DealTrak Returns to Leeds Dock Base

DealTrak, the automotive techology specialist, is set to return to its Leeds Dock base later this year, as the AutoProtect Group business commits to keeping its city centre building.

The technology platform, which connects automotive dealers’ finance, insurance and compliance processes, will return to the city centre tech, media and creative cluster following the easing of lockdown measures, as it expects a surge in car sales post-Covid-19.

“The role of the workplace has changed, it is no longer a space in which we are glued to our desks for eight hours a day, it is a place for collaboration, inspiration and socialising,” commented Allied London chief executive Michael Ingall.

“Leeds Dock enables all of this, and is a destination which adds true value to a business and its working week. We’re thrilled to see the AutoProtect Group and DealTrak commit its future to Leeds Dock, and return to the workplace, when some businesses are abandoning the workplace – something which is in my opinion shortsighted, and detrimental in the long run.”

DealTrak currently occupies a 5,300 sq ft space over two floors, with a balcony overlooking the waterfront, which is part of the Leeds Dock cluster, owned by Allied London. The property developer has created a water taxi service, in partnership with DealTrak, who created its TaxiTrak app.

Allied London has welcomed back all of its Leeds Dock tenants and has assisted in the introduction of on-site safety measures, including screens, two-metre distance markers, additional cleaning, and hand sanitiser stations, as it helps the business cluster get back on track.

“Leeds Dock is very much our technology hub and we are committed to retaining the building and supporting Allied London in the continued development of this great part of the city centre,” Matthew Briggs, chief executive at Autoprotect Group, added.

“We have always had a flexible working policy at our Leeds office, and this will continue after lockdown restrictions are lifted. Offering our employees the choice of working from home or coming into our fantastic open plan office, allows us to honour our commitment to employee wellbeing.”

Latest Issue
Issue 325 : Feb 2025