June 19, 2020

The Art of Client Retention

Property management has vast challenges, but retention of clients in the current financial and fast-moving environment takes hard work, and attention to detail. Clive Winton is now in his tenth year with Crabtree, and to date his portfolio of clients remains intact from when he was first appointed as their

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How to keep your drains in perfect working order

When things go wrong with the plumbing in your house, you will likely be left with a hefty bill from a professional and a whole load of stress. Some issues are totally out of your control, but there are plenty of other things you can do to keep your drains

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Wheel loaders VS hydraulic excavators

Wheel loaders and hydraulic excavators have much improved industries.  Excavators and wheel loaders are mainly used to dig up the soil, heavy lifting and moving piles of debris. The big machines can perform in mining, construction, forestry and even landscaping. These heavy machines have certain advantages such as; Reduced operational

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A Guide to Choosing the Right Heat Resistant Equipment

Can you imagine the risk one would be posing themselves while they are working under high-temperature environments without the right protective gear? If the normal summer heat gets uncomfortable sometimes, you can now imagine temperatures of over 100.4F. Working in some industries such as the construction sector sometimes requires you

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How Japanese-imported minimalism can help you maximise space

For generations, many of us in Western countries have been obsessed with the idea that bigger is better. Needing more space, a bigger garden, two bathrooms… However in Japan, something very different is going on. There are an abundance of inventive interior designers and architects who are using the limited space that Japan has

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What you need to know about Fashion Business Card

Most brands are using a business card to market their products to prospective clients. However, with the increase in the adoption of these cards, it is essential to ensure that yours stands out. The fashion industry is not immune to these requirements, and you need to strategize smart ideas to

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How to Sleep Better During a Pandemic

Stressed, overly anxious or subconsciously scared? Naturally, the “new normal” has come with a flood of negative emotions. For many of us, this has led to successive sleepless nights, weighing down on us throughout the day. As we adapt to life under lockdown, working from home, being separated from friends

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Latest Issue
Issue 322 : Nov 2024

June 19, 2020

The Art of Client Retention

Property management has vast challenges, but retention of clients in the current financial and fast-moving environment takes hard work, and attention to detail. Clive Winton is now in his tenth year with Crabtree, and to date his portfolio of clients remains intact from when he was first appointed as their property manager. How has he achieved this? This is Clive’s story Clive worked in the city for 36 years. His involvement in property management started as a Finance Director in the property where he lived, spanning eleven of his 23 years in residence in a block of 120 flats in North West London. He was not only successful in this role but found it enjoyable. So, when in 2009 a former fellow Director suggested he should get into property management professionally, Clive wasn’t entirely surprised by that idea. In the beginning Around that time Crabtree was experiencing huge growth, and on the hunt for property managers to expand their team. Clive approached Crabtree, swiftly followed by an interview, but was told that whilst they were interested in him, he would need to work towards being AIRPM qualified. He decided to undertake the training at home; he passed the exam with distinction. In 2010 Clive began his longstanding career with Crabtree. Using his knowledge and experience of being a Director for an RMC, he could see things from both the client’s perspective, and the property manager’s standpoint. To this day Clive advocates that is a major factor when it comes to client retention, and resident happiness. Within two years he had taken, and passed the MIRPM qualification exam. From listening to Clive talk about his day, his enthusiasm is infectious, but it comes with gritty realism; a down-to earth approach is most definitely required to be successful, and at the core of everything he does is his skill as a great listener. Clive clearly treats every client as they are the only one that he has. Drill down further and it’s easy to see why he has never lost a customer (in no particular order): Going down to site – know your customers Knowing your finances – what budget is available? Familiarity – make friends with both the Directors and residents and to be there when they need you Awareness of current regulations and H&S practices Being proactive with feedback – tomorrow is always too late! Taking responsibility for the property – acting quickly – “just get it done”! Not wasting time, if waiting for quotes to come in for works to be done is going to slow the process up, go with the quote you’ve got. Continuity – don’t be good at what you do most of the time – customers expect it all of the time. I asked Clive why he enjoyed his job He likes to build solid relationships with the Directors, the RMC and the residents, and that means getting out, meeting regularly with people and really listening to them. He believes that being of a more mature age is a definite bonus when it comes to building these relationships. Most Directors of the RMCs he looks after are of a similar age to Clive, and with that comes a certain respect that some younger property managers can struggle with at times. Familiarity is key, Clive says (quite rightly) that the last thing a resident wants to hear either on the phone, or at an AGM is “I don’t know your property”. It happens in the property world, but not in Clive’s world. Know your site, is a mantra Clive lives by, and continuity makes the job a whole lot easier. Whilst having been a Director gives Clive more of an insight into dealing with negotiations or difficult customers, Clive still believes that it takes years of experience to gain trust and respect. He believes that the lease document is most important and needs to be completely understood before any project commences. Some lease documents (as Clive has found out in the past) can contain very unusual clauses. One such lease, that he pulled out from his multitude of files to show me was from 1976. A snapshot from this section of the document states: “the tenant is not to nurse or permit to be nursed any case of notifiable infectious or contagious illness in the flat without the previous consent in writing of the Lessor”. He likes being in control and keeping on top of budget management. Again, it comes back to his mantra; “Know your client, know your property, know your finances”. Clive keeps track of all financials via hand written ledger books, because he says that’s how he managed the service charge budget at his own block of flats when he was a Director, and what worked for him then also works for him now. Underneath his desk is a mountain of carefully stored ledger books which contain in-depth records of every penny spent by his clients whilst under his stewardship during the time he’s been with Crabtree. Whilst he also uses the online management system, he still believes this method, whilst a tad old fashioned (as he’s happy to admit), works for him. Plus, his ledger books never need a reboot. Fair point Clive, can’t argue with that. There’s a lot to be said for experience that’s for sure.

