December 16, 2020

How Can Technology Better Assist Fire Rescue?

The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically altered how we live, work, and do business. With health protocols requiring work-from-home schemes and social distancing requirements for office environments, conducting training can be quite tricky as you need to ensure competencies are met without compromising the health of the participants.  Safety training becomes

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Google Maps for the Real Estate Industry

The real estate industry is one of the best performing businesses in the world today. Part of this success has been due to the adoption of technology in the industry. The constant advancement of technology has forced almost everyone to adapt, changing how the real estate industry operates. In the

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Latest Issue
Issue 326 : Mar 2025

December 16, 2020

How Can Technology Better Assist Fire Rescue?

The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically altered how we live, work, and do business. With health protocols requiring work-from-home schemes and social distancing requirements for office environments, conducting training can be quite tricky as you need to ensure competencies are met without compromising the health of the participants.  Safety training becomes even more challenging since it sits right in the intersection between necessary and potentially delayed due to the pandemic. But fires are still dangerous, and regulations in place to preserve safety must continue, so the need for fire evacuation drills can’t be put on hold.  The use of immersive technologies, such as virtual reality (VR), serves to address this imperative and poses many advantages in line with existing measures against the virus. Virtual Reality in Fire Safety Training  Fire evacuation drills often entail convening people to a designated venue so that social distancing can be problematic if not impossible. Aside from this, additional training regarding fire safety can be hampered considering the implementation of work-from-home arrangements and restricted hours in the office. The conduct of routine fire safety training may even become a burden to a small skeletal building workforce or completely inaccessible to those who are working in other regions. Virtual reality training, like SafetyNet VR offered by AK Preparedness, can address these concerns. Its technology allows for practice to continue despite everyone not being in the same location. VR fire safety drills can act as a tool in continuing fire safety for establishments as it only requires, at minimum, smartphone and internet capabilities to simulate fire scenarios. The above-mentioned benefits of immersive technologies can be readily transplanted into fire safety education to produce the same outcomes.   VR fire drills allow businesses to conduct fire safety education by ensuring that employees are given first-hand education not just in where to go but become well-versed in using fire alarms and fire extinguishers. In the simulation, users can click on life safety equipment as well as hear instructions for evacuation while navigating the building.  The safety drill can be accessed anytime and anywhere that time and location are not hindrances to continuing fire safety education. SafetyNetVR also serves as a cost-effective tool that not only provides means for employees to gain essential information in the event of a fire, but also to heighten their response in case of an emergency.  The use of VR fire safety drills is not only beneficial to employees and office personnel—this can also be used to educate residential building occupants without requiring them to step out of their units or calling them to gather at a specific location. Given the changes that will continue in construction and high-rise living spaces that call for more people living in ‘denser environments,’ technologies such as VR fire safety training can provide due rewards for both tenants and building owners. Advantages in VR Fire Safety Training Virtual reality allows participants to gain first-hand experience in real-life situations. It is multi-sensory and accurate, making it a remarkable experience. Studies on this immersive technology have also shown its benefits for the corporate world, most notably in delivering fire safety training because of the following advantages: Creates an engaging learning environment: fire safety drills that use immersive technologies employ real-life situations and engage actual emotions and responses. It serves to inform employees and occupants of the fire evacuation plan as well as allow them to navigate their way and use fire prevention tools for safety. Accounts for all possible scenarios: simulations not only portray ordinary fire circumstances, but they also allow for ‘impossible’ situations to prepare participants in the occurrence of such disaster. Practical hands-on training: VR fire safety training operate with the hands-on principle by teaching personnel how things are actually done. Allows mistakes without suffering consequences: mistakes can be costly in real-life fire situations as it can cost lives and severe property damage. Virtual reality settings allow trainees to commit errors and encourage them to learn from them without causing injury. Improve employee performance: fire safety training operates on a series of levels that can be unlocked whenever a task is accomplished. It also has built-in metrics to measure the depth of learning and response of every participant. Reduce training costs: virtual reality training do away with expensive locations and equipment, resulting in more significant savings. Remote implementation: training can be accessed with minimal smartphone and internet capabilities and can be accessed at the user’s convenience.  Safety: perhaps the greatest advantage of VR is that of long-term safety—not only in preventing risks that may come from actual demonstrations, but also to the health of its learners. VR as an Emerging Trend in Fire Safety Education  Virtual reality is an innovative way of offering continuing education at this crucial time. It has found relevance in training employees despite restrictions on health and movement—those engaged in ensuring office safety would do well to include virtual reality training as part of their occupational safety plan. Virtual reality fire safety drills are not only applicable to workers. It can also be integrated into familiarization tours with tenants and occupants of high-rise buildings to ensure that everyone is knowledgeable in case a fire occurs. VR training is both time and cost-efficient, making them a welcome addition to an existing fire safety plan for any business. As an integral part of a new mode of training brought about by the circumstances surrounding the pandemic, virtual reality allows for participants to undergo fire safety training without sacrificing their well-being and other’s health. Immersive technologies enable learners to engage in a realistic setting that not only familiarizes them with actual fire scenarios, but it also allows for measuring individual performance in accomplishing tasks that can spell the difference between survival and fire casualty. 

