The 5 Houseplants to Include in Bedroom Interior Design
The 5 Houseplants to Include in Bedroom Interior Design

Sleep experts Dormeo believe everyone deserves a good night’s sleep and are passionate about finding ways to improve the UK’s sleeping habits. In response to UK Houseplant Week (10th-15th January 2021), Dormeo have gathered everything you need to know on houseplants and their effect on sleep.

Search trends for natural remedies, plants and sleep have risen:

  • SEOMonitor shows that searches for ‘home remedies for sleep’ has shot up 85% from this time last year, ‘natural sleep remedies UK’ has seen a 436% rise and ‘plant for good health’ has seen an increase of 133%
  • ‘Bedroom indoor plants’ has risen 84%, and ‘bedside plants’ has shot up 250%

Please find below Dormeo’s top five houseplants you should include in bedroom interior design to help achieve a peaceful night’s sleep:

Lavender- Best houseplants for a deep sleep

The 5 Houseplants to Include in Bedroom Interior Design

With a long history of medicinal use, studies found it not only improves sleep but energy, vibrancy and general wellbeing. Researchers also found that lavender increases ‘slow-wave sleep,’ often referred to as ‘deep sleep’ which plays an important part in memory consolidation and brain restoration. Perfect for helping you achieve a deep sleep, Lavender is proven to lower heart rate, blood pressure and stress levels. Lavender plants like to be kept warm and in sunlight, so make sure your plant is in a sunny location and don’t overwater!

Aloe Vera- Best houseplants to purify the air

The 5 Houseplants to Include in Bedroom Interior Design

Aloe Vera releases oxygen at night, helping improve air quality which means we get a better night’s sleep as a result. Aloe Vera is a succulent, which requires minimal watering as it retains moisture in it’s leaves – perfect for those who are less green-fingered. An additional benefit of Aloe Vera is that the gel from inside the leaves can be used to soothe skin irritations such as insect bites and burns.

Peace Lilly- Best houseplants for increasing air humidity

The 5 Houseplants to Include in Bedroom Interior Design

Peace Lilies are known for purifying our air and removing harmful toxins by clearing chemicals such as Benzene and Trichloroethylene from the air. Alongside this, peace lilies also add moisture to the air and can increase air humidity by up to 5%. This provides a better sleeping environment, as air that is too dry can irritate airways and even increase suffering from colds and other viruses. Peace Lilies grow luscious green leaves and beautiful white flowers, making them an aesthetic and useful addition to your bedroom décor.

English Ivy- Best houseplants for allergy sufferers

English Ivy is perfect for sufferers of allergies and those with breathing difficulties such as Asthma as the plant has been proven to remove indoor airborne mould, making breathing easier. Placing an English Ivy plant in your bedroom will surely improve the air quality for allergy sufferers but be careful, the plant is poisonous if eaten so keep away from kids and pets.

Spider Plant- Best houseplants for a clear head

NASA found the Spider Plant is excellent at purifying your air with tests showing that the plant is capable of removing 95% of harmful chemicals such as Formaldehyde, Benzene, Carbon Monoxide and Xylen from the air. Removal of such chemicals from the air can help reduce headaches and help you feel well rested and clearer headed when you wake. Spider Plants are also low maintenance and don’t require a lot of attention.

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