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NHF-supported Building Better alliance appoints PfH to establish offsite construction procurement framework

Building Better, the National Housing Federation-supported alliance of housing associations working to develop offsite solutions for the social housing sector, has selected Procurement for Housing to develop a procurement framework for offsite manufacturing with the aim of building a minimum of 500 homes.  Building Better was set up through the National Housing Federation’s Greenhouse innovation programme in 2018, which explored the reasons behind the chronic shortage of affordable homes and the quality issues that plague many new builds. With a combined stock size of 277,000, the Building Better alliance of 25 housing associations aims to significantly accelerate modern methods of construction amongst social landlords. Social housing procurement services provider, PfH was appointed after a competitive tender process and will start work immediately. The offsite construction framework will be informed by Building Better’s research, including over 100 interviews with housing associations and their residents, analysis of the latest offsite innovations and learning from previous projects, which all indicate that greater collaboration and standardisation are key to overcoming the offsite supply challenge. Procurement for Housing will use these research findings, the expertise of Building Better alliance advisers such as construction specialist Cast Consultancy and its own experience of developing complex procurement projects, to create a demand-led framework that will overcome common barriers around offsite construction in social housing. Although some small projects have taken place in social housing, offsite only represents around 3% of the UK construction market and the volume needed to sustain factories and reduce unit prices hasn’t yet been achieved. Building Better has appointed PfH to address this and develop a framework with a high degree of standardisation that gathers wide-scale commitment from social landlords. The goal is to develop strong partnerships with the supply chain, create value for money for social landlords and offer a high-quality solution which helps housing providers to build properties with high energy efficiency, that are better value for residents to run and for providers to maintain. The offsite manufacturing framework will offer additional construction capacity to social landlords that are already feeling the effects of the ageing construction workforce and a looming skills shortage, made worst by the economic impact of Brexit and the coronavirus crisis. Offsite construction has the ability to help social landlords meet their new build targets because it offers a more structured supply chain, less exposure to the fluctuations in the traditional skills workforce, faster delivery and more control over quality and sustainability. Helen Greig, project director at Building Better said: “We wanted a procurement partner with a strong understanding of delivering complicated frameworks that also had experience in modern methods of construction. Procurement for Housing have a loyal membership-base of over 900 housing providers and a strong understanding of the issues facing the sector and how to overcome challenges through collaborative procurement. We’re looking forward to working with PfH so we can raise the bar around modern methods of construction in the social housing sector and create a framework that delivers on quality as well as price.” Steve Malone, managing director at Procurement for Housing said: “One of the biggest challenges around offsite construction has been that social landlords often express an interest and there are small developments but you need a regular, consistent flow of work, in a standardised format, to make offsite construction economically viable. We’ve always known that offsite construction has to be demand-led, not framework-led to work in social housing. Our collaboration with Building Better is all about harnessing demand in the sector and shifting modern methods of construction from a cottage industry to the mainstream.”