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Google Maps for the Real Estate Industry

The real estate industry is one of the best performing businesses in the world today. Part of this success has been due to the adoption of technology in the industry. The constant advancement of technology has forced almost everyone to adapt, changing how the real estate industry operates. In the real estate industry, we have all processes taking place through technology. For instance, when one starts a home search, getting the home, closing the deal, and even making payment. All these processes have been reshaped by technology trends in the real estate industry. APIs in the Real Estate Industry APIs are the biggest contributors to the changes discussed above. They are software intermediaries through which applications communicate and share data. APIs help developers, real estate agents, product managers, and other real estate professionals to extract rental, mortgage, and housing data for use in the daily operations of their businesses. Google Maps is one of the most important tools in the real estate industry. In this article, we will discuss a number of ways through which Google Maps can be used in the real estate industry. 1. Google Maps API Most real estate agents have a website or an application for showing their listings. To complement this and make it better, they use real estate APIs such as the ones listed on Rapid API. This creates exceptional experiences for their customers when using the applications. The Google Maps API can also be implemented on the websites and applications to give customers a chance to search and browse the listings using features from Google Maps. They can see exact locations, the neighborhood, any amenities around, and directions directly from the website or the application.  2. Showing Properties with Street View  Google Maps comes with a street view feature that allows property owners to employ another perspective when showing their properties. Customers are able to see photographs of various places that Google has added to their maps application. Street View also allows customers to see the neighborhood and any amenities near the property. This way, real estate professionals are able to give their customers an insight into where their properties are, how the neighborhood looks like, and what to expect if they are to buy the properties.  3. Building Custom Maps Google Maps allows one to build custom maps for their applications. Real estate agents can use this feature to build custom maps that show all the listings that their customers might be interested in and to create a timetable for their showings. When building custom maps, you can use polygons, lines, and icons to define specific neighborhoods and regions. You can also invite your customers and colleagues to make sure that everyone is involved. 4. Getting Found on Local Searches Google has integrated Google Maps with their local searches making it possible for real estate agents to market their properties and appear on searches. Your properties will appear automatically on Google Maps provided that you have claimed and verified them using Google Places. After verification, you can add more information such as contact information, pictures, and hours of operation to make sure that customers that find you on Google Maps have everything they need to initiate a transaction.  Finally, make sure that you give your customers an exceptional experience, whether they found you on Google or not. To prove to your potential clients that you are capable of offering what you claim to offer, encourage those that found you on Google Maps to leave reviews of their experience while transacting with you. This way, you might end up getting more positive reviews that might persuade a potential client to transact with you.

