the RIBA Client of the Year award through his charity The Bloxham Charitable Trust.

5. Previous winners of RIBA Client of the Year award include The Royal Shakespeare Company (2011), Olympic Delivery Authority (2012), the National Trust (2013), Manchester Metropolitan University (2014) and National Theatre (2015).

6. The Architects’ Journal is media partner for the RIBA Awards, including RIBA Client of the Year. For more information visit www.architectsjournal.co.uk

7. The Royal Institute of British Architects (@RIBA) is a global professional membership body that serves its members and society in order to deliver better buildings and places, stronger communities and a sustainable environment. www.architecture.com


Posted on Thursday 6th October 2016

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