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How to keep your drains in perfect working order

When things go wrong with the plumbing in your house, you will likely be left with a hefty bill from a professional and a whole load of stress. Some issues are totally out of your control, but there are plenty of other things you can do to keep your drains in perfect working order and avoid that plumbing headache! Clear blocked drains Some drain cleaners can contain harsh chemicals that can, in time, wear away your pipes and cause lasting damage, and so you may be wondering, ‘how can I clear my plumbing drains without chemicals?’ There are, in fact, plenty of non-chemical options for clearing out blocked drains, from a good, old-fashioned plunger, to a wire coathanger! These options are a lot gentler for your pipework and with a bit of muscle, can do just as good a job. Run some hot water down the drain after each use, and occasionally a cup full of baking soda to neutralize any smells and clean the insides of your pipes. Get a waste strainer One of the easiest things you can do for your drainage health is to invest in a waste strainer. They are super cheap, simple devices that cover your plughole and catch any little bits of food and waste that shouldn’t be going down into your drains. Although these little bits of rice and leftover peas don’t seem like an issue when it’s only one or two bits, it all adds up and can cause a problem. You can get a similar gadget for your shower plug to catch any hair that might fall out. It’s pretty gross to have to clean it, but much pleasanter than having to remove a hairball from your drain. Be careful what you flush There is an enormous list of things that shouldn’t be flushed down a toilet; in fact, the list of things that can be flushed is much shorter! For example, baby wipes, menstrual products such as pads or tampons, and cat litter should not be flushed. Although it might seem harmless to flush hair or dental floss, they both act like nets and can catch anything that comes down the drain, causing a blockage. Keep oil and grease away Although they are both liquids, and it may seem as though they can be safely flushed or disposed of down your kitchen sink, grease and oil are two of the worst things that can find their way into your pipes! They will solidify, and cause a stubborn blockage that may need professionals to treat. When it comes to keeping your house in good running order, a lot of it comes down to common sense, although there may be a few items on this list that did surprise you. That said, if you follow this guidance, you will keep your pipes, drains, and plumbing in optimal health, which will save you a considerable amount of time, money, and worry in the long run!

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Wheel loaders VS hydraulic excavators