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Important Considerations for Deciding which Air Compressor to use for Your Building

An air compressor is a machine that takes in normal air and converts it into a denser, high pressurized output. Compressed air is the air that is at a pressure higher than the atmospheric pressure. Air compressors are applied in various industries, construction, mining, manufacturing, automobile, and even DIY or home projects. Air compressors are highly useful on the construction site as workers use them to generate power for other on-site tools like drills, saws, air guns, power hammers, amongst others. The most common drawback of air compressors is the noise, which fortunately can be avoided by acquiring low noise air compressors, which we will look at shortly, amongst other air compressors. How To Choose The Right Compressor? If you want to get an air compressor, you must consider a few factors before deciding. Does the compressor work with or without oil? Can it use natural gas? What of its portability? These are all questions you need to get answers to. So, before you decide, let’s take a look at these characteristics of compressors. Oil-Free Compressors Compressors that use oil to lubricate their internal mechanisms are the most common. Still, the oil usually gets into the actual compressor contaminating the released air because of the sealing style. This creates an obvious problem for clean manufacturing environments. Though oil-free compressors are generally more expensive, their use mitigates the problem of contaminated air and is a better choice for facilities that promise clean manufacturing. Energy Efficiency Energy-efficient compressors may cost more initially, but this pays off in the long run, especially for long-term projects. There are two options when it comes to this characteristic of compressors. Fixed Speed Compressors These have a constant working speed that is fine while the unit is in use, but as it tries to power down, the motor continues to run, consuming energy but having no output. Variable Speed Compressors On the other hand, variable speed compressors can reduce or increase output as required. Hence, saving energy, and by extension, money. Portability Regardless of size, energy output required can still be delivered by compressors of small, compact builds. This is especially useful if you will be transporting your equipment over different locations. Though they might not produce as much energy as big, powerful compressors, they are still sufficient for small projects. Natural Gas Usage Air compressors that use natural gas are generally more efficient and more energy-saving, although they might be more suited to industrial use. If your goals are to cut energy costs, these air compressors might be the ones for you. Why Are Air Compressors So Loud? Compressors usually produce noise of about 40-92 decibels; 80 and above is unsafe for our ear health. For the sake of worker’s safety and health, construction engineers and supervisors often seek more silent air compressors. If we take a moment to understand how air compressors function, we can pinpoint the factors that contribute to the noise air compressors produce and if there can be a quiet air compressor.     Friction Most methods of compressing air require the compressor to have many moving parts. As they make contact with each other, a great deal of friction is created. You will most likely find that quieter compressors are generally more expensive than noisy counterparts. Power Source The power source also influences decibel output. Gas-powered compressors make more noise because of the engine. Electric compressors are generally the quietest. Type of Compressors With the variety of compressors out there, finding the one that fits your needs might still be a hassle. Yes, electric compressors are quieter than gas-powered ones, but that still leaves many compressors to pick from. Reciprocating Piston These have regular pumps that use the same pistons you would see in an engine chamber, rotating to compress air. There are the most common compressors broken down into single-piston and dual or duplex piston. These are typically found at smaller work sites such as garages and home construction projects. The single-piston models tend to be louder than the duplex as the duplex requires fewer revolutions to produce more air. Dual-pistons also have a higher tolerance and allow for better cooling. Rotary Screw These compressors are much quieter than their reciprocating compressor cousins because their helical screws touch each other while working. Unlike the reciprocating piston, the rotary screw is suitable for more prolonged usage. A considerable benefit of this characteristic is that rotary screws can be installed close to workplaces without requiring hearing protection. As discussed earlier, the oil-free ones are more expensive than the oil-injected types. Still, they are of superior quality and are usually a requirement in the food and medical industries.  Scroll Scroll air compressors are the most efficient and silent air compressor. Their mechanism employs two spiral-shaped metal pieces, one stationary while one moves over the other to create compression. Scroll air compressors are designed to run all day. They are employed in various industries, including pharmaceutical, food, medical, laboratory, electronics, textile, and production facilities, amongst others, with the only drawback of unlimited, clean air.

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