Are Your Premises Equipped for Social Distancing?
Are Your Premises Equipped for Social Distancing?

A new series of free interactive webinars is launched this month by 2N – global market leader in internet-enabled intercoms and access control systems. 2N On Air aims to help owners of residential and commercial property, architects, designers, security firms and building managers to identify and apply touchless technology which protects buildings and their occupants.

The webinar series, beginning on 11 June, will profile the latest products for door controls in residential and commercial property. It will also include interactive question and answer sessions for those seeking to understand how to address the needs of their proposed or existing buildings.  

Coronavirus has already presented many challenges to business. Lockdown in the UK and many European countries has imposed fundamental short term changes on business as well as individuals.  

Some companies have suffered dramatic drops in demand, with many employees furloughed and many factories, offices and shops empty or with skeleton staffing. Other businesses have been able to adapt in the face of continuing or even increased demand. Production lines have been redesigned to meet new hygiene and distancing regulations. Business processes have had to be adapted rapidly to remote working. Retailers and B2B suppliers have pivoted to an online model, resulting in extraordinary pressures on the infrastructure and capacity of distribution and delivery companies.

There have been some clear winners; Joe Wicks, Ocado, Zoom, DHL and the makers of home-baking products, for example. All will hope to carry their lockdown successes forward.

Which businesses are best equipped to emerge from lockdown into the new socially distanced normal, by adapting to new public attitudes? For premises, 2N have products to help make them fit for 2020 and beyond.  

CEO Michal Kratochvíl explained 2N’s motivation for the 2N On Air initiative. He said:

“After this great upheaval in our lives, our attitudes towards hygiene and security may have changed. More than before, we may want to avoid touching surfaces such as keypads which we are not sure are clean. We may want to avoid unnecessary face-to-face meetings with strangers, especially at our own front door.

“In the workplace, there may be greater spacing between employees, including receptionists and security staff who may feel nervous about direct exposure to employees and visitors as they enter and exit buildings. Apartment buildings equipped with intercom or mobile-enabled access control systems offer reassuring security without exposing residents, guests and tradespeople to unwanted face-to-face exposure or unhygienic keypads.  

“The 2N On Air series offers seminars on the leading products in the market – offering resilient security while maintaining social distancing and good hygiene – and advice to those who are considering whether and how they might future proof their buildings. Commercial property managers can integrate Internet Protocol intercoms and remote door-controls with other software such as employee time recording systems. 

“Effective high quality video and mobile-enabled door access controls are already recognised as a competitive advantage for forward thinking building designers and operators. In the new post-coronavirus environment, the wellbeing of building occupants has an even greater value.”   

Latest Issue
Issue 325 : Feb 2025