Wheel loaders and hydraulic excavators have much improved industries.  Excavators and wheel loaders are mainly used to dig up the soil, heavy lifting and moving piles of debris. The big machines can perform in mining, construction, forestry and even landscaping. These heavy machines have certain advantages such as; Reduced operational costs. It is because the tools can do a lot of work which could have used up a lot of human resources. Fast. The use of the wheel loaders and excavators usually completes the work fast as they are more efficient. Ability to do heavy work. The invention of excavators and wheel loaders has relieved the human labor force of a lot of work and strain on the muscles. Wheel loaders and hydraulic excavators main work is to carry heavy objects, and this has significantly been of help. There has always been a comparison of wheel loaders and the hydraulic excavators. Many of the times the hydraulic excavators are still better than the wheel loaders and International attachments is necessary to get the best deals.. Let us take a look at the reasons: Dump height The wheel loaders have a low dump height while the hydraulic excavators have a high dump height. The difference in dump height is an important feature to consider if you will be using the machine for dumping mainly. The low dump height in wheel loaders makes dumping less accurate as the operator cannot see well where he/she is dropping. High dump height of the hydraulic excavators makes the dumping by hydraulic excavators more reliable and more efficient. Breakout force One of the features that make the excavator more efficient than the wheel loaders is that it has a higher breakout force. The wheel loader in its design has less breakout force hence is usually less efficient. Maintenance costs It is estimated that 50% of the money used to maintain the wheel loaders is used for replacing the tear and wear of the wheels. Due to the nature of its work, the wheel loaders work in very rough surfaces. The excavator has the tracks, and even if they require to be repaired, they have less tear and wear hence are more economical. Flexibility and mobility The wheel loaders require more space to maneuver hence cannot work in smaller areas while the excavators can work without changing their location. It makes the excavators more flexible to work with and therefore, more efficient. The design that enables the excavators not to move lets it easy for the operator. Easy to work with As stated above the wheel loaders usually move about in the area; it is working. It makes it challenging to work with compared to the excavators which do not change their location. Their flexibility does not tire the operator and hence better to use. As illustrated above, working with excavators is more efficient, and it is way better than working with wheel loaders. The wheel loaders, however, do not lack its advantages of its own such as; Cheap The wheel loader design makes sure that it uses less steel to manufacture compared to the wheel excavator. It reduces its manufacture cost hence decreasing its price. Mobility The wheel loader is more mobile hence can work in places where the excavator cannot work, such as in sloppy areas. Easy to train One can efficiently train how to use a wheel loader. Excavators require a lot of training and hence increasing the labor costs of the excavator. If you want to save money, the wheel loader is your best option as it is cheap and requires cheaper labor. Getting Excavators and wheel loaders  International attachments can help you a great deal in getting hydraulic excavators and loaders. Foreign accessories are helpful in that they; Offer expert help The hydraulic attachments and wheel loader attachments companies are experts in their field; therefore, they offer expert help and help one get the best machine for what he wants. Offer a wide range of selection. The market generally offers a wide selection of products such as that you can select from a wide range of products. Reduced costs If you can get an excellent deal for your excavators and wheel loaders, then you will get free shipping services reducing your costs. Discount prices Getting an attachment for the hydraulic excavators and wheel loaders will give you discount prices for the machines. It will enable you to afford these machines. Bottom Line In this modern era, the excavators and wheel loaders will significantly improve our industries hence very important to be aware of how they operate. They both have their advantages and disadvantages, and when deciding which to buy, you have to consider certain factors. It is, therefore, essential for you to seek expert help to help you choose the best option. International attachments can be of great help.

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A Guide to Choosing the Right Heat Resistant Equipment

Can you imagine the risk one would be posing themselves while they are working under high-temperature environments without the right protective gear? If the normal summer heat gets uncomfortable sometimes, you can now imagine temperatures of over 100.4F. Working in some industries such as the construction sector sometimes requires you to operate under extremely high temperatures. For this reason, it is vital to have the right protective gear while doing the job. This is so as to ensure that you are safe while working and also to avoid falling in the wrong books of authorities given that most demand that all employees should be in the right protective gear while at work. All employers should, therefore, ensure that their employees have the right gear and equipment while doing their job. The idea of choosing the right protective gear for employees working in the high heat conditions might be daunting, but fret not! In this piece, we will be giving you a few tips to help you choose the right heat resistant equipment. Know what equipment you need First things first, what type of heat resistant materials do your employees require? This is the first thing that you need to know before taking the plunge. You want to access the working environment and find out the type of equipment that will be required for the job. Also, while doing this, the safety of your employees should be your number one priority. Look at some of the hazards that might happen while at the workplace to be certain of what they will require. You could use your employees’ input at this point as they might be in a better position to know what they need to get the job done. Identify the right company to buy from After coming up with a list of the protective equipment that your employees will require, you now want to identify a company that deals with such. Given that many companies sell the heat-resistant materials today, you want to be very particular while choosing one. Be sure to choose a company that is highly reputable and is known to sell only high-quality equipment. To help you with these, scheme through some of the online reviews and see what other customers are saying about a particular company. Bad reviews are a red flag, move on to the next! Quality is key Some of the heat resistant materials can be quite costly, and you might be tempted to go for a cheaper option- but this is a mistake you should never make. Quality is crucial when it comes to buying such. You do not want to go for a cheaper option only for it to serve you for a short while before getting spoilt. If you want quality, you will have to part away with a few bucks, but best believe, the equipment might take you years before you get a replacement. Consider comfortability Most often than not, employees are always on their protective gear for the best part of the day. What that means is that there is a need for them to be comfortable in the protective gear that they wear. Comfortable clothing enables the employees to do their work efficiently while at the same time protecting them from any risks. All employees should, therefore, go for a fitting of the protective gear before the purchase is made to be sure that it fits them perfectly. Be keen on the maintenance Buying the right high-quality equipment but not doing your due diligence when it comes to its maintenance means that the equipment’s lifespan is reduced. As such, you want to ensure that your employees clearly understand how to take care of the protective gear that you purchase. The good thing is that most of these protective gears come with clear instructions on how to maintain them in terms of how to clean and store them. Bottom Line Now that you know how to choose the right heat protective gear after going through the above guide, you are in a better position to make the right purchase. Also, ensure that your employees are well trained on how to use the equipment as well as how to take good care of them.

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How Japanese-imported minimalism can help you maximise space

For generations, many of us in Western countries have been obsessed with the idea that bigger is better. Needing more space, a bigger garden, two bathrooms… However in Japan, something very different is going on. There are an abundance of inventive interior designers and architects who are using the limited space that Japan has to offer to its full potential. Tiny living has become the norm, and you’ll find full-sized families living happily in 50m2 apartments. From the outside, such minimalist-inspired design tends to use pure geometric forms in their construction such as rectangles, triangles, circles and cubes, and with simple and plain materials. Everything tends to be neat and perpendicular, whilst it embraces the idea that repetition and homogeneity offers a sense of unification and tranquility. Simple, open spaces may or may not be for everyone. There’s no doubt that modern furniture is often built in a versatile way to have multiple uses.  Examples of doubling up and maximising space It’s about doubling up and versatility. An example would be a rolling wall divider to help demarcate rooms temporarily. The kitchen can be smaller than the living room in the daytime, but when hosting a dinner party in the kitchen, the rolling wall can change the ratios and double the size of the kitchen. This allows construction to be more simplistic in its foundation, because the owners of the home can actually design the rooms. Another great example is the wall bed. If living in a studio or a small 1-bedroom apartment, the bed can sap out 30 square feet of precious space. A wall bed allows you to fold the bed into the wall, and thus only invading 1 foot into the room. Once in its vertical position, the wall itself can now have uses, where it wouldn’t otherwise. Perhaps a simpler example of this is the sofa bed, but these seldom save as much space as intended. Storage is often inspired by tiny homes and minimalists for its practicality. Instead of packing household items into drawers or a cupboard, try being more inventive. For example, each stair, often goes unused, as does inside a sofa. Many have taken to using rolling boxes as chairs for guests, too. Some other examples of multi-use furniture Convertible/extending dining table Coffee table book case Mirror ironing board Bike shelf Matroshka Dining table/pool table It is said that genius comes from simplicity — so why over-complicate a home? In times of population density, we should be embracing the ingenuity that comes from getting the absolute most out of something that appears to be limited, whether it’s a small apartment or even a recreational van. And with vans being converted to tiny homes on trailers, the line between van life and ‘normal’ apartment living is becoming blurred. Whilst construction will react to the reality of our limited space as well as the economics of flat-building, interior design is currently failing to keep up with such changes.

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What you need to know about Fashion Business Card

Most brands are using a business card to market their products to prospective clients. However, with the increase in the adoption of these cards, it is essential to ensure that yours stands out. The fashion industry is not immune to these requirements, and you need to strategize smart ideas to be competitive. Fashion business card intention is to promote your fashion business and encourage more buyers to buy your products and services. The Printing house creates innovative, useful business cards for your fashion business. The following are the important things you should know about your business card if you are in the fashion industry: Personalization of the business card Personalization is the addition of your images, contacts, and email address on the fashion business card. The information is useful in giving your prospective consumers a detailed report of your location and the products you sell. Additionally, images displayed on the business card can provide them with a glance into your business dealings in an effective manner. The inclusion of your photo is incredible to create an image in the mind of the consumers. They will remember the conversation you had and the place of meeting. Customization according to the events It is crucial to showcase your products in various events if you want to remain relevant in the fashion industry. While attending different functions, it is essential to incorporate the theme of the event to your card. It is an appropriate manner to connect with the customers in the events. If your business card has space, you can handwrite it to make it memorable to the customer. It will act as a perfect reminder of the encounter, and the prospective customer might be encouraged to approach your business in the future. Inclusion of your social presence Instagram and Facebook are the most widely used social media platforms to market fashion products. Thus inclusion of your social presence is an effective way to connect with the prospective buyers. The buyers will have an extraordinary chance to view your products without visiting your physical store through social media platforms. Also, if you have e-commerce stores, including your store availability, it is a conducive way to increase your sales. Create something unique The fashion industry is flooded, and to gain popularity, you need to create something unique that captures the attention of the customers. The Printing house can innovate something that will stand out in the competitive market. The uniqueness is measured in terms of color coordination, extraordinary style, and rare paper designs. Inclusion of testimonials Testimonials act as evidence of the effectiveness of your service delivery. You can briefly list some credible testimonials to build trust with the clients. Additionally, the inclusion of people you do business with is an incredible way to boost your confidence with the clients. Reputable brands will significantly assure the customers of the reputation of your fashion business. What are the merits of incorporating such changes in your fashion business card? It’s a cheap marketing strategy. By allowing the business cards to advertise your fashion products, you save a considerable amount of money on other forms of advertising. Consumers’ target is often regulated, and it is possible to reach the demographic you feel needs your products.  It boosts credibility in your business. Business cards prove your credibility in the fashion industry. The inclusion of your business information and physical and virtual presence is a clear indication that you are a reputable dealer in the industry. Also, it plays as a perfect reminder to the customers of your presence in the industry, and the chances of being forgotten are narrowed. The business card is a proof of the existence of a reputable business in the market. It is unreasonable to ignore the impact a business card has on the reputation of your brand. They are useful in events. The perfect way of marketing your products in public gatherings is the use of business cards. It is an ideal way to boost your client base and connect with new contacts in the event. The cards will be useful to communicate to the persons attending the event. Business cards are more visible. Compared to other methods of advertising, business cards are visible due to their physical characteristics. The visibility of the cards will act as a perfect reminder to the customer of your presence in the market. Bottom Line Using business cards in the fashion industry is essential to remain relevant in the industry. However, not just any business card will be valuable to increase sales in your business. It is crucial to incorporate the above things into your card to make it useful. You can also hire The Printing house to design attractive and unique business cards that will capture the attention of your customers.

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How to Sleep Better During a Pandemic

Stressed, overly anxious or subconsciously scared? Naturally, the “new normal” has come with a flood of negative emotions. For many of us, this has led to successive sleepless nights, weighing down on us throughout the day. As we adapt to life under lockdown, working from home, being separated from friends and family. Insomnia isn’t another issue that we want to be struggling with during this time. So, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, these are the five top tips compiled for you to finally get a good night’s rest. Tip 1: Wind Down Before Bed Reduce Screen Time Technology usage has reached an all-time high since the onset of lockdown. However, for those struggling with sleeping soundly, using your phone, laptop or TV right before bed can be especially disruptive. Take mitigative steps like reducing screen brightness or using a blue light filter. If possible, aim to avoid all electronic devices that emit blue light 1-2 hours before sleep. Listen to Peaceful Podcasts and/or Music Now that you have extra time on your hands, create a calming quarantine-inspired bedtime ritual to relax and clear your head. With social media, 24/7 breaking news and the current blur between home and work life, our brains have become accustomed to – maybe even crave – constant stimulation. Practising mindfulness before bed by listening to soothing podcasts and/or music will help you enter the right headspace to unwind and eventually fall asleep.  Tip 2: Develop a Comfortable Sleep Environment Control Room Temperature Temperature is crucial when it comes to getting a good night’s sleep. Now that it’s summer, being too hot will unsurprisingly interfere with sleep quality. Research shows that most people get their optimal rest at a temperature of 16-19 degrees Celsius. So, if your bedroom doesn’t come equipped with an air conditioner, a high-quality fan is a smart investment. If you also sleep with a partner who has a different temperature preference, having separate duvets can help you both get the rest you deserve. Reserve Your Bed for Sleep and Sex During the lockdown, many of us have found various uses for our bed, be it a substitute for a workstation or lounging area. However, saving this space for sleep and sex will help you get the eight recommended hours of rest by allowing your mind to associate the bedroom with sleeping rather than daytime activities. Reduce Noise Quarantine has given many of us a reason to spend more time with family. Nevertheless, a busy household is less than ideal when it comes to unwinding. Any sound at all can distract your brain from falling asleep so minimising noise is essential. Close your door and windows to reduce excessive sound from crowding your bedroom. Noise-cancelling earplugs or even headphones have also proven to help noise-sensitive sleepers. Turn Off the Light Unfortunately, it’s not only blue light that can throw your brain off sleeping. With summer here, the days have gotten longer. Use your bedroom curtains or blinds to block out sunlight so that your brain knows it’s time to sleep. You also won’t wake up prematurely at the crack of dawn.  Tip 3: Use CBD With COVID-19 ravaging our health services, visiting the doctor seems unnecessary when there are plenty of natural remedies. A recent alternative healthcare product that has established itself as a favourite amongst restless sleepers is CBD. Unlike other natural supplements like melatonin or lavender that only tend to combat one aspect of insomnia, CBD can help to address the causes of insomnia like stress and anxiety, as well as help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep during the night. Proven popular for its versatility, CBD can be taken as a drink, spray, cream, balm, body oil, snack or capsule to just name a few! A CBD facial mist will leave you with a sense of freshness, serenity and calm. Though the days have seemingly blurred into one during the lockdown, don’t forget your self-care Sunday! Pamper yourself with a CBD oil for a full body massage or a CBD-infused bath bomb so that you wake up feeling not only relaxed but brand new. Tip 4: Control Food and Liquid Intake It’s no wonder that many of us have gained a few pounds since being stuck inside in very close proximity to the kitchen. Fighting off the urge to constantly snack is harder than it seems! Nevertheless, avoiding food and drink a few hours before bed can help you fall asleep faster, as well as stay asleep. Eating a large meal late at night can inadvertently spike your hormone levels so your brain struggles to switch off, whereas drinking too much can lead to excessive trips to the toilet mid-sleep. In particular, try to avoid alcohol, caffeine and excessive sugar consumption before bed to ensure that your hormones levels remain balanced. Tip 5: Establish a Healthy Sleep Cycle Quarantine surely has taken our sleeping patterns for a tailspin. Staying up till 2 am and sleeping in till noon has become routine for many under-25s. It’s no wonder that our body clock has no idea what’s going on! Try to wake up and go to bed at a reasonable hour and at the same time each day. Establishing a stable rhythm will help you fall asleep and wake up easier. Though gyms are currently closed, any form of exercise during the day will help maintain your sleep schedule. Nonetheless, avoid exercising too late as the rush of endorphins can prove detrimental to your sleep. Also Hardcore Videos may help with sleep, so watching prior to going to bed will help with the central nervous system. It may be that you only need one or a combination of these tips but hopefully this guide will have you feeling energised, positive and well-rested in no time – despite the current circumstances! And remember that whatever way you’re adapting to the new normal, it’s completely natural to feel out of your depths. 

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